egle Oregon Title I, Part D, Subpart 2

Summer 2016 Neglected & Delinquent Program Report

Welcome to your Title I, Part D, Subpart 2

Neglected & Delinquent Program Report (Summer Edition)

There are a number of important events for the upcoming year and upcoming that we want to bring to your attention. We will highlight those events here, but for more information, please refer to our website. The web address can be found at the end of the Neglected & Delinquent Program Report.

ESEA Odyssey Conference

The annual ESEA Odyssey Conferences will be held August 16 – 18, 2016 at the Portland Airport Sheraton Hotel in Portland and August 23 – 25, 2016 at the Bend Riverhouse in Bend. Title I, Part D will be featured in one of the breakout sessions during both conferences. For more information, including registration, please visit:

Title 1, Part D, Subpart 2 Activity Calendar

Throughout the academic year beginning in August 2016, we will be reaching out through the Odyssey Conference, regular webinars and the Neglected & Delinquent Program Report in order to keep districts up to date on everything pertaining to the Title I-D program. We will be offering professional development and technical assistance on a variety of topics. We have posted a calendar on the ODE website that lists when these activities will take place. In addition, we have included DUE DATES for items like reports and data collections. You can find the Activity Calendar by visiting

Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Monitoring

Over the next two academic years, ODE staff will be conducting program reviews in all school districts receiving funds under Title I, Part D, Subpart 2. A monitoring schedule and the monitoring indicators are posted on the ODE website at: The reviews are designed to be as non-intrusive as possible with the objective being to offer on-site technical assistance and to observe the good work being done with the students served through the program. Letters about the program review will be sent to district Superintendents in late July for those districts being reviewed during the 2016 – 17 school year.

Applications, Allocations and Program Evaluations

ODE will be requesting districts that receive funds through the Title I, Part D program to complete an application prior to receiving funds. The application is necessary in order for ODE to release funds to the district. ODE staff has designed the application to answer the key requirements under the federal statute. The application can be found on our website at: The application will be due November 7, 2016. When allocations are completed, districts will be able to view them on this web page as well.

ODE is required to collect a periodic evaluation from districts receiving funds under this program. In August 2016, we will be sending data packets to Title I-D Coordinators to help complete the evaluation. A similar evaluation was completed in 2012. The format has not changed. You can find the evaluation materials at: The evaluation will be due October 31, 2016.

CIP Budget Narrative

Allocations will be completed soon and then the CIP Budget Narrative will be updated. Districts should be able to begin completing and submitting budget narratives around August 1. Districts need to submit all required prerequisites in order to access the individual program budget narrative functions. Please contact us for assistance.

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

By now, most are aware the President signed the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in December 2015. We will be seeking input from you about the Title I, Part D state plan. Work is proceeding. More information will be forthcoming this fall.

Important Dates

·  CIP Budget Narrative opens around August 1, 2016

·  Consolidated District Performance Report opens August 11, 2016 and closes September 23, 2016

·  Odyssey Conference in Portland August 16 – 18, 2016

·  Odyssey Conference in Bend August 23 – 25, 2016

·  Title I-D Topical Webinar on Monitoring & Evaluation September 21, 2016

For further information, please refer to the 2016 - 17 Activity Calendar at


Please visit the ODE Title I, Part D website at From there you can click links to other web pages with more specific information.

The National Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Neglected or Delinquent Children and Youth (NDTAC) is an excellent resource for information on various topics pertaining to the program. From there, links are provided to the US Department of Education. Please visit for more information.

Another great resource comes from The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform. This organization has been a strong supporter of the Title I, Part D program and supports both states and local agencies in both policy and practice in meeting the needs of incarcerated youth. More information can be found at:

As more and more resources come to our attention, we will be sure and pass them along to you.

ODE Title I, Part D Program Staff

Oregon Title I, Part D Coordinator:

Russ Sweet (503) 947-5638

Federal Systems Team Director:

Theresa Richards (503) 947-5922

Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 State Agency Programs

Sam Ko (503) 947-5745

July 2016