5th Grade

Name: Deana Spencer

Date: March 18, 2013 –March 22, 2013

Grade: 5

Subject: Reading

Reading Standards:







  • I can determine when to use the perfect verb tense.
  • I can use verb tense to convey: various times, sequences, states, and conditions
  • I can correct inappropriate changes in verb tense.
  • I can use correlative conjunctions



**Daily Reading Warmups**


Buckle Down

Activities: Introduce vocabulary on page 580. Students will look up vocabulary and then we will discuss vocabulary aloud and again as we read through the story. Students will read aloud and we will discuss “Rita, the Storyteller” pg. 580-581. I will discuss and give examples of context clues. We will discuss what a Authors Perspective chart is. Students will be assigned Practice Book O p.170-171

Grammar- Story: “Rita, the Storyteller”, Concept: Comparing with more and most; Daily Grammar; Grammar workbook p.147

Spelling-Words with suffixes –less and -ness, Preview spelling words (pre-test); discuss meaning of words; Spelling workbook p.147-148

-Writing- Continue to work on Narrative


Buckle Down

Activities: Orally discuss previous night’s homework. Review vocabulary words. We will discuss the Genre “Historical Fiction” and we will review an Author’s Perspective chart on page 582. Students will preview and predict what is going to happen in today’s story. We will read aloud and discuss “The Unbreakable Code” on p. 582-597. Students will complete a cause and effect chart as we read the story. As we read I will point out cause and effect, and graphic aids. Students will be assigned practice book o p. 172-173. We will complete p. 172 together (Author’s Perspective Chart).

Grammar- Story: The Unbreakable Code, Concept: Comparing with More and Most, Daily Grammar; Grammar workbook p.148

Spelling- Words with suffixes –less and -ness, discuss meaning of words; Spelling workbook p.149. Write a complete sentence using each spelling word.

-Writing- Continue to work on Narrative


Buckle Down-

Activities- Orally discuss previous night’s homework. Repeated Reading “The Unbreakable Code” p. 582-597. Students will read the story “The Unbreakable Code” together in groups of three or four. Students will be asked to discuss the meaning of each vocabulary word as they come across it in the story. Students will then answer the comprehension check questions on p. 599 with their group members. Students will be assigned practice book o p. 174

Grammar- Story: The Unbreakable Code, Concept: Mechanics and Usage: Use more and most to compare adjectives Daily grammar; Grammar workbook p.149

Spelling- Words withsuffixes –less and -ness, discuss meaning of words; Spelling workbook p.150. Write spelling words three times each.

-Writing- Continue to work on Narrative


Buckle Down-

Activities- Orally discuss previous night’s homework. Discuss poetry terms: cinquain, consonance, and symbolism. We will read aloud and discuss the selection “Navajo Code Talkers”. Students will answer the connect and compare questions on p. 601. Students will then go back to our story of the week “The Unbreakable Code” and answer some comprehension questions from a handout and work on an open response. Students will be assigned practice book o. 175-176

Grammar- Story: “Navajo Code Talkers”, Concept: Comparing with more and most, Daily Grammar; Grammar workbook p.150

Spelling-Words with suffixes –less and -ness, discuss meaning of words; Spelling workbook p.151. Write spelling words in ABC order.

Spelling Bee

-Writing- Continue to work on Narrative


Buckle Down-

Unit 5 Week 4 Assessment

Grammar- Story: Selected Reading, Concept: Assess and Reteach: Articles, Daily Grammar; Grammar workbook p. 151-152

Spelling- Spelling workbook p.152; spelling test

-Writing- Continue to work on Narrative