National Disability Insurance Agency Mental Health Sector Reference Group

Sector Communiqué – December 2014

The NDIA Mental Health Sector Reference Group (NMHSRG) has been established to develop a strong working partnership between the Mental Health sector and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). The purpose of this Communiqué is to provide the key outcomes of the first meeting held on Tuesday 9 December in Melbourne.

The meeting was characterised by strong engagement and keen interest from all attendees.The significance of the meeting in the development of the Scheme was also noted.

The NMHSRG is chaired by NDIA Strategic Adviser Mr Eddie Bartnik and includesdiverse sector representatives, including the following members and project managers:


  • Mr Eddie Bartnik, NDIA (Chairperson)
  • Ms Julie Anderson, National Register of Mental Health Consumers and Carers
  • Mr Evan Bichara, National Register of Mental Health Consumers and Carers
  • Ms Arahni Sont, National Register of Mental Health Consumers and Carers
  • Ms Janet Meagher AM, NDIS Independent Advisory Council
  • Dr Gerry Naughtin, NDIS Independent Advisory Council
  • Mr Frank Quinlan, Mental Health Australia
  • Mr Rod Astbury, Community Mental Health Australia
  • Ms Fiona Wynn , Mental HealthDrug and Alcohol Principal Committee of the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council
  • Ms Marita Walker, NDIA Operations
  • Ms Sage Green, Mental Health Commission (for Mr John Feneley, Mental Health Commission of NSW)
  • Mr Martin Turnbull, Mental HealthDrug and Alcohol Principal Committeeof the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council
  • Mr Peter De Natris, NDIA Scheme Design (for Ms Anne Skordis, NDIA Scheme Design)
  • Dr Nick Hartland, Commonwealth Department of Social Services
  • Ms Fiona Nicholls, Commonwealth Department of Health

Project Managers

  • Ms Laura Green, NDIA
  • Mr Josh Fear, Mental Health Australia
  • Ms Kerry Hawkins, NDIA
  • Ms Karen Pickering, Department of Social Services
  • Ms Petra Hill, NDIA

The NMHSRG considered the contents of the draft Terms of Reference (TOR) as a document to help clarify the objectives and remit of the group’s work. A finalised version of the TOR can be found at Attachment A.

Summary of the first meeting

a)An overview of the NDIA’s current Mental Health Work Plan was provided. The NDIA Mental Health Work Plan supports the integration of mental health into the Schemeasdefined by the NDIS Act 2013.Focus of current work includes:

  • sector engagement
  • Scheme access for people with a psychosocial disability, and
  • support design

b)Data relating to the number of people with a psychosocial disability engaging with the Scheme was presented. For the purposes of this Communiqué more up to date data is provided here. As at 24 December 2014, there were 877 NDIS participants with a primary psychosocial disability (786 with an approved and active plan), and 453 participants with a secondary condition of a psychiatric nature (400 with an approved and active plan).

c)Members of the NMHSRG then provided an overview of their plans for NDISsector readiness and any emerging Scheme issues. Thisprovided shared visibility of work and allowed priority areas for work to be identified.

d)The NMHSRG heard reports of stakeholder concerns in the NDIS trial sites, in particular from a recent forum of mental health providers, the NDIA, Commonwealth and State departments in Barwon. A commitment was made to maintain close links with trial sites and assist in the identification and implementation of responses to current challenges.

e)The NDIA sought feedback on two current projects which are at the scoping stage, these are the:

  1. NDIA Access Review for People with Psychosocial Disability

The aim of this project is to review access arrangementsfor people with psychosocial disability to enter the Scheme. The project will review and make recommendations for amendments to the existing processes and tools for access to the NDIS for people with a primary condition of psychosocial disability.

The NMHSRG endorsed the scope of the project and provided some suggestions for improvements including an analysis of data about people’s access to the Scheme from current NDIS trial sites.

For further information relating to this project please contact:

Ms Kerry Hawkins:


P: 08 9278 9038

  1. Design of Individual Supports for People with Psychosocial Disability

The project is being carried out by the NDIA in partnership with Mental Health Australia (MHA). The project scope was presented by Laura Green, Assistant Director Community Linkage Supports NDIA and Josh Fear Director of Policy and Projects MHA.

The aim of the project is to investigate support design as it relates to psychosocial disability supports. The project will investigate and document a range of optimal packages of individual supports for people with psychosocial disability associated with a mental illness (i.e. where a mental illness is the primary diagnosis leading to the disability).The project will outline possible support needs for this target population and detail packages of NDIA funded supports that are likely to meet these needs.The NDIA emphasised the importance of delivering the project by March 2015 in order to respond to concerns from the sector.

For further information relating to this project please contact:

Ms Laura Green


P: 03 5273 4163

f)The NMHSRG then discussed the strategic priorities relating to the integration of mental health into the Scheme. It was agreed that, in addition to the NDIA’s current Mental Health Work Plan, areas for furtherconsideration in 2015 should include:

  • identifying adequate safeguards for participants with psychosocial disability
  • further analysis of data relating to Section 55 of the NDIS Act 2013
  • workforce development – considering the issue of ‘supply’
  • how the mental health sector can contribute to the development of Tier 2 (now called, Information, Linkages and Capacity Building)
  • NDIA planning processes and tools – ensuring they are appropriate and ‘fit for purpose’
  • increasing understanding of continuity of supports and clear communication
  • internal and external communication from the NDIA and sector – and increase engagement with the sector, people with psychosocial disability and their families and carers, and
  • increase the communication of positive narratives from the experience of participants with a primary psychosocial disability.

g)Lastly, the NMHSRG noted that NDIA’s Mental Health Work Plan ranges from improvement of NDIA processes and tools in relation to psychosocial disability, through to partnershipbetween the NDIA and health sector. The NDIA will alsoexplore the optimal provision of support for people with psychosocial disability to reach their goals and aspirations and enjoy a contributing life in the community.

The NMHSRGwill meet again in March 2015.

For further information regarding the NDIA Mental Health Sector Reference Group please contact:

Ms Petra Hill


P: 03 5273 4155