Sample CRCT questions- (GDOE)(MOSART)

1. The observation that ice cubes float in a glass of water can be explained by the fact that

a. Most substances have less energy as solids than as liquids.

b. Most substances are less dense as solids than as liquids.

c. Ice has less energy than liquid water.

d. Ice is less dense than liquid water.

2. A different chemical substance is formed when a

a. Piece of cloth is cut.

b. Cup breaks.

c. Candle burns.

d. Piece of chalk breaks.

3.Lucy noticed that her coin collection had begun to tarnish. Some of the metal in the coins had begun to change color. The formation of tarnish is most similar to which of the following changes?

a. Shredding a piece of paper into hundreds of tiny strips.

b. Dropping a dinner plate on the floor.

c. Melting ice cubes in a glass of juice.

d. Burning a piece of paper to ashes in a fireplace.

4. Each element of the Periodic Table is assigned an atomic number. This number is the same as

a. The number of electrons in the atom’s nucleus.

b. The number of protons in the atom’s nucleus.

c. The number of neutrons in the atom’s nucleus.

d. The number of protons and neutrons in the atom’s nucleus.

5. Which is usually true about metals?

a. Metals melt at lower temperatures than other elements.

b. Metals always have their atoms arranged into crystals.

c. Metals do not combine easily with nonmetals.

d. Metals conduct electricity more easily than nonmetals.

6. Which of the following reactions best illustrates the Law of Conservation of Mass?

a. H2O2 → H2O + O2

b. Na + CuS → Na2S + 2 Cu

c. K + AgCl → KCl + Ag

d. NaOH + 2 HCl → NaCl + H2O

7. When wood burns, a small amount of ashes is made. Why is the mass of the wood before the fire not equal to the mass the ashes after the reaction?

a. The mass of the wood has been destroyed.

b. The mass of the wood and the oxygen that allowed it to burn will equal the mass of the ashes and the gas given off during the burning.

c. The mass of the wood and the ashes equals the mass of the oxygen and the smoke given off during the time that the wood burned.

d. The wood has holes in it so it is actually lighter in mass than it appears. The mass of just the wood will equal the mass of just the ashes after the burning.

8. When electrical energy is “used” b y an electric light, what really happens to the energy? A. It is given off as other forms of energy.

B. It changes to matter

C. It stops at the electric light.

D. It disappears.

9. A car stopped at the top of a ramp has

a. heat energy

b. potential energy

c. kinetic energy

d. mechanical energy.

10. Which represents kinetic energy?

a. a bear standing in a field of berries

b. a salmon resting in still water

c. a bear holding a salmon it has caught

d. a salmon leaping up a waterfall

11. What kind of energy transformation occurs when you turn on a vacuum cleaner?

a. mechanical to electrical

b. electrical to mechanical

c. chemical to electrical

d. thermal to electrical

12. The major reason for burning gasoline in an automobile engine is to convert

a. chemical energy to mechanical energy

b. kinetic energy to potential energy

c. radiation to electrical energy

d. thermal energy to electrical energy

13. What is the process by which heat energy gets from Earth from the Sun?

a. conduction

b. radiation

c. subduction

d. convection

14. Which of the following is an example of heat transfer by convection?

a. A hot wood stove heats an entire room

b. The handle of a potthat is being heated becomes warm

c. A teaspoon in a glass of hot tea becomes warm

d. The coils of a toaster become red

15. Which one of the following is NOT consistent with a car which is accelerating?

a. moving with an increasing speed

b. moving with a decreasing speed

c. moving with a high constant speed

d. changing direction.

16. A dancer moves 5 m toward the left of the stage over the course of 15 s. What is her average velocity for this time?

a. .33 m/s, left

b. 33m/s

c. .33 m/s, right

d. 3 m/s

17. Simon rolled a ball down a hill. The ball stopped before it reached the bottom of the hill. Which of these MOST LIKELY stopped theball from rolling?

a. mass b. gravity c. friction d. inertia

18. What must happen to an object in order to accelerate it?

a. A net force must be applied.

b. Some weight must be removed.

c. Its frictional coefficient must be reduced.

d. It must contain momentum.

19. Jeff was riding in a car. Which change demonstrates the GREATEST effect of inertia?

a. The car makes a sudden stop.

b. The car slows down gradually.

c. The car changes into another lane.

d. The car runs out of gas and rolls to a stop.

20. Which activity makes use of a pulley?

a. raising a flag on a tall flagpole

b. a tug-of-war game

c. tying a knot to hold down a tent

d. a jump-rope game

21. Which best explains why a person using a ramp can load heavy boxes onto a truck more easily than a person can using only human strength?

a. The person using a ramp needs less force

b. The person using human strength needs less force;

c. The ramp reduces the weight of the boxes

d. Friction makes it harder to lift boxes without a ramp.

22. Sue balances a cup of water with a sugar cube outside it with a cup of water with a sugar cube in it on a scale. After the sugar cube dissolves, what will happen to the pan holding the dissolved sugar?

  1. Move up.
  2. The pan will not move.
  3. Move down.
  4. First move up and then down.
  5. There is not enough information to answer the question.


An electric cord runs from a wall outlet along the floor to a lamp. The lamp’s light is on. You carefully stack books, one at a time, on top of each other on the wire until you have 100 pounds of books. Assuming the wire does not break, what do you think would happen to the brightness of the light?

  1. The brightness of the light would decrease gradually as more books were added to the stack.
  2. The light would dim all at once at some point, then remain dim.
  3. The light would go out as soon as the first book was placed on the wire.
  4. The light would flicker or briefly dim as each book was added, then return to normal.
  5. The light would not change in brightness.


Kevin starts walking from a store a certain distance from his home. Which sentence is a correct description of Kevin’s motion as shown on the graph?

  1. He walks toward home down a hill, then walks along a level path, then walks up a hill.
  2. He walks toward home, stops for a while, then walks away from home.
  3. He walks away from home, stops for a while, then walks toward home.
  4. He walks toward home down a hill, stops for a while, then walks up a hill.
  5. He walks down a hill and gets trapped in a valley.