at the sitting of


16 January 2014





Appointment of a Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (Sabine Lautenschläger)

(A7-0023/2014 - Rapporteur: Sharon Bowles)

European Parliament decision of 16 January 2014 on the Council recommendation for appointment of a Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (N7-0002/2014 – C7-0010/2014 – 2014/0801(NLE))


Authorising France to apply a reduced rate of certain indirect taxes on ‘traditional’ rum produced in Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Réunion *

(A7-0013/2014 - Rapporteur: Danuta Maria Hübner)

European Parliament legislative resolution of 16 January 2014 on the proposal for a Council decision authorising France to apply a reduced rate of certain indirect taxes on ‘traditional’ rum produced in Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Réunion and amending Decision 2007/659/EC (COM(2013)0839 – C7-0488/2013 – 2013/0413(CNS))


Amendment of Parliament's Rules of Procedure on the waiver and the defence of parliamentary immunity

(A7-0012/2014 - Rapporteur: Anneli Jäätteenmäki)

European Parliament decision of 16 January 2014 on amendment of Parliament's Rules of Procedure on the waiver and the defence of parliamentary immunity (2013/2031(REG))


Placing on the market for cultivation of a genetically modified maize product


European Parliament resolution of 16 January 2014 on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the placing on the market for cultivation, in accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of a maize product (Zea mays L., line 1507) genetically modified for resistance to certain lepidopteran pests (2013/2974 (RSP))


Respect for the fundamental right of free movement in the EU

(B7-0016, 0023, 0024, 0025 and 0027/2014)

European Parliament resolution of 16 January 2014 on respect for the fundamental right of free movement in the EU (2013/2960(RSP))


EU citizenship for sale

(B7-0015, 0017, 0029 and 0031/2014)

European Parliament resolution of 16 January 2014 on EU citizenship for sale (2013/2995(RSP))


2013 progress report on Serbia


European Parliament resolution of 16 January 2014 on the 2013 progress report on Serbia (2013/2880(RSP))


European integration process of Kosovo


European Parliament resolution of 16 January 2014 on the European integration process of Kosovo (2013/2881(RSP))


2012 progress report on Iceland and post-election perspectives


European Parliament resolution of 16 January 2014 on the 2012 Progress Report on Iceland and the post-election perspectives (2013/2932(RSP))


Situation in South Sudan

(B7-0018, 0019, 0020, 0021 and 0032/2014)

European Parliament resolution of 16 January 2014 on the situation in South Sudan (2014/2512(RSP))


EU homelessness strategy

(B7-0008, 0009, 0010 and 0011/2014)

European Parliament resolution of 16 January 2014 on an EU homelessness strategy (2013/2994(RSP))


Situation of rights defenders and opposition activists in Cambodia and Laos

(B7-0033, 0035, 0039, 0042, 0044, 0046 and 0049/2014)

European Parliament resolution of 16 January 2014 on the situation of rights defenders and opposition activists in Cambodia and Laos (2014/2515(RSP))


Recent elections in Bangladesh

(B7-0034, 0036, 0037, 0038, 0040 and 0041/2014)

European Parliament resolution of 16 January 2014 on recent elections in Bangladesh (2014/2516(RSP))


Recent move to criminalise LGBTI people

(B7-0043, 0045, 0047, 0048 and 0050/2014)

European Parliament resolution of 16 January 2014 on recent moves to criminalise lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people (2014/2517(RSP))

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Appointment of a Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (Sabine Lautenschläger)

Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs


European Parliament decision of 16January 2014 on the Council recommendation for appointment of a Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank(N7-0002/2014 – C7-0010/2014 – 2014/0801(NLE))


The European Parliament,

–having regard to the Council's recommendation of 7 January 2014 (N7-0002/2014)[1],

–having regard to Article 283(2), second subparagraph, of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, pursuant to which the European Council consulted Parliament (C70010/2014),

–having regard to Rule 109 of its Rules of Procedure,

–having regard to the report of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (A7-0023/2014),

