Royal wootton bassett rugby club – since 1971

Welcome to Minis and Juniors Rugby

Welcome Pack


message from our chairman

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Royal Wootton Bassett RFC.

This welcome pack intends to give you all the information you require to understand what you can expect as a member of Royal Wootton Bassett Rugby Club and what we expect of members of the club.
We pride ourselves in being a family orientated, all inclusive club that welcomes everybody and encourages involvement. We are completely run by volunteers and this ‘get stuck in and help’ ethos is what makes this club the great place it is.
We are here for one reason –to enable people to play the great game of Rugby in a welcoming environment.
There is a greatdeal of information contained within this welcome pack which I encourage you to read, but perhaps most important of all is our Code of Conduct – adherence to this is a key part of being a member of our club, as is challenging any behaviour that goes against it.
Our aim is to maintain a level of excellence at club that is respected and admired at local, county and national level and we do this by:
• Offering access to the game for all, regardless of age, gender and ability.
• Being a focal point in the local community for players and their families.
• Providing continuing quality development for all players, coaches and volunteers.
• Promoting the ideals of rugby in accordance with the constituent body and the RFU.
• Managing our club efficiently and professionally.
Respect, enjoyment, discipline and sportsmanship are at the heart of everything that we do and by being generous with our time, stepping up and volunteering to help, I think we can continue to achieve great things as a club.

Chris Elias



This Handbook is intended to ‘signpost’ you in all aspects of being a player, parent, spectator member etc. However, this is not intended to replace the ‘just ask’ philosophy upon which the club was founded!

Table of Contents

Volunteering / 2
Membership & RFU Registration / 3
Child Welfare / 4
Photos / authorisation / 5
Safeguarding / 6
Training & Fixtures / 7
Coaching & Coaches / 8
Facilities / 9
Kit requirements / 10
Shop / 11
Festival & Tournaments / 12
Tours / 13
Key Contacts / 14
Accessing the club website / 15
Membership Form / 16
Photo Consent Form / 17
RFU Registration Form / 18



“Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer” – Author unknown.

We make no apology for making this the first page of our ‘Welcome’ handbook.

Without volunteers, this club would cease to exist – it’s really that simple.

Because of this we ask all parents, grandparents, guardians and carers to get involved and do their bit to help.

Everyone involved in RWBRFC Minis and Juniors section is an unpaid volunteer.

Please do not wait to be asked.

Your Team Manager and/or your coaches will be only too happy to let you know what your age-group needs help with and/or what the club needs help with.As a minimum, you will be asked to help out in the kitchen and with car-parking duties a couple of times a year – your Team Manager will notify of the rota.

Don’t worry - very little of what needs to be done here requires a rocket-science degree…….actually none of it does!

Don’t know anything or much about rugby? Unless you’d like to be a coach or a referee (no jokes please!), that doesn’t matter either!

I can no other answer make, but, thanks and thanks. ~William Shakespeare

Club Membership & RFU Registration

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

~Henry Ford~

Please remember that RWBRFC is a members-only cluband it is mandatory that all thoseplaying are members of the club.We strongly encourage parents and other family members to become club members too. There are financial and voting rights benefits, depending on which membership you choose.

All players must also be RFU registered.There is no charge for registration, which involves submitting a registration form and two passport photographs. Once registered a player will only need to re-register if any of their details change or if the photo on the ID Card needs up dating. The RFU ID Cards are used to prove Date of Birth at fixtures & festivals.

Your Team Manager will provide you with both forms. For the safety of your child/children it is important that all information on both forms is correct and up to date.

A player’s age grade is determined by their age at midnight on the 31st August at the beginning of the season. No exceptions.

Your Team Manager will assist you with completing the forms which must be handed to him/her with your payment and photos. You will receive a receipt for this. Please ensure photos are firmly attached to the RFU form.

Players may train but not play until all the necessary paperwork, money and photos are handed in.*

*If after 4 weeks (of first joining) you have failed to hand in all the necessary paperwork, money, & photos, then you and/or your childwill not be allowed to attend training until this is completed.

Full membership details and club rules are available upon request.

Child Welfare

– Your responsibilities

It's the child's desire to play that matters, not the parent's desire to have the child play. Fun. Keep it fun.
Tiger Woods

It is your responsibility to make arrangements for your child to travel to and from training sessions and matches.

