Due to copyright issues, image examples have not been included in this student task sheet. Teachers are encouraged to show students examples from the various websites listed in the task sheet.

NCEA Visual Art Level 2 Art Design 2013
Name ______

You will work on these 2 x Achievement Standards together but each one is marked separately as different skills are being assessed. READ CAREFULLY.

Achievement Standard 2.2 AS 91310 Version 1 Internal 4 Credits
2.2 Ways with words - Creative type with mixed media
Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to design.
Achievement / Merit / Excellence /
Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to design. / Use drawing methods to apply specific knowledge of conventions appropriate to design. / Use drawing methods to apply in-depth knowledge of conventions appropriate to design.
You will be marked on your skills using the conventions of Designers studied. You will need to show a range of typography explorations using a range of processes, procedures, materials and techniques.
Achievement Standard 2.3 AS 91315 Version 1 Internal 4 Credits
2.3 Ways with words - Developing & exploring type & image
Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established design practice.
Achievement / Achievement / Merit
·  Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established design practice. / ·  Clarify ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established design practice. / ·  Extend ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established design practice.
You will be marked on your ability to develop your ideas systematically and on on how well you collect, generate, clarify and extend ideas to create effective and successful solutions in response to your brief.

Student instructions

You will base your work for this joint assessment on your chosen youth focussed campaign ( see additional handout of campaign ideas). You will also need to select and write your own brief.

Then you will generate, develop, and clarify ideas in the process of designing and making a flyer,

which will encourage students to support your campaign. Each flyer needs an image(s) and your campaign name and a tagline using your chosen design exemplars and established design practise.

You will then develop a A4 poster. A poster needs to attract immediate attention and communicate what you are trying to say very quickly to others.

You will develop your ideas systematically and show a step by step process in order to clarify your ideas.

TIme frame : Approximately 14 weeks for both AS’s, 7 weeks per AS including class time and homework

Process & presentation All work to be on A4 ( landscape or Portrait but be consistent) this will make your final folio presentation easier. Collage tasks can be done on smaller paper then attached to an A4.

Final work is required to be handed in in your A3 folder for final assessment and moderation. Computer work will need to be printed. Formative assessments will be done in class and via the drop box.

It is suggested tha all headings are Helvetica 14 and hand lettering needs to be in black pen or ink for clarity and not to compromise your designs.

For this work you will need an A4 visual diary, a glue stick, black pen, paper cutter, sissors, ruler, white tac and cutting board. Coloured paper will be provided as part of your design fee payment.

Part of the tasks will involve access to computers ( in C2 Art Design Room ), and you will learn Adobe Photoshop and illustrator skills.


Selecting and researching your brief - pre task

You may choose your own campaign for example, anti smoking, getting active and promoting fitness, anti bullying, alcohol and babies, violence in the home / children, keeping safe sexually, eating healthily, building self esteem, building communities ie Pacifica or Maori culture promotion, speaking Maori, recycling, drunk driving, smoke-free environments, mental health ...... etc .

Class & group discussion and focus on a brief that makes a connection with the student, interests, passions etc

All the following work need to be completed and put in your Visual Diary.

1 Name

What is your Campaign name ? ______

ie “Students Against Drunk Driving”. Keep it short and succinct.

2 Tagline(s) Now find some taglines

Make / find 1 - 3 taglines which will be on your flyers etc.

This is a tagline ie “Make sure your mates get home safe”, Take control take the keys and let him sleep it off” - 1______2______3______

Don’t make the tagline too wide and un specific “ie save the world” but be more specific like “ turn of your tap” don’t waste water” .

You may copy ones that you find on the internet, They do not have to be original.

What messages and specific issues would you like to communicate in your campaign - its up to you.

Type out this design brief and fill in the spaces, see the additional handout for more ideas.

3 Research : Find information about your chosen subject to inform your work.

This may include looking at samples of other similar designs, information and statistics on the subject from a few different sources etc. You need this to inform your campaign. 1 - 2 x A4 pages.

4 Take photo’s from at least 2 different sources to use in your campaign flyer and poster.

Brainstorm what you could photograph for your campaign.

a) Take 10 - 30 images related to your campaign. If you do not have a camera, a camera in available in class. Download images into your iphoto folder. Print off your images using Photoshop after you have adjusted “levels”, brightness/contrast and cropped images .

b) Print off 1 - 2 xA4 pages of images, circle and annotate the ones that you feel would be good to use. Make a list of photographic ideas first to help you. Consider setting up a photographic stage set or dress up.

c) Drawings - You may also do drawings as well (optional) and present these on a separate page. Remember you must not use any other people’s drawings or “art” photographs as this is plagiarism.

c) Colour is important - consider what colour’s would reflect your campaign best ?

Muted, pastels, vibrant, reds, blues, greys and red, bright Green and pink...... you decide.

Use these colours for all your work. You may develop and change if they don’t work but don’t just use all colours.

5 Understanding Typography - The basics.

Using your campaign name explore the following on 1-2 A4 sheets.

Explore possible Logo’s for your campaign.

You may use Photoshop, a ‘word’ programme ,‘Pages’ and or cut and paste from magazines or newspapers. Use black ,white and grey and a max of 2 other colours. Suggested format is 2 columns on A4 portrait page. work on one side of the paper at all times.

Helvetica is one very famous typeface . This font is Helvetica, ‘light 10 point’

a / Campaign name : Hand drawn type .4 - 10 ideas.
b / Campaign name : collage / cut and paste.4 - 10 ideas.
c / Using just Helvetica make 4 - 10 versions of your campaign name, exploring weight, and point size variations ideas.
d / Campaign name : Helvetica : Explore upper case and lower case. Approx 4 - 10 ideas.
e / Campaign name : Helvetica : Explore Negative space / Positive space / Layering .4 - 10 ideas.
f / Use Helvetica to show you understand Tracking, Leading and Kerning. 2 - 4 ideas.