A.whereas, by letter of 8 January 2014, received on 9 January 2014, the European Council consulted Parliament on the appointment of Sabine Lautenschläger as a Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB) for a term of office of eight years;

B.whereas Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs then proceeded to evaluate the credentials of Ms Lautenschläger, in particular in view of the requirements laid down in Article 283(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and in the light of the need for full independence of the ECB in the area of monetary policy pursuant to Article 130 TFEU, whereas in carrying out this evaluation, the committee received a curriculum vitae from Ms Lautenschläger as well as her replies to the written questionnaire that had been sent to her;

C.whereas the committee subsequently held a hearing with Ms Lautenschläger on 13 January 2014, at which she made an opening statement and then responded to questions from the members of the committee;

1.Delivers a favourable opinion on the Council recommendation to appoint Sabine Lautenschläger as Member of the Executive Board of the ECB;

2.Instructs its President to forward this decision to the European Council, the Council and the governments of the Member States.



Authorising France to apply a reduced rate of certain indirect taxes on ‘traditional’ rum produced in Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Réunion *

Committee on Regional Development


European Parliament legislative resolution of 16 January 2014 on the proposal for a Council decision authorising France to apply a reduced rate of certain indirect taxes on ‘traditional’ rum produced in Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Réunion and amending Decision 2007/659/EC (COM(2013)0839 – C7-0488/2013 – 2013/0413(CNS))

(Special legislative procedure – consultation)

The European Parliament,

–having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(2013)0839),

–having regard to Article349 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C70488/2013),

–having regard to Rules55 and 46(1) of its Rules of Procedure,

–having regard to the report of the Committee on Regional Development (A7-0013/2014),

1.Approves the Commission proposal;

2.Calls on the Council to notify Parliament if it intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament;

3.Asks the Council to consult Parliament again if it intends to substantially amend the text approved by Parliament;

4.Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council, the Commission and the national parliaments.



Amendment of Parliament's Rules of Procedure on the waiver and the defence of parliamentary immunity

Committee on Constitutional Affairs


European Parliament decision of 16 January 2014 on amendment of Parliament's Rules of Procedure on the waiver and the defence of parliamentary immunity (2013/2031(REG))

The European Parliament,

–having regard to the letter from the Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs of 9November 2012,

–having regard to Rules 211 and 212 of its Rules of Procedure,

–having regard to the report of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and the opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs (A7-0012/2014),

1.Decides to amend its Rules of Procedure as shown below;

2.Points out that the amendments will enter into force on the first day of the next part-session;

3.Instructs its President to forward this decision to the Council and the Commission, for information.


Parliament’s Rules of Procedure

Rule 5 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Present text / Amendment
1a. Parliamentary immunity is not a Member’s personal privilege but a guarantee of the independence of Parliament as a whole and of its Members.


Parliament's Rules of Procedure

Rule 6 – paragraph 1

Present text / Amendment
1. In the exercise of its powers in respect of privileges and immunities, Parliament shall seek primarily to uphold its integrity as a democratic legislative assembly and to secure the independence of its Members in the performance of their duties. / 1. In the exercise of its powers in respect of privileges and immunities, Parliament acts to uphold its integrity as a democratic legislative assembly and to secure the independence of its Members in the performance of their duties. Any request for waiver of immunity shall be evaluated in accordance with Articles 7, 8 and 9 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Union and with the principles referred to in this Rule.


