Figure 2-1—Distribution of southern pine beetle infestations in the United States from 1960 through 1979 (after Price and Doggett 1978).

Figure 2-2—Number of southern pine beetle infestations detected in Texas, 1958-1979 (after Texas Forest Service 1978).

Figure 2-3—Present known distribution of the southern pine beetle (after Hendrichs 1977 unpublished).

Figure 2-4—Life stages of the southern pine beetle: A—egg; B—larva; C—pupa; D—callow adult; E—mature adult.

Figure 2-5—Seasonal variation in pheromone content of the female southern pine beetle.

Figure 2-6—Seasonal variation in response to an attractant (frontalin, verbenone, and turpentine) by southern pine beetles in the laboratory (1975-1977).

Figure 2-7—Schematic of olfactory sensillum and whole antenna showing sensilla distribution (A) electroantennogram (EAG), and (B) single-cell recording techniques (after Payne 1979).

Figure 2-8—Female southern pine beetle olfactory receptor system. Mean percent interaction of pheromones and host terpenes with frontalin acceptors. Width of columns represents X ± SE for each compound with the exception of frontalin (Dickens and Payne 1977).

Figure 2-9—Male southern pine beetle olfactory receptor system.

Figure 2-10—Height distribution of southern pine beetles on host trees during the aggregation phase (after Coster et al. 1977a).

Figure 2-11—Diurnal distribution of southern pine beetles on host trees during the aggregation phase (after Coster et al. 1977b).

Figure 2-12—Characteristic pitch tubes on host tree mass attacked by the southern pine beetle.

Figure 2-13—Simplistic model of role of behavioral chemicals during the aggregation phase (revised after Renwick and Vité 1969, Coster et al. 1977a).

Figure 2-14—Stages of host tree colonization by the southern pine beetle.

Figure 3-1—Relationships between number of samples needed and size of the sample unit to estimate the density of predators. The 90 percent confidence limits are included. (Redrawn from Stephen and Taha 1976.)

Figure 3-2—Sequence of arrival of T. dubius and southern pine beetles on trees under mass attack by SPB. Vertical bars = ± SEx. Based on 7 trees, 3,173 T. dubius, and 29,896 SPB. (From Dixon and Payne 1979a.)

Figure 3-3—The behavioral sequence of events in predation by Thanasimus dubius adults. (From Frazier et al. 1980.)

Figure 3-4—Predatory behavior of adult Thanasimus dubius. A = ambush, B = searching, C = catching, D = prey orientation and locomotion, E = prey consumption, and F = grooming and nonlocomotion. (From Frazier et al. 1980.)

Figure 3-5—Adult of the tenebrionid beetle Corticeus glaber. Photo by R.A. Goyer.

Figure 3-6—Estimated numbers of SPB predators except Corticeus spp., 1975-1977. (From Lenhard and Goyer 1980.)

Figure 3-7—Numbers of Corticeus spp. associated with SPB, 1975-1977. (From Lenhard and Goyer 1980.)

Figure 3-8—Sequence of arrival of the SPB parasitoids Coeloides pissodis, Dendrosoter sulcatus, Heydenia unica, and Spathius pallidus, in relation to SPB brood development. Numbers trapped are shown in parentheses. Totals were from seven trees. (From Dixon and Payne 1979b.)

Figure 3-9—Numbers of the parasitoids Spathius pallidus (A) and Coeloides pissodis (B) relative to numbers of SPB at different bark thicknesses. (From Gargiullo and Berisford 1980.)

Figure 3-10—Numbers of natural enemies, including parasitoids relative to numbers of SPB brood adults at three locations in North Carolina. (From Hain 1978 unpublished.)

Figure 3-11—Seasonal abundance of parasitoids relative to numbers of SPB eggs in SPB-infested trees in Louisiana. (From Goyer and Finger 1980.)

Figure 3-12—Parasitoids reared from SPB (A) and Phloeosinus dentatus (B) presented with simultaneous choices of logs infested with SPB or Phloeosinus dentatus. Parasitoids reared from SPB (C) and Ips grandicollis (D) presented with simultaneous choices of logs infested with SPB or Ips grandicollis. (From Kudon and Berisford 1980b.)

Figure 3-13—Lipid profile of SPB (A) and a parasitoid, Heydenia unica (B), that had been reared on SPB. Lipid profile of Ips calligraphus (C) and the same Heydenia unica (D) which had been reared on I. calligraphus. (From Kudon and Berisford 1980c.)

Figure 3-14—Theoretical stand model of parasitoid shifts from the relatively scarce hosts to the more abundant host bark beetles (Ips spp. and SPB) during the buildup of SPB from endemic to epidemic levels and the subsequent decline to endemic populations. (From Berisford and Kudon 1979 unpublished.)

Figure 3-15—An SPB adult with phoretic mites attached. Photo by J.C. Moser.

Figure 3-16—A tree that has been heavily foraged by woodpeckers and contains SPB brood. (From Kroll et al. 1980.)