In the Minis section we do NOT recommend that you leave the club grounds while your child is training or playing for the following reasons:

  • The nature of the sport means that sometime injuries occur and you may need to be on hand to help.
  • You will gain a great deal of enjoyment from watching your child participate and make new friends.
  • We pride ourselves on being a friendly & welcoming club socially and we hope that both you and your child will become life-long members.
  • There is usually something going on that requires a volunteer!

If you do, for any reason, have to leave the grounds for any period of time in ANY AGE GROUP, it is your responsibility to ensure that:-

  • Another adult has agreed to assume responsibility for your child during your absence – someone other than the Coach or Team Manager
  • That your mobile phone number is known by this person and that the Team Manager/Coach also knows this so that you may be contacted in an emergency.
  • That you return promptly by the end of the session to collect your child. Please remember that there are occasions when a session/match may finish early – have a plan to be notified in this circumstance.

The coaches appreciate it if children arriveon time, fed and fully hydrated so they can ensure they are fully warmed up for the session/match.


Parents please note: photos of your child may be used for press releases. Please ensure that you have submitted the club’s Photography Consent form with this Membership application clearly indicating your wishes. For further information please contact the club’sSafeguarding Officer.


“Safeguarding” is a broad term that is not just about the protection of children and vulnerable adults from harm and the security of their personal data; it is also a positive approach, or a mind-set held by all club members to help children enjoy sport and achieve to their fullest potential.

All persons associated with RWBRFC such as volunteers, members, committee members and parents must be aware of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and familiarise themselves with the RWBRFC Safeguarding Policy (on the club website under documents) to ensure they respond appropriately to any indication of poor practice or abuse.

Those adults who meet the criteria of ‘regulated activity’ such as team managers, coaches and first aiders must undertake an Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check and this must be processed within four weeks of appointment. In addition those volunteers will be required to attend the RFU ‘Play it Safe’ course and this will be updated/repeated every three years.

Further information can also be obtained from the Club Welfare/Safeguarding Officers.

Training & Fixtures


MINIS:Training takes place at the clubon Sundays between 10am and 12noon. Players are asked to arrive at 9:45am so that training can start at 10:00am prompt. The kiosk is normally open for tea, coffee, soft drinks and snacks at this time.

Training is only cancelled if the coaches feel the pitch is unplayable or dangerous. In extreme conditions training may be shortened – if in doubt ask.

JUNIORS: Your coaches and team manager will notify you of the training schedule and location, as some teams choose to train mid-week and / or indoors for fitness training etc. This information should also be found on the club’s website in your age-group section.


MINIS:There is a competitive programme of fixtures during the season both at home and away. In addition to these ‘friendly’ fixtures there are a number of tournaments – these are normally all day events. Away fixtures and tournaments are usually no more than c.50 miles away.

JUNIORS: Your coaches and team manager will notify you of the fixtures schedule for the season. These can also be found on the club website in your age-group section. As the players get older, generally the number of fixtures will increase as will the distance to be travelled. If you have any concerns about getting to an away fixture please speak to the Team Manager or another parent who may be able assist

Coaches / Coaching

All RWBRFC coaches are CRB checked.

Coaching at RWBRFC develops young players in a safe, friendly and fun environment.

If you are interested in training to be a coach, the club periodically organizes RFU courses at the club or advertises those being held elsewhere. Please discuss your interest, in the first instance with either an existing coach or your Team Manager.

The club has policies and procedures (in line with RFU guidance) in respect to Selection, Code of Conduct (Players and Parents) and Disciplinary matters. Your Team Manager will either have a copy or be able to direct you to where they can be found (in clubhouse and / or on website).



We are in an enviable position of having a stunning new clubhouse, which needs to be respected and protected for many years to come. Everyone should therefore adhere to the following general guidelines and the clubhouse policies as published on the website or in the clubhouse.


It is usual to provide a light snack after a match for both visitors and our Mini’s and therefore use of the clubhouse is encouraged by all. When possible, showers and a changing room will be made available, if required. However, regardless, all players should bring a change of clothes or ‘over’ kit to cover muddy clothes. All muddy boots / shoes are to be removed before entering the clubhouse – away from the patio areas.


