All Nations Community Church and Christian Academy seek to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20 by winning the lost and disciplining believers to maturity (1 Corinthians 1:18-25). We seek to exalt Jesus Christ by winning and equipping believers in Christ, strengthening families, and transforming society so as to extend the kingdom of God worldwide.


“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I, send me!” Isaiah 6:8

After receiving a call from the Lord, two brothers, Reverend Eugene In and Missionary Joseph In, proceeded to plant a church and school in Yangpyong, Korea. Their vision was to start a school that would minister to the needs of Korean MKs (missionary kids) as well as proclaim Christ in this area. With 80% of the population (Yangpyong) unbelievers, this is a difficult feat. But through the strength and grace of God, the school and church have slowly but gradually increased in number.

Although most students who have come to All Nations Community Church and Academy were unbelievers, God has used this ministry to change the hearts of many. Many parents when they first came were not open to the Gospel but as their children continued to attend, they became more receptive; some have even become believers and joined our church!

As God blesses this school and as it grows, it is our hope that we would continue to live up to the purpose and root of this ministry—Christ Jesus.


All Nations Community Church and Christian Academy have sought to use English as a tool to reach the unreached. This strategy is to first meet the felt needs of the people and then, as they become open to the Gospel, meet their spiritual needs also.

Because Yangpyong is still a developing city about an hour’s drive from Seoul, most parents do not have access to reliable English programs as they do have in larger cities such as Seoul or Daejon. In understanding this need, All Nations Christian Academy provides seeking parents the quality English education they desire. Through these English lessons, opportunities are presented for teachers to share the gospel with students and families who may not have been able to hear it otherwise. All staff members, as well as most of our curriculum are Christian (except for some ESL textbooks). Ultimately, our goal is to impact the lives of our students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that they may in turn, be able to share that same impact with their families.

All Nations Community Church also shares this strategy in our Worship Service and Children’s Ministry. English Worship Service is conducted every Sunday morning before Korean Worship. Although the English Worship Services are primarily to meet the needs of our English speaking staff, they are also open for the community as well.

After the English Worship Service, English teachers, Korean assistants, and children move to a separate location for Children’s Church. Although Children’s Church is conducted in English, Korean assistants are there to translate for deeper understanding. The heart of the Children’s Ministry Staff is not that the children learn how to speak English but that they truly come to understand the Gospel and the Biblical Truths of God.

In Children’s Church, a Korean teaches Bible and the worship songs are led by native English speakers with Korean Assistants. Then English teachers lead the children in games and other activities, but the format changes according to the abilities and interests of the teachers, some of whom may do other types of outreach. The purpose of our Sunday School is to develop relationships with our students that will lead to salvation, discipleship, and growth.

Parents are invited to join the Korean worship service for adults during the Children’s Church and Sunday School. There they are also presented with the Gospel.


As All Nations Community Church and Academy grow, we hope to develop more ways to reach out to this community. We have already won many to Christ through summer and winter camps, VBS, and special programs such as an Easter Festival, Christmas Celebrations, etc. Our dream is for all of Yangpyong to know Christ as its Lord and Savior. In doing so, we specifically want to develop our English Worship Service into a more open service where all feel free to join. In addition, we hope to develop an English Sunday School program for adults. Again, we want to utilize the English language as a strategy to draw people into knowing the Lord.

Furthermore, it is our belief that All Nations Community Church and Academy exist to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ. The church already supports missionaries in Mongolia, China, and a couple involved in Bible translation in Siberia. We hope that we will eventually be a support base for more missionaries and sister schools in other countries. For example, we are helping with about $100 p.m. three mission schools in India which have 577 students. Our International Relations Coordinator helped establish and develop these and other schools in Pakistan and other countries.