Figure 3-17—A: Adult downy (below left) and hairy (above right) woodpeckers. B: Pileated woodpecker. C: Red-bellied woodpecker. (From Kroll et al. 1980.)

Figure 3-18—Densities of woodpeckers in SPB spots at different times of the year. (From Kroll 1979 unpublished.)

Figure 3-19—Distribution of woodpecker feeding activity on the boles of SPB-infested trees during different seasons. (From Kroll 1979 unpublished.)

Figure 3-20—Survival of SPB in trees which were screened to prevent woodpecker predation and survival in unscreened trees. (From Kroll 1979 unpublished.)

Figure 3-21—The southern pine sawyer, Monochamus titillator. (From Goyer et al. 1980.)

Figure 3-22—Impact of foraging by pine sawyer larvae on SPB broods. Curves show differences between expected numbers of SPB and those actually observed. (From Coulson et al. 1980a.)

Figure 3-23—Area of the main bole of loblolly pine occupied by each of five species of bark beetles. (From Birch and Svihra 1979.)

Figure 3-24—Relative seasonal abundance of SPB pathogens in Mississippi and Alabama 1975-1977. (From Sikorowski et al. 1979.)

Figure 3-25—Incidence of SPB disease and yearly temperature. (From Sikorowski et al. 1979.)

Figure 3-26—Cross section of a tree attacked by SPB which shows extensive staining by Ceratocystis minor. Photo by C.W. Berisford.

Figure 3-27—The effect of SPB natural enemies on loblolly (A) and shortleaf (B) pine mortality.

Figure 3-28—The effect of season and natural enemies on predicted tree mortality through time.

Figure 4-1—Distribution of infested and baseline plots by site index class for the Gulf Coastal Plain (after Rowell 1978 unpublished).

Figure 4-2—A high-BA stand of pines that have been attacked by the beetle.

Figure 4-3—Distribution of baseline and infested plots by basal area classes for the Gulf Coastal Plain (after Rowell 1978 unpublished).

Figure 4-4—Percentages of SPB infestations and general forest area by stand age classes in the Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana (from Lorio, in Coster and Searcy 1979).

Figure 4-5—Distribution of baseline and infested plots by total tree height classes for east Texas.

Figure 4-6—Pitch tubes signify the attack of black turpentine beetle after this tree was damaged by logging equipment.

Figure 5-1—Spatial distribution of SPB life stages (life stage density v. the normalized infested bole height.)

Figure 5-2—Spatial and temporal distribution of attacking SPB adults (Y axis = adult density, X axis = height on infested bole, Z axis = normalized time). (From Fargo et al. 1978.)

Figure 5-3—Frequency histogram of density of attacking adult SPB, based on estimates taken from 134 trees in east Texas.

Figure 5-4—Spatial and temporal distribution of cumulative gallery length for the SPB. Y axis = cumulative gallery length density, X axis = height of infested bole, Z axis = normalized time.

Figure 5-5—Frequency histogram of density of gallery length of the SPB, based on estimates taken from 59 trees in east Texas.

Figure 5-6—Relationship between gallery length (solid line) and eggs (dashed line) v. number of mating pairs of adult SPB, illustrating a decrease in eggs and gallery length with increasing adult density.

Figure 5-7—Spatial and temporal distribution of reemerged SPB adults. Y axis = reemerged adult density, X axis = height on infested bole, Z axis = normalized time. (From Coulson et al. 1978.)

Figure 5-8—Spatial and temporal pattern of survivorship for within-tree SPB populations. Y axis = survivorship/100 eggs, X axis = normalized infested bole height, Z axis = normalized time.

Figure 5-9—Spatial and temporal pattern of generation survival for within-tree SPB populations. Y axis = survival of SPB/attacking adult, X axis = normalized infested bole height, Z axis = normalized time.

Figure 5-10—Spatial and temporal distribution of emerged SPB adults. Y axis = emerged adult density, X axis = height on infested bole, Z axis = normalized time. (From Coulson et al. 1979b.)

Figure 5-11—Frequency histogram of density of emerged SPB adults, based on estimates taken from 134 trees in east Texas.

Figure 5-12—Aerial view of SPB infestation (spot) illustrating trees in several age classes. Gray trees in background no longer contain beetles in any stage, red trees contain late developmental stages and beetles ready to emerge, lightly faded trees contain early developmental stages, and green trees in the foreground (at the edge of the spot) are being attacked.

Figure 5-13—Spatial arrangement of attacked and unattacked trees in an SPB spot. The cylinders represent attacked trees and are proportional to the actual size of the trees in the spot. The ellipses represent peripheral unattacked trees. The two axes indicate the actual scale in meters.

Figure 5-14—Arriving adults, centimeters of gallery construction, reemergence, and emergence, based on daily estimates taken from trees throughout the course of development of a spot.