Parliament's Rules of Procedure

Rule 6 – paragraph 2

Present text / Amendment
2. Any request addressed to the President by a competent authority of a MemberState that the immunity of a Member be waived shall be announced in Parliament and referred to the committee responsible. / deleted


Parliament's Rules of Procedure

Rule 6 – paragraph 3

Present text / Amendment
3. Any request addressed to the President by a Member or a former Member to defend privileges and immunities shall be announced in Parliament and referred to the committee responsible. / deleted


Parliament's Rules of Procedure

Rule 6 – paragraph 4

Present text / Amendment
4. As a matter of urgency, in circumstances where Members are arrested or have their freedom of movement curtailed in apparent breach of their privileges and immunities, the President, after having consulted the chair and rapporteur of the committee responsible, may take an initiative to assert the privileges and immunities of the Member concerned. The President shall notify the committee of that initiative and inform Parliament. / deleted


Parliament's Rules of Procedure

Rule 6 – paragraph 4a (new)

Present text / Amendment
4a. Where Members are required to appear as witnesses or expert witnesses, there is no need to request a waiver of immunity, provided:
– that they will not be obliged to appear on a date or at a time which prevents them from performing their parliamentary duties, or makes it difficult for them to perform those duties, or that they will be able to provide a statement in writing or in any other form which does not make it difficult for them to perform their parliamentary duties; and
– that they are not obliged to testify concerning information obtained confidentially in the exercise of their mandate which they do not see fit to disclose.


Parliament’s Rules of Procedure

Rule 6 a (new)

Present text / Amendment
Rule 6a
Defence of privileges and immunity
1. In cases where the privileges and immunities of a Member or former Member are alleged to have been breached by the authorities of a Member State, a request for a Parliament decision as to whether there has, in fact, been a breach of those privileges and immunities may be made in accordance with Rule7(1).
2. In particular, such a request for the defence of privileges and immunities may be made if it is considered that the circumstances constitute an administrative or other restriction on the free movement of Members travelling to or from the place of meeting of Parliament or on an opinion expressed or a vote cast in the performance oftheir duties, or that they fall within the scope of Article 9 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Union.
3. A request for the defence of the privileges and immunities of a Member shall not be admissible if a request for the waiver or defence of that Member’s immunity has already been received in respect of the same legal proceedings, whether or not a decision was taken at that time.
4. No further consideration shall be given to a request for the defence of the privileges and immunities of a Member if a request for the waiver of that Member’s immunity is received in respect of the same legal proceedings.
5. In cases where a decision has been taken not to defend the privileges and immunities of a Member, the Member may make a request for reconsideration of the decision, submitting new evidence. The request for reconsideration shall be inadmissible if proceedings have been instituted against the decision under Article 263 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, or if the President considers that the new evidence submitted is not sufficiently substantiated to warrant reconsideration.


Parliament's Rules of Procedure

Rule 6 b (new)

Present text / Amendment
Rule 6b
Urgent action by the President to assert immunity
1. As a matter of urgency, in circumstances where a Member is arrested or has his or her freedom of movement curtailed in apparent breach of his or her privileges and immunities, the President, after consulting the chair and rapporteur of the committee responsible, may take an initiative to assert the privileges and immunities of the Member concerned. The President shall notify the committee of that initiative and inform Parliament.
2. When the President makes use of the powers conferred on him by paragraph 1, the committee shall take cognisance of the President's initiative at its next meeting. Where the committee deems it necessary, it may prepare a report for submission to Parliament.


Parliament's Rules of Procedure

Rule 7 – paragraph -1 (new)

Present text / Amendment
-1. Any request addressed to the President by a competent authority of a Member State that the immunity of a Member be waived, or by a Member or a former Member that privileges and immunities be defended, shall be announced in Parliament and referred to the committee responsible.


Parliament's Rules of Procedure

Rule 7 – paragraph 1

Present text / Amendment
1. The committee responsible shall consider without delay and in the order in which they have been submitted requests for the waiver of immunity or requests for the defence of immunity and privileges. / 1. The committee shall consider without delay, but having regard to their relative complexity, requests for the waiver of immunity or requests for the defence of privileges and immunities.


Parliament's Rules of Procedure

Rule 7 – paragraph 3

Present text / Amendment
3. The committee may ask the authority concerned to provide any information or explanation which the committee deems necessary in order for it to form an opinion on whether immunity should be waived or defended. The Member concerned shall be given an opportunity to be heard, may present any documents or other written evidence deemed by that Member to be relevant and may be represented by another Member. / 3. The committee may ask the authority concerned to provide any information or explanation which the committee deems necessary in order for it to form an opinion on whether immunity should be waived or defended.


