The meeting was called to order by Vice President John Dustin. Board members present; John Dustin, Waterman Ormsby III, and Pat Le Roy. Absent - Jim Clay and Angie Pommier.

Guests present: Shirlene Hendrix.

Design Committee: Two plans were submitted. A. J. Boyle submitted plans for a garage with a construction time tentatively set for the summer of 2018. After discussion Waterman Ormsby III moved that the board grant a preliminary approval for the garage with final approval by the next succeeding board(s) if a permit is drawn after the June 2018 Board meeting. The vote to approve the motion was 3-0. A letter will be sent to Mr. Boyle stating the Board’s decision.

Tawnya Jacobson submitted a site plan with the location of the proposed greenhouse and materials to be used. The Board will ask for a picture or drawing of the proposed greenhouse.

Terri Bonham has volunteered to be on the Design Committee. Two additional Association members will be approached to be on the committee.

The minutes from the May 9, 2017 monthly meeting were emailed to all Board members for additions and/or corrections. There were no corrections. Waterman Ormsby III moved that the minutes be approved as written, second by Pat Le Roy. Vote to approve 3-0.

Pat Le Roy submitted the Treasurer Report. The balance in the Winter Account is $4509.82. The check written to Neil’s $200.00 for snow removal has cleared. The balance in the General Account is $24711.34. Checks written to Desert Mountain $15797.76; CRG $4432.00; Lindsey Nicholson attorney $225.00 have cleared. There were two deposits: $30.00 2017 Annual Assessment and $624.96 Lien payment. Waterman Ormsby III moved that the Treasurer report be approved as presented, second by Pat Le Roy. Vote to approve was 3-0.

Pat Le Roy presented two invoices for $75.87 - Notary fees to file 2 liens and release 2 liens and mailing fees for the documents. Waterman Ormsby III moved that these invoices be approved for payment to Pat Le Roy, second by Pat Le Roy. Vote to approve payment 3-0.

2017 Annual Assessment - to date $30466.00 has been collected. 11 Landowners have either not paid the assessment or have made partial payments. The uncollected amount is $3407.00.


CC&R Review Committee - the committee submitted their final draft of suggested recommendations for changes to the Board. After reviewing the document, the Board made a few modifications. Pat Le Roy delivered both the committee’s suggested recommendations and the Board’s modifications to the attorney. The attorney will make the determination that the changes comply with State of Colorado law. The attorney is aware that our Annual Meeting mailing of all information needs to be done no later than June 25th.

DUST ABATEMENT - The road is holding up well with no dust.

ASPHALT ROADS - The board was able to obtain two bids for asphalt road work. After reviewing the bids, the board decided that they would like to have both Jim Clay’s and Angie Pommier’s opinions before making a decision. Both bids include sealing the large cracks and using a sealant as another option. The Board will wait until the next monthly meeting to be held July 11, 2017 before deciding which bid to select.

MAILBOXES - John Dustin is heading this project and hopes to have it done soon.

VIOLATIONS - One violation has been abated to the satisfaction of the board. One violation remains. Even though the debris pile(s) have been covered, the tarps are held in place with material from the debris pile. The Board feels that this is not a satisfactory abatement. John Dustin will draft a letter and circulate it among the Board members for their input and approval.

DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE FINES FOR VIOLATIONS - The Board will submit a proposal using a combination of John Dustin’s and Pat Le Roy’s draft documents and once the draft is approved by the Board will become an item for discussion at the annual meeting. Shirlene Hendrix reported that there is animosity towards this proposal even though the attorney has recommended that there be a reasonable set of fines as a consequence to violations of the CC&Rs.

INTERNET UPDATE - No update at this time.

LIENS FILED - 2 Liens were filed for additional interest, legal fees, and mailing fees. The total amount of all liens filed is $5380.43 which represents liens filed against two landowners. One landowner had indicated that regular payments would be made but that has not occurred. A letter will be sent that since no payments have been received, the Board may take a different approach. A letter will be drafted by Pat Le Roy, and will be circulated among the other board members for their input and approval.


ANNUAL MEETING - The mailing will include a letter from the Vice President, John Dustin; the Proxy; Agenda; Revisions to the By laws. A draft of the agenda was reviewed by the Board and additions will be made and approved by the Board prior to mailing. Ballots for the vote to approve the By laws and for the election of the Board of Directors will be drafted by Pat Le Roy and emailed to the Board members for final approval. The attorney made have input as to the wording on the By law ballot.

Shirlene Hendrix announced that either she or Bruce Hendrix, Claudia or Richard Benzi, and Vicky Mullins will run for the Board of Directors. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the annual meeting.

John Dustin needs to verify that his fax number is working correctly before the Proxy is mailed.

NEXT MEETING DATE - July 11, 2017 at the Le Roy residence at 7:00 p.m.

John Dustin requested that the Board meet in closed session to discuss the lawsuit. The meeting was adjourned at 8:01. Shirlene Hendrix left the meeting.

The meeting was reconvened at 8:40 p.m. No action was taken during the closed session.


These minutes were approved by a vote of ______on ______.



John Dustin, Vice President Date


Pat Le Roy, Secretary/Treasurer Date