GSPO Meeting Minutes


In Attendance: Kelly Tracy, Deanna Hendrickson, Megan Meyer, Scott Burre, Tracy Arbuckle, Sarah Hansen, Talia May

Mr. Burre welcomed everybody

*Last meeting’s secretary report was done by Mr. Burre. From this meeting forward, it will be done by Talia May.

*Treasurer’s Report was given by Sarah Hansen

*Megan Meyer talked about the upcoming book fair

-Being held 12/5-12/9.

-Students will preview the book fair on Monday, 12/5

-Anytime during the week, they can then go to the book fair & purchase books

-Book fair will also be open during the evening on 12/5 for Choir Performance and during Charity Ball on 12/9

*Kroger Community Rewards

-A check in the amount of$468.77 has been received from Kroger for the period of 7/31/11-10/30/11

*2012 Ideas & Updates

-New fundraising opportunities

-A new law has recently passed in the State of Ohio, to stop the sale of candy during school hours; therefore new fundraising ideas to take the place of the candy sale that has previously been done, is needed

-The idea of having a carnation flower sale was mentioned by Deanna Hendrickson around Valentine’s Day; more research is needed and we will re-discuss at January’s meeting

-Student Council will also be involved in bringing new ideas to the table

*State Recognition

-General Sherman ranked 7th out of 2,600 schools in the State of Ohio for academic student growth a.k.a. “Value Added Measure”

*Change War

-Change War starts Wednesday 11/30

-Students can bring in change which can either help their homeroom or negativiely effect other homerooms

-The homeroom with highest money amount will receive a breakfast party

-All proceeds will be used to purchase food & gifts for needy families

-Admission is $5 at door or $4 in advance

-Pizza and pop will be available for purchase

*Charity Ball Dance

-Will be held Friday 12/9 from 6:00-8:30pm

-Proceeds from the dance will be used to purchase Christmas gifts for needy families

*Upcoming Dates

-Interims sent home 12/1

-Choir concert 12/5 at 7 pm

-Band concert 12/14 at 7 pm

-2 hour delay 12/15

-Christmas Break 12/19-1/2

Our next GSPO meeting will be Tuesday, January 24th at 6 pm in the library

Unapproved meeting minutes submitted by Talia May