Parliament's Rules of Procedure

Rule 7 – paragraph 3 a (new)

Present text / Amendment
3a. The Member concerned shall be given an opportunity to be heard, may present any documents or other written evidence deemed by that Member to be relevant and may be represented by another Member.
The Member shall not be present during debates on the request for waiver or defence of his or her immunity, except for the hearing itself.
The chair of the committee shall invite the Member to be heard, indicating a date and time. The Member may renounce the right to be heard.
If the Member fails to attend the hearing pursuant to that invitation, he or she shall be deemed to have renounced the right to be heard, unless he or she has asked to be excused from being heard on the date and at the time proposed, giving reasons. The chair of the committee shall rule on whether such a request to be excused is to be accepted in view of the reasons given, and no appeals shall be permitted on this point.
If the chair of the committee grants the request to be excused, he or she shall invite the Member to be heard at a new date and time. If the Member fails to comply with the second invitation to be heard, the procedure shall continue without the Member having been heard. No further requests to be excused, or to be heard, may then be accepted.


Parliament's Rules of Procedure

Rule 7 – paragraph 5

Present text / Amendment
5. Where Members are required to appear as witnesses or expert witnesses, there is no need to request a waiver of immunity, provided: / deleted
– that they will not be obliged to appear on a date or at a time which prevents them from performing, or makes it difficult for them to perform, their parliamentary duties, or that they will be able to provide a statement in writing or in any other form which does not make it difficult for them to fulfil their parliamentary duties;
– that they are not obliged to testify concerning information obtained confidentially in the exercise of their mandate which they do not see fit to disclose.


Parliament's Rules of Procedure

Rule 7 – paragraph 6

Present text / Amendment
6. In cases concerning the defence of immunity or privileges, the committee shall state whether the circumstances constitute an administrative or other restriction imposed on the free movement of Members travelling to or from the place of meeting of Parliament or an opinion expressed or a vote cast in the performance of the mandate or fall within aspects of Article 9 of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities which are not a matter of national law, and shall make a proposal to invite the authority concerned to draw the necessary conclusions. / deleted


Parliament's Rules of Procedure

Rule 7 – paragraph 10

Present text / Amendment
10. When the President makes use of the powers conferred on him by Rule 6(4), the committee responsible shall take cognisance of the President's initiative at its next meeting. Where the committee deems it necessary it may prepare a report for submission to Parliament. / deleted


Parliament’s Rules of Procedure

Rule 7 – paragraph 12 a (new)

Present text / Amendment
12a. The committee shall lay down principles for the application of this Rule.



Placing on the market for cultivation of a genetically modified maize product


European Parliament resolution of 16January 2014 on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the placing on the market for cultivation, in accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of a maize product (Zea mays L., line 1507) genetically modified for resistance to certain lepidopteran pests (2013/2974 (RSP))

The European Parliament,

–having regard to the proposal for a Council decision concerning the placing on the market for cultivation, in accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of a maize product (Zea mays L., line 1507) genetically modified for resistance to certain lepidopteran pests (COM(2013)0758),

–having regard to the draft Commission decision concerning the placing on the market for cultivation, in accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of a maize product (Zea mays L., line 1507) genetically modified for resistance to certain lepidopteran pests (D003697/01), submitted to a vote in the committee referred to in Article 30 of Directive 2001/18/EC on 25 February 2009,

–having regard to Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 March 2001 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms and repealing Council Directive 90/220/EEC[2], and in particular the first subparagraph of Article 18(1) thereof,

–having regard to the vote in the committee referred to in Article 30 of Directive 2001/18/EC on maize 1507, of 25 February 2009, in which no opinion was delivered,

–having regard to the six scientific opinions concerning maize 1507 delivered by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms from 2005 to November 2012,