Incomplete/Missing Assignment Notice – 7th Grade

Directions: Complete this form and take it home for your parent/guardian to sign if you did not complete and hand in your work on time. Return this form to Ms. Apple with your completed work.

Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Title of the assignment: ______

Reason for not turning in your completed work:

q  I completed the work, but left it at home.

q  I completed the work, but left it in my locker.

q  I did the wrong assignment.

q  I did not complete the work because ______.

It is extremely important your child completes his/her work on time. Late assignments will be accepted one class day late, but 50% will be deducted from the assignment’s grade. Assignments will also be accepted two class days late, but 75% will be deducted from the assignment’s grade. Assignments late more than two class days will not earn credit.

Ms. Apple

Parent/Guardian signature: ______

Incomplete/Missing Assignment Notice – 7th Grade

Directions: Complete this form and take it home for your parent/guardian to sign if you did not complete and hand in your work on time. Return this form to Ms. Apple with your completed work.

Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Title of the assignment: ______

Reason for not turning in your completed work:

q  I completed the work, but left it at home.

q  I completed the work, but left it in my locker.

q  I did the wrong assignment.

q  I did not complete the work because ______.

It is extremely important your child completes his/her work on time. Late assignments will be accepted one class day late, but 50% will be deducted from the assignment’s grade. Assignments will also be accepted two class days late, but 75% will be deducted from the assignment’s grade. Assignments late more than two class days will not earn credit.

Ms. Apple

Parent/Guardian signature: ______