Indicator 1
Instructional Organization / Date: ABCTE ID:
Unsatifactory Fair Satifactory Excellent
Prepares the classroom, resources, and materials to maximize the time spent on, and the efficiency of, instruction.
Arranges and assigns seats in an appropriate manner.
Communicates procedures and ensures that students follow established routines and systems.
Decorates the classroom in an appropriate and engaging manner.
Maintains accurate student records and protects students' privacy. / Comments and Suggested Action Plan:
Indicator 2
Lesson Planning
Unsatifactory / Fair / Satifactory / Excellent
Prepares lessons tied directly to the state, district and school curriculum and objectives.
Delivers lessons mindful of standardized exams for which the students will be responsible.
Prepares lessons in advance.
Meets school expectations for lesson plans.
Shows consideration for a diverse classroom population.
Accommodates different learning styles, academic needs, and developmental levels; complies with student IEPs. / Comments and Suggested Action Plan:
Indicator 3
Content Mastery
Unsatifactory / Fair / Satifactory / Excellent
Is well versed in content.
Anticipates areas that may be confusing or difficult for students and provides support as needed.
Answers questions correctly.
Draws connections to similar topics.
Extends learning across disciplines, beyond the classroom, and makes content relevant to students.
Incorporates reading comprehension, writing, and mathematical knowledge where relevant across content areas. / Comments and Suggested Action Plan:
Indicator 4
Classroom Management
Unsatifactory / Fair / Satifactory / Excellent
Sets clear expectations for behavior in the classroom.
Enforces rules consistently and fairly.
Employs the least aggressive means of asserting authority based on the situation.
Is the authority figure in the classroom.
Maintains an orderly and productive classroom. / Comments and Suggested Action Plan:
Indicator 5
Instructional Delivery
Unsatifactory / Fair / Satifactory / Excellent
Presents effective, engaging, and developmentally appropriate lessons.
Begins lessons with an introductory activity and ends lessons with an appropriate closure.
Communicates effectively with students.
Provides students with opportunities to practice and apply what they learn.
Incorporates technology appropriately and effectively. / Comments and Suggested Action Plan:

Mentor Checklist:Complete mentoring training sessions 1-4Complete mentoring training sessions 1-4
Conduct pre-observation meeting

Indicator 6
Positive Learning Environment
Unsatifactory / Fair / Satifactory / Excellent
Creates a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to learning, where students are motivated to participate in class and learn.
Establishes a bond with students and demonstrates a respect for differences and diversity within and beyond the classroom.
Encourages collaboration and a sense of community among students, promoting democracy and citizenship.
Addresses student needs positively.
Sets high academic expectations for students. / Comments and Suggested Action Plan:
Indicator 7
Classroom Assessment
Unsatifactory / Fair / Satifactory / Excellent
Uses effective questioning techniques.
Assesses frequently and appropriately.
Develops students' abilities to think critically, solve problems, and analyze and synthesize information.
Develops assessments that are aligned with the curriculum.
Uses individual and whole class assessment data to guide and adjust instruction.
Eliminates bias in assessments to ensure fairness and accuracy in assessment procedures.
Provides accommodations, modifications or alternate assessments for students with special needs.
Provides students with specific, constructive feedback that will help them meet instructional goals. / Comments and Suggested Action Plan:
Indicator 8
Professionalism and Adherence to School Policy
Unsatifactory / Fair / Satifactory / Excellent
Acts and dresses appropriately in and out of the classroom.
Meets and exceeds expectations set for students.
Complies with duties and expectations of school administration.
Adheres to laws and ethics that relate to the students and the school.
Seeks out opportunities for positive and professional interactions with students, families, colleagues, and communities. / Comments and Suggested Action Plan:
Expectations Outside the Classroom
Student Achievement
Keeps a record of student achievement over the course of the school year.
Raises student academic performance during the instructional term.
Applies and interprets data appropriately to verify and underscore student academic successes. / Comments and Suggested Action Plan:
Note: Observations 1 and 2 are unscored. Only qualitative comments should be reported.

Mentor digital signature indicating that everything represented is accurate and truthful:
Teacher digital signature acknowledging they have seen this document:

Administrator’s digital signature: