Randwick C of E School Curriculum Map- Year 1/2Rolling Programme

NC Subject Etc / Autumn Term 1&2 / Spring Term 3&4 / Summer Term 5&6
Main Topic Focus / A / All About Me & My Family
The Christmas Journey/Nativity / How Does your Garden Grow?
Up the Beanstalk
Why Are You Famous? / Where We Live
>A Bugs’ life
B / Once Upon a Time
>The Christmas Journey/Nativity / Let’s Play (Toys & Games)
>Island Rescue / The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark
The Wild Things
The Special Boat
English / A / Key shared reading texts:
Text types (sentence & word (writing) and reading):
>Stories & rhymes (predictable & repetitive)
>Signs, labels, captions & lists
>Stories with familiar settings
Following instructions, lists & labels
>Plays (Nativity)
Phonics programme
& handwriting/ presentation
Speaking & Listening / Key shared reading texts:
Text types (sentence & word (writing) and reading):
>Traditional stories & rhymes
>Simple dictionaries
>Fairy stories
>Stories & poems(predictable & patterned language)
>Information books & reports / Key shared reading texts:
Text types (sentence & word (writing) and reading):
>Stories about fantasy worlds
>Information texts
>Poems (patterned & predictable)
>Recounts (observations, visits, events etc)
>Poems (similar themes)
B / Key shared reading texts:
Text types(sentence & word (writing) and reading):
>Poems with familiar settings
>Stories with familiar settings
>Plays (Nativity)
Phonics programme
& handwriting/ presentation
Speaking & Listening / Key shared reading texts:
Text types(sentence & word (writing) and reading):
>Traditional stories & poems from other cultures
>Dictionaries, glossaries, indexes etc
>Stories & poems(predictable & patterned language)
>Poems by significant poets / Key shared reading texts:
Text types(sentence & word (writing) and reading):
>Different stories by the same author
>Information books
>Stories by children’s authors
>Extended stories
>Humorous verse & stories
>Non chronological reports
>Text with language play (riddles, tong twisters etc)
>Drama/ performance: Noah’s Ark
Maths / A / Number
Statistics (Y2)
B / Number
Statistics (Y2
ICT/ computing / A / Computer Science
Information Technology
Digital Literacy
Explore a variety of ICT tools
Review & evaluating work as it progresses
>Keyboard skills & familiarity
>describe effects of their actions & talk about uses of ICT
Exchange & sharing information
>Text & multimedia
>Images / Finding things out
>Digital research / Developing ideas & making things happen
>Simulations & modelling
Exchange & sharing information
>Text & multimedia
Finding things out
>Data logging
B / Computer Science
Information Technology
Digital Literacy
Explore a variety of ICT tools
Review & evaluating work as it progresses
>Keyboard skills & familiarity
>describe effects of their actions & talk about uses of ICT
Finding things out
>Data handling / Exchange & sharing information
>Text & multimedia
>Electronic communication / Exchange & sharing information
>Text & multimedia
Developing ideas & making things happen
>Logo & control
Science / A / Life processes & living things
Scientific Enquiry
Humans & other animals
Variations & classification
>Ourselves- basic parts of the human body; senses
Keeping healthy
>Living & growing / Green plants
Living things in their environment (plants)
>Growing plants
>Plants in the local environment
>life cycle of a plant / Living things in their environment
>Sort and classify animals birds, reptiles, fish, mammals, invertebrates
>animals and their young
B / Materials & their properties
Scientific Enquiry
Grouping Material
Changing Material
>Sorting & grouping materials
>Changing materials
>Using materials / Seasonal changes
Weather associated with seasons
Dead or alive
Food chains
Habitats / Electricity
Light & Dark
Making & detecting sounds
>Sound & hearing
>Light & Dark
Geography / A / Enquiry & skills
Places & processes
Environmental & sustainability / Small area of the UK
Local study-where we live
Map work
B / Enquiry & skills
Places & processes
Environmental & sustainability / weather / Island home
History / A / Knowledge & communication of history
Ask & answer questions about the past
>Changes in pupils’ own lives
Eg Families / Knowledge & communication of history
Ask & answer questions about the past
>Lives of significant people in past Britain & the wider world
Eg Florence Nightingale, Grace Darling, etc
B / Knowledge & communication of history
Ask & answer questions about the past
>significant events
Eg landing on the moon, Fire of London
Art & Design / A / Explore a range of starting points
Investigating different types of art, craft & design
Using a range of materials & Processes
Starting Point:This is me (range of portraits through time to appreciate & explore)eg Arcimboldo, Leonardo di Vinci, Hans Holbeine
>Digital media
Drawing (lines & marks, shape)
Collage/Texture /
Starting point: Andy Goldsworthy – transient art, structures
>Collage/Texture (flowers & paints)
>Sculpture / Starting point Our Model Village (houses & buildings)
>Digital media
>Drawing (lines & marks, shape)
