RitenourEnglish 10

English 10 Extra Credit Options

  1. Atticus tells Scout that you don’t know a man until you get into his shoes and walk around for a bit. In the famous Courtroom scene in To Kill a Mockinbird, we see things from Scout’s perspective. Rewrite the trial scene from the perspective of somebody else. Your options include: Tom Robinson, Robert Ewell, Mayella Ewell, or Atticus Finch. Remember to get into the character’s heads and let us know what they are thinking about. Events must match those that happened in the book. The rewrite should be at least four pages long. Typed with 12 point font and double spaced is preferred.
  1. The film version of To Kill a Mockingbird gives you the physical look of each character from the book, but it might not be how you saw them. Draw six of the major character from the book, using quotes from the book to justify their physical appearances. Points are awarded for detail, so stick figures and pictures from the movie do not count.
  1. Select one of the major thematic lessons learned from the novel. Find another novel or short story that represents or displays the same main lesson, and write a two page essay explaining how the stories are similar to each other.
  1. They are remaking To Kill a Mockingbird today, and you are the director. Tell me who you are going to cast into each major role and why. Additionally, tell me of any changes you might make to the story and why. Finally create the soundtrack for the new film, giving at least four songs, the scenes they would be placed in, and why the songs are appropriate for that scene. The final draft should be at least four pages long. Typed with 12 point font and double spaced is preferred.
  1. Draw a storyboard of a key scene from To Kill a Mockingbird (The Trial, Scout’s first day of school, the walk home from the school play, etc) and have the story play out like a comic book. There should be at least 12 panels, and the panels should feature dialogue and captions.
  1. Film a scene from the novel. The shoot should involve costuming, setting, and dialogue. Any scene from the novel is fine, but it should be at least five minutes in length. Credit is awarded for creativity and overall film quality.

Due: May 8th