Form ICH-04 (2008-09) – International Assistance

Request for International Assistance from the Intangible Heritage Fund

Form ICH-04 and Explanatory Notes

Part 1: The request and review process

Part 2: The request format (Form ICH-04)

Part 3: Explanatory notes for completing the request format

This document is available at the following web address:

Part 1: The Request and Review Process for InternationalAssistance

A.Overview of the request process

  1. States Parties may request international assistance from the Intangible Heritage Fund, to supplement their national efforts. Financialassistanceis available for the following purposes:

(a) the safeguarding of heritage inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding;

(b) the elaboration of inventories as described in Articles 11 and 12 of the Convention;

(c) support for implementing programmes, projects and activities carried out at the national, sub-regional and regional levels aimed at the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage.

Funds may be requested to support assistance taking any of the forms described in Article 21 of the Convention.

Such requests must be submitted using the form presented here (Form ICH-04) and should be prepared in accordance with the explanatory notesprovided in Part 3 below. While submitting a nomination for inscription on the Urgent Safeguarding List (Form ICH-01), a State Partymay wish to simultaneously submit a request for international assistance for the element being nominated.

  1. Requests for amounts below US$25,000, and requests for emergency assistance regardless of the amount, may be submitted at any time. Requests for amounts above US$25,000must be received at UNESCO on or before 30 April2009; they will be evaluated by the Committee when it meets in the last trimester of 2009. Requests above US$25,000received after this deadlinewill be evaluatedin the next cycle.
  2. This format is not to be used for requesting preparatory assistance. States Parties wishing to request preparatory assistance for the elaboration of requests for inscription on the Urgent Safeguarding List referred to in Article 17 of the Convention should use the Request for Preparatory Assistance, Urgent Safeguarding List (Form ICH-05), and States Parties wishing to request preparatory assistance for elaborating proposals as referred to in Article 18 should use the Request for Preparatory Assistance, Article 18 (Form ICH-06).
  3. States Parties shall submit the request in English or French, the working languages of the Intergovernmental Committee. One original signed copy shall be transmitted to:

UNESCO Intangible Heritage Section
1, rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cedex 15

Tel: +33 (0) 1 4568 42 52
Fax: +33 (0) 1 4568 57 52(for correspondence only, not requests)

The text of the request shall also be transmitted in electronic format on CD-ROM or through Internet. Requests shall be prepared in standard .rtf, .doc or .pdf format, using a font size of 10 or larger. Decorative fonts should be avoided and special characters, if needed, must employ a standard Unicode font. Signature copies shall be presented on A4 or letter-size paper, and in a loose-leaf format, rather than in a bound volume.

  1. In the format, maximum word counts are indicated for a number of sections. Where no maximum length is specified, submitting States Parties should provide the information that is needed for the Bureau or Committee’s evaluation as briefly as possible. Materials such as supporting letters or endorsements are not necessary for the purposes of examination and evaluation and should not be attached.

B.Receipt and processing of requests

  1. When requests are received, the Secretariat will register them, acknowledge receipt and check for completeness. The Secretariat shall inform submitting States Parties of any materials required in order to complete the request.
  2. Requests for assistance in amounts below US$25,000 will be evaluated by the Bureau of the Committee. The Secretariat shall inform submittingStates Parties of the possible evaluation dates of the request. Such requests that remain incomplete four weeks before the scheduled evaluation may be completed for a subsequent evaluation. For emergency requests over US$25,000, the Bureau of the Committee will establish a specific timetable for evaluation on a case-by-case basis.
  3. The Secretariat shall seek examination for complete requests over US$25,000. Examiners shall provide a report on their examination and a recommendation to the Committee.
  4. If the Bureau or Committee approves a request for international assistance, the Secretariat will be asked to draw up a contract with the submittingState Party to carry out the proposed work.The assistance will be subject to appropriate monitoring, reporting and evaluation.
  5. Requests, examination reports and the decisions of the Bureau or Committee shall be considered public documents from the time the Bureau or Committee has taken a decision on a request. Until the Bureau or Committee has taken its decision these documents shall be considered confidential under UNESCO’s Records Management policies and its Rules Governing Access by Outside Persons to the UNESCO Archives.

Part 2: The Request Format

Form ICH-04

Request for International Assistance from the Intangible Heritage Fund
Cover Sheet
A. Project title:
Not to exceed 200 characters
B. Submitting State Party:
C. Beneficiary community, group, or if appropriate, individuals:
D. Is this an emergency request that might receive expedited processing?
emergency request
non-emergency request
Ifthis is an emergency request, the information required in sections 4, 5 and 6 can be submitted at a later stage, if required.
E. Purposeof request (check one):
safeguarding heritage inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List
safeguarding heritage being nominated for inscription on the Urgent Safeguarding List
elaboration of inventories
implementation of programmes, projects and activities for safeguarding
F. Scope of the project (check one):
international (including geographically non-continuous areas)
G. Location of the project:
H. Proposed implementing organization or body:
I. Budget overview (in US dollars):
Amount requested from the Fund:
State Party contribution:
J. Time frame:
K. Summary project description:
Not to exceed 200 words
1.Background and rationale
Not to exceed 500 words
2. Objectives and expected results
Not to exceed 250 words
3. Activities
Not to exceed 500 words
4. Project management and implementation
4.a. Community involvement:
Not to exceed 250 words
4.b. Implementing organization:
4.c. Partners:
4.d. Monitoring, reporting and evaluation:
Not to exceed 250 words
5. Capacity-building, sustainability and long-term impacts of the project
5.a. Capacity-building:
Not to exceed 250 words
5.b. Sustainability:
Not to exceed 250 words
5.c. Multiplier effects:
Not to exceed 250 words
6. Timetable and budget
6.a. Timetable:
6.b. Budget:
7. Contact information
7.a. Submitting State Party:
7.b. Contact person for correspondence:
7.c. Organization or body responsible for implementation:
8. Signature

Part 3: Explanatory notes for completing the request format

Cover sheet

A. Project Title

This is the official name of the project that will appear in published material from the Committee. It should be concise. Please do not exceed 200 characters, including spaces and punctuation. Names should be romanized, without special fonts or characters.

