March30, 2004
Members Present: Alfredo Artiles, Brian Griffith, Marie Hardenbrook, Craig Anne Heflinger, Janet Eyler, Craig Smith, Joe Wehby, and Ken Wong.
Craig Smith who was conducting the meeting place of Chair Len Bickman called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. and asked for approval of the minutes from the February17, 2004 meeting. Craig Anne Heflingermoved to accept the minutes, Ken Wong seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Research, Craig Anne Heflinger, Chair
No business to report.
Curriculum, Craig Smith, Chair
The Curriculum Committee submitted the following recommendations for new courses to the Faculty Council for approval:
- New course (requested by Kim Paulsen): SPED 2871 Practicum: Accommodating Academic Diversity in the Classroom. Janet Eyler was concerned about the relatively high number of credit hours (5) awarded for this class. Joe Wehby didn’t think 5 hours was accurate and attempted to contact Kim Paulsen for clarification. The Faculty Councilreceived further clarification via email later that day and approved the request electronically.
- New course (requested by Vicki Davis, Brian Griffith and Kristen Tompkins): HOD 1210 Perspectives of Organizational Fit. After a discussion about the use of electronic portfolios, the request was unanimouslyapproved by the council.
- New Course (requested by William Partridge): HOD 2660 (cross-listed as LAS 260) Latin America, Latinos and the United States. The request was unanimously approved by the council.
Academic Standards and Procedures, Joe Wehby, Chair
Joe Wehby contacted Jim Hogge to inquire about creating a graduate student appeals process similar to the process used for undergraduate appeals. Janet Eyler asked who would be the committee to hear concerns and complaints by graduate students. Joe Wehby suggested that since it is projected that appeals will be infrequent, the Academic Standards Committee could hear and make judgments on graduate student appeals. Craig Smith suggested that in order to create a parallel system with the undergraduate appeals process, the Directors of Graduate Studies would make up this committee. Feedback was given to Joe Wehby and recommended that the Academic Standards Committee submit a formal proposal for the Faculty Council to consider.
Affirmative Action, Alfredo Artiles, Chair
Committee members continue to monitor faculty searches within each of the departments. The Betts Chair offer has been turned down by the top candidate due to personal reasons. Therefore, the search has been re-opened. Last week, The Forum on Hate Speech facilitated by Gay Welch was attended by 22 people. Students were articulate and had a productive conversation.
Craig Anne Heflinger was concerned that the applicant pool for the doctoral program in Community Research and Action does not include enough qualified minority students. Janet Eyler emphasized the importance of minority graduate student recruitment. Alfredo Artilles concurred that minority graduate student recruitment needs institutional support. Ken Wong suggested that departments recruit minority students into masters programs with the hope that they will continue on to do doctoral work. The Faculty Councilexpressed concernabout minority graduate student recruitment at the college level and will discuss this issue further at the next council meeting.
Faculty Affairs, Janet Eyler, Chair
No business to report.
Teaching, Ken Wong, Chair
The next meeting is scheduled for April 8th and will focuson undergraduate advising. Ellen Briar will be present to help evaluate and offer suggestions on how to improve the Peabody advising system. Marie Hardenbrook continues to work on an evaluation tool for field-based courses.
This Friday: free lunch conference on Brown vs. board of education.
Craig Anne Heflinger coordinated sending fruit basket to Len Bickman.
Faculty Council Elections
A motion to adjourn was made byKen Wong, seconded by Joe Wehby, and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.The next meeting is scheduled for April20that 9:30 a.m.