Yahrushalayim Newsletter #428 Sylvia Finds Shalom!

Shalom Friends,

What a blessing today Yom Sheshee-Day 6 of the work week, has been as awakened Yisrael gets ready for her Shabbat on day 29 of moon 4.

I went with Rivkah my faithful friend and wife to visit her dad, retired Judge Norman Feiden, in an assisted Alzheimers facility in Boca Raton Florida. We spend lunch with him as his mind faded in and out of awareness. Towards the end of our visit we sat next to an elderly Jewish woman in a wheelchair that we met for the first time named Sylvia. She was talking to herself about needing to go to the bathroom and that those like my father in law were BLESSED, if they were accompanied to the toilet. She then muttered that she had to go to the bathroom and that she was not blessed, meaning no one to take her from her wheelchair to the bathroom. At that point, the old Jewish evangelist in me kicked in and reared up ending my relaxing time on my day off. Ahh...just like old times when hundreds of Jews heard the gospel from my mouth, as they and their entire homes (The Steins’, Simkins’, Kutikofs’, Honkeckmans’ and many untold more!) were ALL saved (Acts 16:31).

I told her that she could “be blessed”....here then is the conversation from there, as I can best recall it.

RAMYK-It’s good to move your hands and feet. Good exercise

Sylvia-Yes I need to move them and go to The Cleveland Clinic. My daughter, I need my daughter, where is my daughter, GOD please help me.

RAMYK- God can help you if you ask Him

Sylvia-I went to synagogue, I pray the prayers, I’m a good person. My mother was a good person, always helping other people.

RAMYK- That’s good.

Sylvia-I need help. My hand shakes and I’m very nervous all the time. No peace.

RAMYK-God can give you that shalom meaning peace (I use God because at 89-90 with advanced dementia, she would think that Yahuwah was a new kind of Jewish kosher pickle).

Sylvia-Well God I need help.

RAMYK-Lets ask Him. Pray with me. God I am a sinner and ask you to forgive me.

Sylvia-I'm not a sinner!

RAMYK-All are sinners. The rabbi, the people at synagogue, me, you everyone. Don’t worry, it’s not just you.

Sylvia-Yea your right.

RAMYK-Repeat after me.

Sylvia God help me, forgive me of my sins, come into my life and give me peace and eternal life. Amein

RAMYK- Now that you asked God the Moshiach to forgive you He has; and you have peace from now on.

Sylvia-Yes. I know.

RAMYK-Look your hands stopped shaking.

Sylvia-Yea I know.

RAMYK From now on you have peace and also the gift of eternal life.

Sylvia-Eternal life. What does that mean?

RAMYK-You can never die spiritually and will always be with God because you’re forgiven.

Sylvia-Thank you.

RAMYK-Hey Rivkah! Come here hon. Sylvia here wants to tell you something.

Rivkah listens.

Sylvia-I have eternal life and peace!

Rivkah What a miracle!

As RAMYK and Rivkah leave she mutters under her breath-



RAMYK- Zay gezunt, a Yiddish expression meaning be well!

Sylvia-Yes I’m Jewish I know what that means.

Friends, this 89 year old Jewish lady had found eternal life in an Alzheimers unit.

This event is a RARE AND a living MIRACLE, as most people placed in such a unit have lost their minds and their ability to converse and or comprehend! She was extremely cogent and attentive in the 10 min. time that we ministered to her. All this time my father in law was away, so that he could not interrupt. Had he been there, he would have demanded to be the center of our visit and attention as he always is. Yahuwah had turned a rainy gloomy Roman Sunday afternoon, into a time of miraculous working.

It had been quite some time since I had led a Jewish person to Yahshua, because my current seasonal apostolic and prophetic anointing is to bring in the lost sheep of Israel of both houses thorough intense discipleship and training. Yet in this common visit to see my father in law, a retired NYC family court judge, YHWH had visited this humble and almost mindless Jewish woman, with the most precious gift imaginable. The gift of sins forgiven and eternal life in our living Eloah. In the process, He reminded me of the joy that passes all understanding.We used to call it soul winner’s joy. There is nothing like it friends! It is to that end and in bearing witness of this firsthand miracle that I pledged to YHWH to resume my own street evangelism with pamphlets and personal testimony/interactions soon after my surgery for my 2nd hip replacement, just up the road.

I tasted that joy again after so long a time and do not ever want to go this long without seeing Jewish people come to the Adon Yahshua. In many ways that was my first calling and love in Yahshua!

Todah rabah YHWH for an awesome day of salvation, just before biblical Shabbat!

PS-Sometimes we must become as little children to enter into eternal life. No doubt, patients in the Alzheimers care facility have been humbled and made like little children. If YHWH opens their minds (big if) to apprehend the message, salvation can take place. I was thinking on the way home that had she still been attending a rabbinical synagogue in sound mind and had she still been in bondage to a wicked religious system, that deprives men of true salvation in YHWH’s ONLY brought forth Son, she would never have been humbled and ready to cry out to YHWH, as she was on this chosen day! I rail not against men, the victims, but a victimizing system, that both Rivkah and I escaped from and to where sadly many of Yahshua’s ungrateful former ‘temporal disciples’ run for entrapment, or the mirage of some perceived greater “cultural Jewish awareness”!

Religion never was the answer and those who have APOSTASIZED and gone from saving faith in New Covenant blood atonement into ANY form of Judaism, are either in great peril, even as we speak, or have already drawn back to their own PERDITION. Friends, beware of the brute beasts of any religion that is void of the message of the atoning blood of Yahshua!!!! Shabbat shalom!