Jan 26, 2011

Fort Worth, TX

Chair: Paul Scott Vice Chair: David Ekas Secretary: Johnna Oakley Smith

Call to Order

Paul Scott called the meeting to order and reviewed agenda.

Read SC13 Charge

Paul read the SC13 charge: Develop and maintain specifications and recommended practices for drilling, completion, fracturing fluids, fluids processing equipment and related subjects.

New Secretary

Paul recognized Johnna Oakley Smith as the new secretary of SC13.

A minute of silence was held in memory of Adelina Son.

Update Roster

The SC13 roster maintained by the API wasprovided for review. Meeting attendees were asked to make sure their own information is correct and that their companies’ representation on the roster is correct. They were also asked to make sure they are on the list (voting, mailing, etc) to ensure they are included in future mailings.

Roll Call

Members Present or Represented – 27 out of 40, constituting a quorum.

[P. Scott, D. Ekas, J. Oakley Smith, J. Guy-Caffey, J. Berger, D. Breeden, A. Diaz, D. Dino, B. Estes, S. Stokes for Catalin Ivan, P. Javora, C. Lacombe, M. Mas, M. Melbouci, L. Mitchell, P. Nogueira, M. Pless, S. Polnaszek, V. Qiu, L. Robinson, M. Seheult, T. Shumate, C. Stark, C. Steele, C. Stouffer, D. Weintritt, and T. Wilkin.]

Special Recognition of Dr. Judy Guy-Caffey by David Miller – API for her work, participation and contribution as secretary of SC 13.

Welcome New Participants

Paul welcomed new participants – Andres Diaz, BP GOM; MatthewMalwitz,Grinding and Sizing; LeonMartinez, Global Wire Cloth; Toby McClain, FANN Instruments; Hugo Osorio,Equion Energy;Victoria Qiu, Shell E&P; Tom Remy,Global Wire Cloth;Phil Schwartz, OFITE; Jennifer Shaffer, Tetra Technologies;and Neil Trotter, Chevron.

Approval Of Minutes for Meetings – Jan 2010 and June 2010 meeting minutes previouslysent and posted were reviewed and approved. (Motion- D. Breeden; Second – C. Stouffer) Action items from the June 2010 summer meeting have been addressed. Ad hoc work groups will continue and 2 items will be carried over to next meeting.

Upcoming Meetings

Summer – June 27-July 1, 2011 - San Francisco

Winter – Jan 23 – 27, 2012 Fort Worth, TX

Summer- June 11 – 15, 2012 Westminster, CO

Any issues with venue, etc., please let Paul know and he will bring it up to the API

Paul provided definition of the CSOEM – Committee on Standardization of Oilfield Equipment and Materials. He also presented on training of the API Sharepoint website and contact information for the API. This includes Task Group folders, meeting minutes, and data related to API SC 13.

New Work Items or Published Manuscripts

  • NWI – TG3 - Brent Estes forming a work group to look at activity measurements of aqueous based solutions that are not calcium chloride. SRRR form has been submitted. Motion to accept: M. Pless first, David Breeden, second.


TG 2

Close to getting all our documents published:

Spec 13A/ISO 13500 – API and ISO documents are in sync.

RP 13B-1/ISO 10414-1 – API and ISO documents are in sync. Anticipate new section for PPT analyses.

RP 13B-2/ISO 10414-2 – ISO document is at the Final Draft International Standard (FDIS)
balloting stage (50.20) and is expected in Feb 2011. API will follow with identical adopt-back. Anticipate new section for PPT analyses, although ceramic disks is included.

RP 13C/ISO 13501 – ISO document is at FDIS ballot stage (50.20) and is expected in Mar 2011. API will follow with identical adopt-back.

RP 13D – published in 2010. Corrections and technical edits have been received and need to be addressed.

RP 13I/ISO 10416 – ISO and API are in sync. Anticipate new section for PPT analyses.

RP 13J/ ISO 13503-3 – Accepted by ISO as NWI to enter system at Draft International Standard (DIS).

RP 13K – published in 2010.

RP 13L - reaffirmed in 2010 but being considered for rewrite.

RP 13M-1/ISO 13503-1 – status unknown. The work is done under ISO/TC67/SC3/WG3, and communication with SC13 is not good.

RP 13M-4/ISO 13503-4 – status unknown. The work is done under ISO/TC67/SC3/WG3, and communication with SC13 is not good.

