Evaluation Criteria for Oral Presentation
Michael Humphrey, Dept. of Special Education, 2008
Collaboration Project Journal/Presentation
/ In Progress 5 / Meets 10 / Exceeds 15 /Presentation / Speaker is unclear and information is not linked to research. Presentation is difficult to view and presented in an inconsistent fashion. / Speaker is unclear or information is not linked to research. Presentation is difficult to view of presented inconsistently at times. / Speaker communicates in a clear and concise fashion with obvious links to research. Presentation is easy to view and presented in a consistent fashion.
Organization / Presentation is unorganized and difficult to follow. / Presentation is moderately unorganized or difficult to follow at times. / Presentation is organized and follows a logical order.
Content / Information is not relevant to service conducted with students with exceptionalities. / Information is relevant to service conducted in theory and practice with students with exceptionalities. / Information is relevant to service conducted with students with exceptionalities and the unique needs of students with exceptionalities in theory and practice.
*Reflection / Presenter does not reflect on organization’s service delivery in relevance to students with exceptionalities / Presenter reflects on organization’s service delivery in relevance to students with exceptionalities and incorporates sample journal questions. / Presenter reflects on organization’s service delivery to students with exceptionalities in a synthesized fashion that incorporates multiple sample journal questions.
*Evaluation / Presenter does not evaluate organization’s service delivery in relevance to students with exceptionalities / Presenter evaluates organization’s service delivery in relevance to students with exceptionalities and incorporates sample journal questions. / Presenter evaluates organization’s service delivery to students with exceptionalities in a synthesized fashion that incorporates multiple sample journal questions.
* Sample journal questions refers to the “Sample Journal Questions for Collaboration Project-Presentation” document
Presentations are to be submitted through the assignment link on the course blackboard site.
Preflections and Service journals are to be uploaded in the discussion board forum on the course blackboard site.