It is the club’s policy that all U13’s & older, after playing a match, will shower and change into ‘Number 1’s’ (black trousers, dress shoes, white shirt and club tie). All kit bags & muddy boots are to remain outside the clubhouse at all times. They also sit down and eat a meal with their opponents.Producing this requires organisation and volunteers – your Team Manager will let you know what you can do to help out.

To repeat: muddy kit / children are not allowed in the clubhouse!

The clubhouse is for use by its members and their guests and should be treated with due respect. The clubhouse can, at times, become crowded & noisy so please ensure that younger children are kept under your control for their own safety.

No child should enter the kitchen or kiosk area unless under the direct supervision of a responsible adult.


Until the club has finished its developments and the football/cricket/tennis clubs have moved into their new site, it is anticipated that car-parking will, on occasion, be challenging. We ask, where possible on these occasions, that club members car-share, cycle or walk if living within the vicinity. When not possible, please park considerately and as close to other cars as possible – or per the instructions of the on-duty parking attendants.



Please make sure your child has the following:

Cold weather:

  • Wind/water proof jacket & over trousers. No: loose hoods, uncovered zips, metal toggles etc…
  • Think layers – 2/3 layers thin layers are warmer than one thick layer
  • Hat
  • Drinks bottle
  • Bag for muddy clothing
  • Change of clothes when muddy / wet

Hot weather:

  • Boots and trainers
  • Extra drinks bottle


  • Try to avoid blades especially the aluminium tipped blades – boots with removable studs should ideally be fitted with aluminium kite marker rugby studs. If this is not possible studs should be safe to play in with no sharp edges or burring.

Gum Shields:

It is strongly recommend that all players wear fitted Dentist provided Gum Shields. The club usually holds a fitting session early in the season – check with your team manager for details.

Your team manager will let you know what other kit needs to be worn and when (training vs matches).


(In addition to the above…..)

Training: club socks, black shorts and training tops and/or polo shirts

Matches:pre match - club socks, black shorts and training tops

and/or polo shirts and/or No1’s.

match -club-provided age-group shirts

post match -No1’s (white shirt, club tie, dark trousers,

dress shoes)


Kit can be purchased either via the kit ordering form (Minis) or via our supplier’s website. Your Team Manager will give you more details.

Your Team Manager will advise you of any subsidies in effect and where available to your specific age group and the process to be followed.

Most years, a collection of ‘previously loved’ kit is made and there may be a selection of items for you to choose from (for a small donation) which might be useful if your child is still trying out rugby for the first time.


Minis Festival

The club traditionally hosts a ‘Minis Festival’ early in the season (Sept /Oct) to which a number of local opponents are invited.

This is a full day event, where each of the age groups play in a points/table competition usually ending in a plate and cup winner. However, the focus is on ensuring the children have fun as, for some, this will be their first experience of such a competition. All players receive a medal and they are formally presented by a local dignitary.

This event requires a great deal of organisation and volunteer support to ensure it is a success.

Your Team Manager and Coaches will give you more details nearer to the time and what help is needed.

Juniors Sevens Festival

This is an annual event, which will again require help and participation. Your coaches and Team Manager will brief you closer to the time.


Minis Tour

All the Minis age groups are invited to go on ‘tour’ once per year, towards the end of the season. This has traditionally involved travelling to a caravan park in Dorset, Devon or Cornwall for 2-4days and attending either a local rugby festival or arranging a couple of matches against local clubs in the area.

The over-riding feature of a tour is for the children to have fun and have an opportunity to make new friends from other age groups and form stronger bonds within their age groups – in a ‘off pitch’ environment.

This is also an opportunity for parents and siblings to also have fun ‘off pitch’ and get to know each other better than a 2hour slot at the side of a pitch on a Sunday will allow.

The cost of a tour is usually part-funded by specific tour fund-raising activities during the season. Your Team Manager will let you know when a Tour is being organised and what you can do to help or where/when to get involved.

Juniors Tour

The Juniors usually tour with just their own age group, mainly due to the differences in the game rules /levels that start to come into force.

Apart from that, the features pretty much stay the same except the older groups can, if they wish, ‘tour’ further afield and even abroad – if the fund-raising monies allow!