Figure 5-15—Representative components of the population dynamics of the SPB, measured at the infestation level of organizational complexity. Measurements were made during the period of Julian dates 123 and 298 in a spot that occurred in east Texas during the summer of 1977. The beetle processes of attack, reemergence, and allocation are absolute numbers of beetles ¸ 103; brood alive within the trees ¸ 106. The host characteristics measured included the number of infested trees, the infested surface area (100 cm2) ¸ 103, and the mean infested surface area (100 cm2) per tree ¸ 102.

Figure 5-16—Generalized plot illustrating the temporal relationship of the processes of attack, reemergence, and emergence for an infested tree. (From Fargo 1977.)

Figure 5-17—Survival probability curves for emerged SPB adults held at five different constant temperatures (in °C) in the laboratory, illustrating the relationship between decreasing adult longevity and increasing temperature.

Figure 5-18—Survival probabilities for between-tree populations of SPB adults and the pattern of attack observed throughout the course of development of a spot in east Texas during 1977. The average maximum and minimum temperatures (°C) are also included.

Figure 5-19—Survival probabilities for between-tree SPB populations of emerged and reemerged adults throughout the course of development of a spot in east Texas during 1977.

Figure 5-20—Dispersal pattern followed by reemerged (solid line) and emerged (dashed line) SPB throughout the course of development of a spot in east Texas during 1977. The arrows are proportional in size to the number of beetles in either the reemerging or emerging mode. The numbers represent Julian dates in the development of the spot and range from 153 (June 2) to 249 (Sept. 6) in 1977.

Figure 5-21—Direction of dispersal followed by SPB adults throughout the course of development of a spot in east Texas during 1977. The boxes represent the direction (indicated by the line inside the box) of allocating SPB.

Figure 5-22—Daily ratios of beetle output per input in an SPB spot in east Texas during 1977.

Figure 5-23—Daily estimates of the total within-tree brood alive in three SPB spots in east Texas during 1977. These estimates span the duration the spots were active. Note that about day 275 all spots contained nominally the same number of living brood stages, yet the spots each became inactive at different times.

Figure 5-24—Predicted phloem moisture (A), xylem moisture (B), and xylem water potential (C) at various SPB life stages, illustrating the systematic pattern of habitat degradation that follows colonization.

Figure 5-25—Abstraction of the Southeast coniferous forest ecosystem as a “smooth” topographical gradient (slope exaggerated). Successional transformations resulting from fire and SPB extend at right angles to the plane of the page. Dotted arrows indicate direction of movement. Fire, a regular feature of the drier uplands, invades lowlands where drought and SPB both create favorable fuel conditions. The beetle, in turn, depends on fire to regenerate pine stands. The hardwood climax reached in the far right lowland results from suitable intervals without fire and can be reduced by fire.

Figure 6-1—In the PISYS system, an operator views aerial photographs using a scanning stereoscope. Points on the photograph are digitized with a Numonics graphics calculator interfaced to a desk-top minicomputer.

Figure 6-2—Transforming the digitized locations of points on a large-scale photograph to the corresponding position on a smaller-scale map.

Figure 6-3—PISYS graphic displays. Each point represents an SPB-infested spot. The identification numbers refer to the year and the Julian date.

Figure 6-4—Proposed Loran-C coverage.

Figure 6-5—Loran navigation system, by Teledyne Systems, Inc. Less expensive Loran-C systems are available.

Figure 6-6—Comparison of actual flight track to desired and Loran-C indicated track.

Figure 6-7—Radiograph of bark samples infested with southern pine beetle.

Figure 6-8—Curvilinear relationship between number of samples needed to estimate total mature brood and the corresponding sample unit area. The 90 percent confidence limits are also included. (Taken from Stephen and Taha 1976.)

Figure 6-9—Sampling on SPB-infested tree.

Figure 6-10—Criteria used for the identification of SPB attack sites: (A) the outer bark surface showing a pitch tube that marks the point of attack; (B) a cross section of bark showing the pitch tube on the outer bark surface, and (C) the inner bark surface showing the entry point of an attack and the construction of egg galleries. (Taken from Linit and Stephen 1978.)

Figure 6-11—Infested loblolly pine tree equipped with pole steps to permit access to reemergence traps. (Courtesy of the Entomological Society of Canada.)

Figure 6-12—Plot of raw data and resulting curves for various models discussed in Nebeker et al. (1978b). Models I-D and III are the same when all trees are combined. (Taken from Nebeker et al. 1978b)

Figure 6-13—Successive transformations of the tree surface. A. Truncated cone and sample locations on the standing tree. B. Flattened surface of truncated cone. C. and D. Sections of the conical surface transformed to trapezoids of equivalent area. (Taken from Pulley et al. 1976.)

Figure 6-14—Solid of volume equivalent to the insect count on a particular section of the tree. (Taken from Pulley et al. 1976.)

Figure 6-15—Schematic illustrating the use of the probability density function (PDF) method of estimating within-tree attacking adult populations of southern pine beetle. (Taken from Pulley et al. 1977b.)

Figure 6-16—Population growth sequence followed in the TAMBEETLE infestation dynamics model.

Figure 6-17—Information flow chart for the TAMBEETLE infestation dynamics model.