Pilot Courses of Instruction

DC SFRA Cheat Sheet

Steve Sconfienza, Ph.D.

Airline Transport Pilot

Flight Instructor: Airplane Single and Multiengine; Instrument Airplane

cell: 518.366.3957


60nm Ring from DCA à “speed ring”

Surface to but not including FL180

Completion of the SFRA online course on the FAAST website required.

► 230 knot speed limit


► No flight plan required ► No ATC clearance required ► No ATC contact required

► Transponder requirements based on Class B distance (30 mile veil) or other Part 91 requirement

► Concerning the SFRA online course:

è print certificate,

è keep copy,

no requirement to carry certificate.

30nm Ring from DCA à Special Flight Rule Area (SFRA)

Surface to but not including FL180

► Establish and maintain two-way radio communications with the appropriate ATC facility

► 180 knot speed limit

► Discrete squawk required

è NEVER squawk the so-called “code of the terrorist” (1200) [I don't quite get this]

è Arrivals keep assigned code to the ground

è Departures pick-up code via phone prior to takeoff .

► Mode C required

► DC SFRA flight plan or IFR flight plan required (except for Leesburg):

è Can be filed via DUATS, fltplan.com, etc.

13 to 15nm Ring from DCA à Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ, pronounced “freeze”)

All of the above for SFRA; plus

► Background check of all pilots (in-person in D.C.) :

èPIN issued following the in-person background check

► DC FRZ flight plan or IFR flight plan required:

è Flight plan filed using pilot's PIN

è Flight plan filed using phone number at Leesburg FSS (file from ground only: 866-225-7410)

Class B/Class D operations: See following page.

References: See following page.

Class B/Class D operations

Washington Tri-Area Class B

  • All Class B regulations and procedures apply, including when in the SFRA and the FRZ.

o  e.g., Clearance to enter class B, student pilot rules, special VFR rules

o  Obtaining a Class B clearance is required and is the responsibility of the pilot

Class D Airspace within the 60-mile ring
·  Various areas entirely or partly contained within 60-mile ring.
·  All Class D regulations and procedures apply
o  This includes when in the SFRA (three Class D)
§  Quantico MCAF/Turner
§  Davison AAF (part)
§  Manassas Regional/Davis
o  and in the FRZ (one Class D).
§  Davison AAF (part)
§  and
o  Obtaining a Class D clearance is required and is the responsibility of the pilot.

60 Mile Ring:
·  14 CFR 91.161
·  NOTAM 1/1155 (Speed limits within 60- and 30-mile rings)
·  NOTAM 0/8326 (General 60-mile ring, DC SFRA, and DC FRZ operations)
·  Note: Concerning specified training, 0/8326, Sect. I:
It is strongly recommended that all pilots flying under visual flight rules (VFR) within 100 nm of the DCA VOR/DME complete special awareness training for the Washington DC metropolitan area. This training is mandatory for all pilots that fly under VFR within 60 nm of the DCA VOR/DME (14 CFR Parts 61 and 91, effective February 9, 2009).
·  14 CFR 93, Subpart V
·  NOTAM 1/1155 (Speed limits within 60- and 30-mile rings)
·  NOTAM 0/8326 (General 60-mile ring, DC SFRA, and DC FRZ operations)
·  NOTAM 1/6386 (Leesburg Maneuvering Area)
·  14 CFR 93, Subpart V
·  NOTAM 0/8326 (General 60-mile ring, DC SFRA, and DC FRZ operations)
·  NOTAM 1/1155 (Speed limits within 60- and 30-mile rings)
Potomac TRACON letters to airmen: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/tracon/pct/