B. Submitting State Party

For multi-national proposals, States Parties should be listed in the order on which they have mutually agreed.

(See 7.a. below.)

C. Beneficiary community, group or, if appropriate, individuals

Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if appropriate, individuals concerned with the proposed project. The Convention provides no definition of a community, but the information here should allow the Bureau or Committee to identify the primary parties concerned with a project, and should be mutually coherent with the relevant sections below.

D. Emergency assistance

Indicate if this is an emergency request that might warrant expedited evaluation by the Bureau or Committee. You will be asked to describe the nature and severity of the emergency in section 1.If this is an emergency request, the information required in sections 4, 5 and 6 can be submitted at a later stage, if required.

E. Purpose of request

Select one box to identify the purpose for which international assistance is requested.

F. Scope of the project

Select one box to identify whether the project is primarily local, national, sub-regional, regional or international in scope (the latter including projects carried out in geographically non-continuous areas).

G. Location of the project

Identify the location(s) in which the project may be carried out.

H. Implementing organization or body

Provide the name(s) of the organization that will be responsible for implementing the project. Contact details are provided below (section 7.b. and 7.c.).

I. Budget overview

This section is to provide a budget overview concerning the implementation of the project. Pleaseindicate in US dollars the amount requested from the Intangible Heritage Fund and the amount to be contributed by the State Party.

J. Time frame

Indicate the starting and ending months of the project. The time frame may alternatively be expressed in terms of the total number of months required.

K. Summary project description

Not to exceed 200 words

Describe the current situation, the main objectives and expected results and the activities proposed.


1. Background and rationale

Not to exceed 500 words

Provide a brief description of the current situation and the need that the proposed assistance would address. For safeguarding of a particular element, provide a description of the element, its viability and why safeguarding measures are required. For programmes or activities not focused on a particular element (e.g., preparation of inventories, strengthening of capacities, awareness-raising, visibility), please describe existing related programmes and activities, if any, and identify gaps to be addressed. For emergency assistance requests, describe the nature and severity of the emergency.

2. Objectives and results

Not to exceed 250 words

Describe what primary objective(s) will be addressed and what concrete results are expected.

3. Activities

Not to exceed 500 words

What are the key activities to be carried out in order to achieve these expected results? Describe the activities concretely and in their best sequence, addressing their feasibility.

4. Project management and implementation

4.a. Community involvement

Not to exceed 250 words

Describe the mechanisms for fully involving communities, groups or, if applicable, individuals in the activities.

4.b. Implementing organization

Describe the implementing organization or body that may be responsible for implementing the project including name, background, structure, etc. Identify the human resources available for implementing the project.(Contact information is to be provided below (section 7.c.).)

4.c. Partners

Describe, if applicable, coordination arrangements with any other partners and their responsibilities in the implementation of the project, including their available human resources.

4.d. Monitoring, reporting and evaluation

Not to exceed 250 words

Describe how the implementing organization plans to carry out monitoring, reporting and evaluation of the project. For larger or more complex projects, external monitoring and evaluation are preferable. Standard formats for reporting and evaluation are available from the Secretariat.

5. Capacity-building, sustainability and long-term impacts of the project

5.a. Capacity-building

Not to exceed 250 words

Describe how the project may contribute to building up capacities or strengthening existing resources, for instance in the communities and/or in the implementing organization concerned.

5.b. Sustainability

Not to exceed 250 words

Describe how the results and benefits of the project are expected to last beyond the end of the project.

5.c.Multiplier effects

Not to exceed 250 words

Describe how this assistance may stimulatefinancial and technical contributions from other sources or may stimulate similar efforts elsewhere. When the overall project benefits from contributions of other funding sources, please indicate by whom, how much and for what purpose the contributions are granted.

6.Timetable and budget

6.a. Timetable

Please provide a month-by-month timetable for the proposed activities.

6.b. Budget

(1)Provide a detailed budget breakdown in USD of the amount requested, by type of cost (e.g. personnel, travel, fees, etc.) or by activity;

(2)Indicate the contribution by the submittingState Party, if any.

The budget should reflect only the activities and expenses for which international assistance from the Intangible Heritage Fund is requested, including the State contribution, if any. Sample budgets are available from the Secretariat.

7. Contact information

7.a. Submitting State Party

For multi-national proposals, States Parties should be listed in the order on which they have mutually agreed.

7.b. Contact person for correspondence

Please provide the name, address and other contact information of the person responsible for correspondence concerning the request. If an e-mail address cannot be provided, the information should include a fax number. For multi-national requests provide contact information for one person in each State Party and identify the person among them who is designated as the main contact person.

7.c. Organization or body responsible for implementation

This section should provide the name and contact information of the body (agency, institution, or manager) responsible for implementingthe project if it is selected for funding.

8. Signature

The application must include the signature of the official empowered to sign it on behalf of the State Party.


Form ICH-04-2008-09-EN-ver-01