Welcome to 1st Grade!!

It is time for another great year! Welcome to 1st grade, I am Susanah Godard and my teaching assistant is Katha Stovall. We are both very excited about working with your fabulous children! We will focus this year on teaching the important skills that are necessary for your child’s future success. We are sure, that along with your help, our efforts will help to make this an awesome year for all of us. Here are a few important things to know about our class:

Planners: Using the planners is a great and important communication tool for teachers and parents. Things such as an excuse for being absent, notes about a change in your child’s transportation home, questions from the teacher or parent, and daily behavior at school can easily be communicated through this planner. Please make sure that the planner comes to school each day and that you sign or initial it on a daily basis. I will check planners every day. Please note that this year planners are $4. I cannot send the planner home with your child until it is paid for.

Test Papers: Tests will be sent home periodically; most often on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure you sign and return these test papers when they are sent home. These test papers will be kept in your child’s folder at school.

Homework:I will only send home homework on Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally Mondays IF a test is near. I do not believe in a lot of homework, but a do believe in extra practice and at-home guidance. Please work with your child on their homework and make sure that they return it the following day. I do check for it!

Library/ AR Reading: AR or Accelerated Reader is a program that uses our library books. At the beginning of this school year, your child will take a test that will determine your child’s reading level. This will indicate what level your child should be able to read at successfully. Your child may read his/ her books during the school day, but he/ she should also be reading these to you or with you at home also. You may also read the book to your child and ask questions as you go. Each day, your child needs to bring their books back so that they can take tests in order to grow in level and gain points. Points lead to rewards and prizes!

Supplies: Please send all of your child’s supplies as soon as possible, if you have not done so already. Most supplies will be put together in sort of a “community” basket and shared with the whole class. We also ask that you send a school art box or zipper pouch for your child to keep in their desk for daily supplies needed in class.

Thank you so much for allowing me to teach your child this year and sharing them with me. I am already in love with each of them! I encourage an open relationship and a lot of communication between teacher, students, and parents.

I look forward to a wonderful year with your babies!

Mrs. Godard