From your ideas a - f chose the best idea to clarify for your campaign name.

Re consider and refine and then produce a final

a) Black and while

b) In colour.

This will be the style of name that you will use on all the rest of your designs

6 Typestyles

Using one or more of your own chosen ‘Taglines”

Note : Taglines may be repeated and used more than once per sample but nothing else other then letter forms. Use black ,white and grey and a max of your 2 other colours. You may have a background colour.

Work to be roughly A5 ( 2- 3 samples per A 4 sheet). Within these guidelines be creative as you can and include techniques explored in Task 5. Consider all the typography conventions used in Task 5 as well.

Explore the 4 listed techniques using ‘Adobe Illustrator’. Illustrator is a vector based programme which means that any shape or letter can be made any size without getting pixelated.

a / Type on a line.
b / Illusion of movement and or space.
c / Cropping, overlays and transparency.
d / Kerning and leading.

slogans : http://www.taglineguru.com/survey05.html

You are now study a number of different designers and design styles to help you understand Designers techniques and processes for 2.2 and 2.3.

If you wish to do the research for 2.1 you will need to do more in depth research. 2.1 will be an optional additional standard. Your teacher will talk to you about this.

7 Emil Ruder and the Swiss Style / 7a Research
( i lesson or extend this written reseach for 2.1 - this is optional ) / 7a Practical work based on the style of Emil Ruder
Emil Ruder
Emil Ruder played a key part in the development of the Swiss Style. Ruder attended the Zurich School of Arts and Crafts where the principles of Bauhaus and Tschichold’s New Typography ( Helvetica) were taught. Ruder published a basic grammar of typography titled "Emil Ruder: Typography". The book helped spread the Swiss Style, and became a basic text for graphic design and typography programs. / Paste 2 - 3 design works by this designer, central on one A4 page and annotate ( lines coming out from the work) to show you understand his style of working.
Add brief comments about the design layout ( composition - explain how the design elements are arranged by looking at the design, use the “word sheets” in class to help you with words you can use)
Also comment about his use of Shapes
Space - negtive/positive space
Type style used
Development of Swiss style
Explain how he has used the Grid in his designs.( you may draw over the samples) / Make 2 - 6 x A5 or A6 designs using your Campaign name and relevant shapes and colour to reflect your campaign ( a geometric cross could represent death resulting from drunk driving for example - plan what you could use and share ideas with other students)
Use only the Helvetica typeface.
Also reflect on Emil Ruder’s use of simplicity in his shapes, typography and “flat” colours.
Media - use 2 different media as listed.
-  “Cut and paste” Helvetica style font and shapes cut from magazines.
-  Using Printed typed material and cut and paste.
-  Illustrator and /or Photoshop.
Annotate to reflect on style used in your work.

For examples of Emil Ruder’s work visit: http://www.thinkingforaliving.org/archives/932

8 David Carson / 8 a Research
( i lesson or extend this written reseach for 2.1 - this is optional ) / 8 b Practical work based on the style of David Carson
David Carson ( USA) is a graphic designer and was one of the first contemporary designers to break from the traditional rules of graphic design. Explore the Deconstructed Typography of David Carson. / Paste 2 - 3 Carson works onto an A4 page and annotate around each, explaining the key features of his graphic design work .
Consider the following :
•Contrasting size of type/letters and words.
•Overlapping and overlaying of words
•Cropping of letters and words
•Illegibility of some type
•Use of images - cropping, grey scale etc. What type of images, how they have been placed on the page. / Make 2 - 6 x A5 designs using your campaign name and /or tagline and relevant images and your chosen colours to reflect your campaign. David Carson did a lot of illustrations for magazine s so consider these when you are doing your own work.
Media to use - use 2 different media as listed.
-  “Cut and paste” Helvetica font and shapes cut from magazines/newpapers/.
-  Using Printed typed material and cut and paste.
-  Illustrator or Photoshop
-  use your own photographic images or drawings.

For examples of David Carson’s work please visit: http://www.davidcarsondesign.com/

9 Barbara Kruger / 9 a Research
( if this is done in depth this can go towards 2.1 credits) / 9 b Practical work based on the style of Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger spent 12 years working as a magazine designer for Condé Nast, Barbara Kruger bridges the gap between fine art and design. Her time spent as a designer and art director for magazines like Mademoiselle, House and Garden, and Aperture certainly influenced her signature style of combining found magazine imagery with simple, to the point typography.
Setting much of her text in Futura Bold Oblique and with topics like consumerism, feminism and classicism. She has been a pioneer of guerrilla art, producing some of her original works on shopping bags, t-shirts, bus benches and billboards.. / Paste 2 - 3 samples of Barbara Kruger’s work onto an A4 page and annotate.
Consider the following :
-  Type layout
-  Messages
-  different type sizes.
-  Colour / Make 2 - 6 x A5 designs using your campaign name and /or tagline and relevant images and your chosen colours to reflect your campaign
Use colour to fit with your
Create a design with cut coloured paper and magazine type or using illustrator depending on your skills.
Media - use 2 different media as listed.
-  “Cut and paste” Helvetica font and shapes cut from magazines/newpapers/.
-  Using Printed typed material and cut and paste.
-  Illustrator or Photoshop
-  use your own photographic images or drawings.

For examples of Barbara Kruger’s work please visit: http://www.barbarakruger.com/art.shtml