The Human Digestive System


The Human Digestive System / Red / Orange / Green
1 / Can you define the following terms?
Heterotrophic nutrition,
Autotrophic nutrition,
2 / Can you explain why organisms need to digest food?
3 / Why do organisms need a digestive system?
4 / Can you define the following Terms?
5 / Can you label a diagram of the human alimentary canal and its associated glands?
6 / Can you explain the function(s) in digestion of each part of the alimentary canal including the associated glands
7 / Can you define and explain Peristalsis?
8 / Can you draw the four types of human teeth
9 / Explain and write out the Human dental formula
10 / Give the function of incisors, canines, pre molars and molars
11 / Describe how food is mechanically broken down by the teeth, peristalsis and contractions of the stomach wall
12 / Explain the role of bile salts in chemical digestion
13 / Name one enzyme that breaks down carbohydrate and give its
  1. Role in chemical digestion
  2. Production Site
  3. pH at the site of action
  4. Products

14 / Name one enzyme that breaks down protein and give its
  1. Role in chemical digestion
  2. Production Site
  3. pH at the site of action
  4. Products

15 / Name one enzyme that breaks down fat and give its
  1. Role in chemical digestion
  2. Production Site
  3. pH at the site of action
  4. Products

16 / Describe how the structure of the small intestine is suited to its function in digestion of food
Include: infoldings of wall to increase surface area, enzyme secreting glands in the wall, liverand pancreas secreting into duodenum
17 / Describe how the structure of the small intestine is suited to its function in absorption of digested food (villi, rich blood supply, thin walls)
18 / Label a diagram of a single villus and give the functions of the labelled parts
19 / Outline the role of the large intestine in
(1) Reabsorbing water
(2) Eliminating faeces
20 / Define symbiotic bacteria
21 / Know two function of Symbiotic bacteria in the digestive tract
22 / Outline the benefits of dietary fibre
23 / Can you describe how the blood transports nutrients?
24 / Can you describe how carbohydrates and proteins are absorbed from the small intestine into the blood?
25 / Can you describe how fats are absorbed from the small intestine into the blood?
26 / Can you name the vein that transports nutrients form the small intestine to the liver?
27 / Can you name the vein that transports nutrients and urea from the liver to the heart?
28 / Can you describe how nutrients are transported from the liver to cells that require these nutrients?
29 / Can you list the functions of the liver?
30 / Can you describe how waste products are transported by the blood to the kidney?
31 / Can you explain the term Balanced Diet?
32 / Can you state two aspects of a person’s diet that usually] leads them to have a balanced diet?
33 / Do you know how a person’s gender impacts their dietary needs
34 / Do you know how a person’s age impacts their dietary needs
35 / Do you know how a person’s activity level impacts their dietary needs
36 / Can you list five food groups?
37 / Can you explain the term Food Pyramid?
38 / Can you draw a human Food Pyramid?
39 / Can you state the recommended number of daily servings of each of five food groups for an average adult?