10414-2 will go to an FDIS vote soon

TG 3

WG1- Tom Shumate- Mud Chemical Analysis – in hibernation

WG 2- HPHT viscometer – Reviewed by task group members. It has been sent back to Keith Morton to review.

WG 3- Particle Size Distribution for NAFs – continuing to progress

PPTProcedure re-write – David Breeden’s team along with Larry Mitchell leading. Generic to apply to water based and oil based fluids and any type closure cell- working to revise documents in 3 publications.

Paul discussed a new work item related to development of a work group on activity measurements of OBM aqueous phase solutions with a material scope limited to formates, nitrates, acetates, glycols and glycerols. WG Charge “Develop procedures for measurement of non chloride activity modifiers in non-aqueous fluids and the methodology to use those measurements in corrected solids calculations”.

TG 4

WG1 – Drill solids – Moving forward …..Next Round Robin testing will be done on oil base mud. Meeting scheduled for Feb 1st.

WG2- PPT procedure re-write- Document finished. Work group will review once more before clearing. Then it will be sent to TG for approval and for submittal to SC 13 by June 2011 meeting.

AD HOC - Filter cake compressibility – get document together for proposal submittal to universities

AD HOC particle size group – will look at round robin testing and various lab equipment

DavidDerwin (Superior Graphite) provided a presentation earlier this morning on abrasion on the blades of the model 9B mixer. Tabled at this point. Will be reviewed by Don Weintritt and Jim Berger.

TG 5

WG 1 – New chair Neil Trotter. Working to determine solids removal efficiency on rigs.

WG 2 – System guidelines for screen identification – definite progress being made. The API will help us to develop procedures for monogramming/witnessing programs to police the vendors.

TG 6

Meeting with quorum – minutes approved from June 2010 meeting

Buffer Capacity – Completed Tasks

Corrosion –Completed Tasks

Future Projects – Completed Tasks

Return Permeability, Displacement, Hydrate, Scale, Emulsion Technology work groups are conducting and taking care of tasks

API CRA testing program updated

Total ISO 13503-2 revisions were reviewed and issues will be addressed and resolved

TG 7

RP 13D– Mario Zamora reviewed the document and identified several corrections. Mario would like to have TG reactivated and the document revised to include newer techniques that have been identified since the document was written.

TG 8

WG 1- Reviewingwording of guidance document regarding limitations of starch and guar determination procedures in API SPEC 13A.

WG2- Re-run standard evaluation base clay tests specific to starch –2ndround robin

WG 4 – hibernation.

Paul Scott and Tim Wilkin will contact Saleh Al-Ammari for clarification regarding a revision or new specification for starch.

Fracturing Fluids – Paul discussed an update sent by Mahmoud Asadi concerning the TG on fracturing fluids.

Document RP13 M-1 is up for a 5 year revision.

13503-6leak off for completion fluids

13503-X on formation damage

Paul encouraged Dodie to talk with MahmoudAsadi what they have done and make sure we are working together to develop similar procedures.

RP on Business Practices

Business Practices is continuing to develop the RP and flowchart to more clearly identify the business practices we should use. Paul discussed a new work group or task group on long term storage on archived material.

Proppants Group

Paul reported that CSOEM has decided to transfer the proppants group from SC 19 to SC 13.


Good participation by members and groups.

Simultaneous meetings did not worked well but people who held WG meetings accomplished a lot. We will try to continue holding WG meetings but not simultaneous with other meetings. This may be accomplished by utilizing available time on Monday (before our meetings convene) or before or after regular meeting hours.

First row seating did not work well. Too many of us have laptops and other baggage that prevented easy movement.

We will continue our current schedule with Work Group meetings on Tuesday; Task Group and SC 13 meetings on Wednesday.

Paul shared some of his objectives for his coming three year tenure:

  • These include getting things done faster yet maintain the quality of the work.
  • Less is more… our documents really grow. We will work on reducing their size.
  • We need to embrace new technology and encouragement of use.
  • Encourage younger people involved.
  • Revive the social… Jared Hammer with OFITE is willing to coordinate sponsors for future socials.

Paul thanked everyone for being there and the companies represented who allow us to attend.




Marvin Pless – Paul put together an email to help justify membership and involvement in the API meetings. Marvin requested that Paul send out the email to all members for usein continued support for involvement with the API. Paul encouraged members to use meeting minutes and documents available in the website.

Adjourn – Carl Stouffer motioned to adjourn; Cheryl Stark seconded.

Respectfully Submitted:

Johnna Oakley Smith

Johnna Oakley Smith

SC 13 Secretary

March 7, 2011