May 17, 2017

l.OPENING – Steve Findlay called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. Fr. Brian said the opening prayer


Present: Lynn Barfield, Lee Crosby, Barbara Cunningham, Tony Drake, Steve Findlay, Sr. Therese Galarneau, Brian Gerber, Heidi Gonzalez, Laura Hanna, Genevieve Harmon, Susan Kramer, Fr. Brian LaBurt, Don Martin, Fr. Oscar Mendoza, Sr. Nuala Mulleady, Sister Justine Ostini, Cesar Reyes, Alberto Vicente, and Rusty Wetherington.

III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – A motion was made to approve the April 19, 2017 minutes by Tony Drake and seconded by Barbara Cunningham. All Approved.

lV. COMMITTEE REPORTS *Most Committee Reports were e-mailed to the Council and read in advance before the meeting.

A.  CCW (Colleen Matthews)

B.  Finance (Ken Hotcaveg)

C.  High School Youth Ministry (Penny & Daniel Storey)

D.  Hispanic Pastoral Assistance (Cesar Reyes)

E.  Long Range Planning (Bob Bauer)

F.  Maintenance (Tony Drake)

G.  Meals Committee(Crystal and Rob McGhin)

H.  Newman Center (Bethanie Brogdon)

I.  Parish Life (Tony Barfield)

J.  Pro-Life (Rusty Wetherington)

K.  RCIA (Paul Worth)

L.  Religious Education (Susan Kramer)

M.  St. Francis Center (Sr. Nuala Mulleady)

N.  San Jose (Gilberto Garay)

O.  School (John Davis)

P.  Stewardship (Lee Crosby)


A. Maintenance Update: Church Property: Fixed the crucifix light, fixed the AC and painted classroom 5. Both classrooms 4 and 5 are complete. Will start on classrooms 7 and 8 after Memorial Day.

B. Stewardship Report: Lee talked about the plan to increase participation in the BAA. Maybe have a bulletin insert. He also stated that there is a person in our Diocese willing to "match" new donations made by individuals.

C. Parish Council Election: Steve introduced the new members elected to Parish council: Heidi Gonzalez, Laura Hanna, and Jessie Kalinowski. Heidi and Laura were present at the meeting.

D. School/Church Security: Steve re-stated that the fencing issue needs to be addressed over the summer. Tony Barfield will be installing the new cameras over the summer on the church and school property and Aaron Pye will get them connected and install the new monitors.

E. Newman Center-Bethany talked about the pancake breakfast and Easter egg hunt that the Newman students put on. Four Newman students attended a Spring Intercollegiate retreat outside of Savannah. We will host a fall Intercollegiate retreat her at our Newman Center. The Newman Center bought some tables, they finished the floor, and are working on some AC issues. Overall it was a good year with increased numbers and true participation.

F. Long Range Goals from 2015-We have completed some major items including the school roof issues and the parish center renovation. We will need a replacement for the chairperson for the Long range Planning committee-Bob Bauer will be moving.


A. Parish Council Executive Officers for 2017-2017-President-Steve Findlay,

Vice President-Genevieve Harmon, Secretary-Barbara Cunningham. Steve also said that Kelly Gamble was appointed by Fr. Brian to the Finance Council and would be the representative at PC meetings.

B. Parish Mission-Fall: Jon Leonetti (Prayer) will be October 16th, 17th, and 18th 2017

Spring: Adam Storey will be February 25th, 26th, and 27th 2018

C. Marriage Enrichment Series-Laurie Wallace talked about the Choice Wine series, the training and materials are free to parishes. It is am 8-9 week series. She will be planning several things for the 2017-2018 year.

D. St. Francis Repairs Needed- Sister Nuala talked about some items that needed to be repaired at the St. Francis Center: the roof is leaking, the ceiling needs to be replaced in some areas, the walls need painting, and the floors need to be re-done. JC Cunningham has provided a proposal and an estimate for the repairs. (attached to St. Francis report for this month) . Fr. Brian stated that this needs to go through the Diocese and the finance council first.

E. Joint Parish and School Calendar Dates: Includes individual events and joint events.

August 3, 2017------New SJS School Year Begins

October 16-18, 2017------Fall Parish Mission-Jon Leonetti (Prayer)

November 3-4, 2017------Celebration of Black History

November 16-20, 2017------NCYC (High School Youth)-Indianapolis

February 25th, 26th, 27th, 2018------Spring Parish Mission-Adam Storey (Life of Passion, Life of Love)

VII. COUNCILCOMMENTS: Cesar told the council that San Jose would be hosting a speaker on May 20th 2017. He also said that he has been trying to encourage the Hispanic youth to participate in the youth groups at St. John.

VIII. PRIESTS COMMENTS: Fr. Oscar thanked everyone for their continued support and help and said that he would miss St. John.

IX. CLOSING PRAYER: Fr. Brian led us in the Glory Be and the Our Father.