July: Declaration of Independence:The Second Continental Congress officially breaks away from Britain. At the same time General Howe lands in New York City to attack.
Washington’s Retreat:Because Washington’s troops were weak, it was easy for Howe to force Washington to retreat to New Jersey, and later to Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania’s Controversial Constitution:Though all the states governments were republican and used popular sovereignty, they differed greatly. Pennsylvania had the most democratic plan, with no leader and a unicameral assembly.
“Thoughts on Government”:John Adams made a more conservative proposal. He used the ideas of 3 government branches, with checks and balances.
Articles of Confederation:They were ratified in 1781. They formed a central government, though it was one that couldn’t tax, make a judiciary branch, manage interstate commerce, or compel the states.
Patriot Women: Because Britain was conducting a naval blockade, Patriot women were very helpful with the homespun movement.
September: Seizure of Philadelphia:Britain launched a new plan in 1777 to isolate New England. While they were planning a three pronged attack on Albany, Howe decided to move south to attack the capital, Philadelphia, instead.
October: Victory at Saratoga:Howe’s change in plans led to the defeat of General Burgoyne of Britain, as he lacked support. He was forced to surrender to US General Gates. The US got more equipment, a morale boost, and French support.
Inflation of Paper Currency:Because Congress was apprehensive to raise taxes, they issued a lot of paper money for the war. It lost its value. Prices rose because of Britain’s blockade and the war.
February: Alliance with France:France now believed that the Americans had a chance, so they signed a treaty to form an alliance.
Lord North and Congress:Lord North tried for a negotiated settlement with America after Saratoga. The Tea and Prohibitory Acts were repealed and Parliament could no longer tax the colonies. He offered a return to pre 1763 conditions, but the Patriots declined.
December: Southern Strategy/Savannah:Because France wanted the West Indies, Britain decided to try and take Georgia, the Carolinas, and Virginia, as they were prosperous and full of Loyalists. They hoped Patriots would supervise their slaves instead of join the fight. Sir Henry Clinton led a campaign that led to the capture of Savannah.
French Arrive in RI:America began to increase their efforts. As the Americans finally prevailed at King’s Mountain, NC the French arrived in RI, forcing Britain to change their plans.
April/October: Invasion of Virginia and Yorktown Surrender:Lord Cornwallis headed into VA and faced little opposition. Washington planned an attack on Cornwallis at Yorktown with French assistance.
Articles Ratified:States debated over strong central power and western land. Some states wanted to maintain their royal charters, but states without wouldn’t accept until charters that gave land were given up.
September: Treaty of Paris:War is ended. Americans got recognition and land rights. Indians were overlooked.
Iroquois Cede Land: Indians forced to give up land that was American because of Treaty.
Political/Land Ordinances:Congress began to plan land, including NW Territory. They passed 2 of 3 ordinances during these years.
Annapolis Convention:The Nationalists met to discuss tariffs and taxation, and reform Articles.
Shay’sRebellion:Daniel Shays and other farmers couldn’t pay debts and were being imprisoned/losing property. They were stopped by government forces.
NW Ordinance: Allowed creation of 3-5 northern territories without slavery and with $ for public schools.
Philadelphia Convention: Madison proposed the VA Plan (national supremacy, 3 branches).
Compromise 1787: The states agreed that there would be two houses in the Senate. Led to 3/5 Compromise.
The Federalist:Jay, Madison and Hamilton argued that the checks/balances system would preserve liberty, and that no group would be dominant.
Ratifiying the Constitution: Debated interpretations of the Constitution. The Federalist convinced states to ratify.
Judiciary Act
Hamilton’s plan Approved: Hamilton’s 3-part plan, which included a national bank, was approved by Congress.
US Armies Defeated by Indians
Bill of Rights Ratified: to please anti-federalist
Bank of US Chartered