>Sculpture-clay mini beasts etc
B / Explore a range of Starting points
Investigating different types of art, craft & design
Using a range ofmaterials & processes
Observational drawing
>Drawing (tone, texture) observation
>printing / Starting Point: Turner / Monet
Drawing trees and flowers
Drawing (tone, texture) observation
Painting (colour, technique etc) / Starting Point:Animals entering the Ark (Savery)
>Textiles (puppets)
Design & Technology / A / Develop, plan & communicate ideas
Investigate & evaluate a range of products
Develop range of techniques, skills, processes & knowledge
Design & make products involving Food (pizza) / / Design & make products involving Sheet materials(model village)
B / Develop, plan & communicate ideas
Investigate & evaluate a range of products
Develop range of techniques, skills, processes & knowledge /
Design & make products involving Construction (moving toys) / Design & make products involving Textiles (Noah’s Ark puppets)
Music / A / Responding to a range of starting points (musical & non musical)
Range of activities that integrate performing, composing, appraising responding to a range of starting points
A range of live & recorded music from different times and cultures
The long & short of it (Music Express 1)
>duration / Feel the pulse (Music Express 1)
> follow me games etc / Using ICT to capture, change & combine sounds
Sounds interesting (Music Expres1
)exploring sounds
B / Responding to a range of starting points (musical & non musical)
Range of activities that integrate performing, composing, appraising responding to a range of starting points
A range of live & recorded music from different times and cultures
What’s the score (Music Express 1)
>creating sound tracks /

What’s the score (Music Express 1)
exploring instruments & symbols / Rain rain go away (Music Express 2)
exploring timbre, tempo & dynamics
(Noah’s Ark)
Physical Education / A / Evaluating & improving performance
Health & Fitness
Acquiring & developing skills
Get active/Dance
Swimming water safety /
Swimming water safety/ Team Games/
Gymnastic / Games (Fundamental sports)
B / Evaluating & improving performance
Health & Fitness
Acquiring & developing skills
Get active /Dance
>Swimming water safety / >Swimming water safety/ Team Games
>Gymnastics / >Games (Fundamentals)
Religious Education / A / Learning about & from Religion
>What can I do for others? / Story
>Why are some stories special? (Easter)
Leaders & teachers
>Why are some people leaders? / Symbols
>What special things help people to worship?(visiting church)
B / Learning about & from Religion
>What does it mean to belong? / Celebration
>Why do we celebrate special times? / Believing
>Who made the world?
MFL- French / A / Listening& Speaking
Experience a variety of simple songs & rhymes inpreparation for KS2 Curriculum
B / Listening& Speaking
Experience a variety of simple songs & rhymes inpreparation for KS2 Curriculum
/SEAL / A / Developing good relationships & respecting the differences between people
Developing confidence & responsibility & making the most of abilities
Preparing to play active roles as citizens
Aim High!
Developing a healthier, safer lifestyle
Growing up / Developing a healthier, safer lifestyle
Preparing to play active roles as citizens
Developing good relationships & respecting the differences between people
Developing confidence & responsibility & making the most of abilities
Living Strong
Money Matters / Developing good relationships & respecting the differences between people
Developing confidence & responsibility & making the most of abilities
Preparing to play active roles as citizens
It’s our World
Daring to be different
B / Developing good relationships & respecting the differences between people
Developing confidence & responsibility & making the most of abilities
Preparing to play active roles as citizens
Aim High!
Developing a healthier, safer lifestyle
Be Friendly Be Wise/Dear Diary / Preparing to play active roles as citizens
Developing good relationships & respecting the differences between people
Developing confidence & responsibility & making the most of abilities Who likes Chocolate? (School Activity)
Developing a healthier, safer lifestyle
Say No! / Developing good relationships & respecting the differences between people
Developing confidence & responsibility & making the most of abilities
Preparing to play active roles as citizens
People around us
Joining in Joining up
Special School Activities / A / Harvest/ Special Service
Remembrance – WW1 centenary
Children in Need
Nativity /Carol Service
Theme week :Festivals of light / Red Nose Day
World Book Day
The Easter Journey/ Special Service / Leavers’ Service/ School Performance
School sporting & other organised events
Theme Week: International
B / Harvest/ Special Service
Nativity /Carol Service
Theme week :The Christmas Journey / Sports Relief
World Book Day
The Easter Journey/ Service / Leavers’ Service/ School Performance
School sporting & other organised events
Theme Week: Art Week - Creation
Class Visit/ Guests
Class Visit/ Guests