Application due: 31 January 2016

Grant proposals are solicited for conservation research or related projects, including conservation education. ASP members working in habitat countries are especially urged to apply or to help someone from a habitat country submit a meaningful project that can be a portion of a larger effort. If you have already started your project, the only way you are eligible for an ASP Conservation Grant is if you apply for portions of the project that will be implemented in the future.

Grant recipients must (1) adhere to the laws of the country in which they work regarding research permits and regulations; (2) adhere to ASP’s guidelines on the ethical treatment of nonhuman primates (https://www.asp.org/society/policy.cfm); and, (3) agree to submit a brief report in a form suitable for publication in the ASP Bulletin (maximum 1-2 pages, single spaced), to the chairs of the ASP Conservation Committee within 6 months of completion of the project.

Who is eligible: Students, researchers, and educators of primate conservation from any country who are members of ASP.

Instructions: please first visit the list of FAQ about the grant.

·  Do not include this page with your application

·  Complete the cover page in the format provided. The remaining sections of the application have strict page limits, which must be followed. The entire application (including the cover page) should be in one document and not exceed 10 pages. No additional attachments are allowed. Font should be no less than 11 pt.

o  NOTE: Failure to follow these rules will result in the rejection of your application.

·  Applications should be submitted online at: https://www.asp.org/grants/. The online grant submission system will begin accepting applications on January 1st 2016.

o  Applications will ONLY be accepted through the ASP online grant submission system. Please note that this system requires applicants to log into the ASP portal. You do not need to be an ASP member to apply, but you will need to register online in order to submit your application.

·  ONE (1) letter of recommendation is required for ALL student applicants. Letters in support of student projects should preferably come from academic advisors. Letters of recommendation should be submitted online. [Note: students will be asked to enter the email address of their letter writer. An email message will then automatically be sent to the letter writer with information on how to submit the letter.]

·  Completed grant application forms are due January 31st, 2016.

·  Letters of recommendation are due February 7th, 2016.

·  Decisions will be announced in May 2016.

·  Please direct any questions to the Conservation Committee Chairs, Dr. Michelle Bezanson () and Stacey Tecot ().


I. COVER PAGE (please complete all sections on this page)
1) / Project Title:
2) / Principal Investigator(s):
3) / Is this a student project?
Yes ____ No ____
If yes, ____Undergraduate
____PhD / Confirm that you are an ASP member by checking YES.
Yes _____
*If you are a student membe, be sure to include ONE letter of recommendation
Name of person writing letter:
4) / Address:
5) / Phone: / Fax:
6) / Institutional Affiliation:
7) / Country where project will be conducted:
Species to be studied:
8) / Project Period (proposed starting and ending dates):
9) / Total estimated cost of the project: / $
Amount of funding requested from ASP: (max. $2,000): / $
Support from other sources: (specify the funding agency, amt. requested,
if funds are pending, or amt. approved)
10) / Does this project comply with the animal welfare regulations specified by the country in which the project will be conducted? / Yes ___ No ___
11) / Have you applied for the necessary permits required to conduct a study in the host country? / Yes, Acquired ___ No ___
Yes, Pending ___ If no, explain:
12) / Please provide a 3 line summary of your project:

II. PROJECT NARRATIVE (maximum 4 pages)

1. Abstract (maximum 225 words)

2. Introduction

·  Background & Significance

·  Specific Aims & Goals (indicate the specific contribution to conservation)

3. Methods (include sections as appropriate)

·  Study Site

·  Study Subjects (include sample size)

·  Data Collection

·  Data Analysis

·  Animal Handling (provide a technical description and justification of procedures that involve immobilization/capture/tissue collection of live animals)

4. Education/Outreach (if applicable)

5. Timetable (Outline the specific dates of project activities from start to completion; Please note that this grant cannot be used to fund research already completed)

6. Significance of the Project for Primate Conservation

7. Ethical Issues (Briefly discuss potential ethical issues associated with your project and how you will attempt to deal with them; e.g., habituation; human-nonhuman primate disease transmission; potential negative impacts on local human communities)

III. REFERENCES CITED (maximum 2 pages)

List all references cited within your proposal. References should be complete, be listed in alphabetical order and be presented in any of the bibliographic formats found in major primatological journals (e.g., American Journal of Primatology, International Journal of Primatology, etc.).


·  Budget: provide an outline of project expenses, e.g., travel/transportation, room, meals, field assistants, equipment, supplies, miscellaneous expenses, etc.

·  Justification: provide a brief statement justifying the proposed budget items.

o  If the project budget exceeds the amount requested from ASP, indicate the total budget amount, the specifics item(s) to be funded by the ASP Conservation Grant, and how the remaining expenses will be covered (i.e., other sources of funding).

V. SHORT CURRICULUM VITAE (maximum 2 pages)

Include information such as educational background, current position, relevant experience, and presentations and publications. (Note: Please DO NOT include CVs of co-investigators)

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