Portfolio Supplementary

Additional Estimates

Statements 201314



Social Services Portfolio

Explanations of Supplementary

Additional Estimates 201314

© Commonwealth of Australia 2014

ISBN (print)978-1-925007-47-3
ISBN (PDF)978-1-925007-49-7
ISBN (.docx)978-1-925007-48-0

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DSS Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements

User Guideto thePortfolio SupplementaryAdditional Estimates Statements


DSS Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements

User Guide

The purpose of the 2013–14 Portfolio Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements (SAES), is to inform Senators, Members of Parliament and the public of the proposed allocation of additional resources to Government outcomes by agencies within the portfolio.

The SAES facilitate understanding of the proposed appropriations in Appropriation Bill (No. 5) 2013–14 and Appropriation Bill (No. 6) 2013–14. In this sense the SAES is declared by the Appropriation Acts to be a ‘relevant document’ to the interpretation of the Acts according to section 15AB of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

Appropriation Bill (No. 5), which follows on from Appropriation Bill (No. 1) tabled at Budget and Appropriation Bill (No. 3) tabled at Additional Estimates, will provide additional expenditure authority for the ordinary annual services of government in respect of the 2013–14 financial year.Appropriation Bill (No. 6), which follows on from Appropriation Bill (No. 2) tabled at Budget and Appropriation Bill (No. 4) tabled at Additional Estimates, will provide additional expenditure authority in respect of the 2013–14 financial year for capital works and services, payments to or for the States, Territories and local government authorities, and new administered outcomes not authorised by specific legislation.


DSS Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements

Social Services Portfolio
Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements

Department of Social Services...... 1

National Disability Insurance Agency...... 13


DSS Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements

Department of Social Services

Overview of additional appropriations...... 3

Agency Measures table...... 4

Additional Estimates and variations...... 7

Breakdown of Additional Estimates by appropriation bill...... 12


DSS Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements

Department of Social Services

Overview of additional appropriations

The Department of Social Services is seeking additional appropriations of $6.3million through Appropriation Bill (No. 5) 2013–14. These variations are due to additional measures announced since the Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2013–14.

Further information may be found in the 2014–15 Department of Social Services Portfolio Budget Statements.

Agency Measures table

Table 1.1 summarises new Government measures taken since the 2013–14Portfolio Additional Estimates. The table is split into revenue, expense and capital measures, with the affected program identified.

Table 1.1 Agency 2013-14 Supplementary Additional Estimates Measures

Program / 2013–14
$'000 / 2014–15
$'000 / 2015–16
$'000 / 2016–17
Revenue measures
Migration Programme –
allocation of places for 2014-151 / 11.3
Administered revenue / – / – / – / –
Departmental revenue / – / – / – / –
Total / – / – / – / –
Total revenue measures
Administered / – / – / – / –
Departmental / – / – / – / –
Total / – / – / – / –
Expense measures
National Homelessness Research Strategy – reduced funding / 2.1
Administered expenses / (3,076) / – / – / –
Departmental expenses / – / – / – / –
Total / (3,076) / – / – / –
Cessation of the Seniors Supplement – Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders / 4.2, 4.3
Administered expenses / – / (220,319) / (235,879) / (253,199)
Departmental expenses / 49 / 248 / 70 / 28
Total / 49 / (220,071) / (235,809) / (253,171)
Reprioritising the Aged Care Workforce Supplement / 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5
Administered expenses / (77,390) / 103,937 / 22,377 / (42,354)
Departmental expenses / – / 876 / (914) / (850)
Total / (77,390) / 104,813 / 21,463 / (43,204)

Table 1.1 Agency 2013-14 Supplementary Additional Estimates Measures (continued)

Program / 2013–14
$'000 / 2014–15
$'000 / 2015–16
$'000 / 2016–17
Apply the One-Week Ordinary Waiting Period to all Working Age Payments / 11.2, 11.4
Administered expenses / – / (46,291) / (64,816) / (66,092)
Departmental expenses / 91 / 137 / – / –
Total / 91 / (46,154) / (64,816) / (66,092)
Limit the Six-Week Portability Period for Student Payments / 11.3, 11.4
Administered expenses / – / (29,420) / (40,987) / (42,785)
Departmental expenses / 60 / 65 / – / –
Total / 60 / (29,355) / (40,987) / (42,785)
Migration Programme – allocation of places for 2014-151
Outcome 1 / 1.1
Administered expenses / (1,450) / (6,653) / (11,530) / (16,608)
Departmental expenses / – / – / – / –
Outcome 3 / 3.4
Administered expenses / – / (8) / (25) / (1,428)
Departmental expenses / – / – / – / –
Outcome 5 / 5.1
Administered expenses / (337) / (2,138) / (4,765) / (7,998)
Departmental expenses / – / – / – / –
Outcome 9 / 9.1
Administered expenses / – / (662) / (1,038) / (1,426)
Departmental expenses / (657) / (1,201) / (1,405) / (1,553)
Outcome 11 / 11.2,11.3
Administered expenses / – / – / (965) / (5,602)
Departmental expenses / – / – / – / –
Total / (2,444) / (10,662) / (19,728) / (34,615)
Support to Drought Affected Farmers2
Outcome 1 / 1.1, 1.4
Administered expenses / – / 3,000 / – / –
Departmental expenses / 38 / 56 / – / –
Outcome 5 / 5.1,5.8
Administered expenses / – / 3,500 / – / –
Departmental expenses / 24 / 38 / – / –
Total / 62 / 6,594 / – / –

Table 1.1 Agency 2013-14 Supplementary Additional Estimates Measures (continued)

Program / 2013–14
$'000 / 2014–15
$'000 / 2015–16
$'000 / 2016–17
Total expense measures
Administered / (82,253) / (195,054) / (337,628) / (437,492)
Departmental / (395) / 219 / (2,249) / (2,375)
Total / (82,648) / (194,835) / (339,877) / (439,867)

Additional Estimates and variations

The following table details the changes to the resourcing for the Department of Social Services at Supplementary Additional Estimates, by outcome. The table also details the Additional Estimates and variations resulting from new measures and any other variations (if applicable) since the 2013–14Portfolio Additional Estimates in Appropriation Bills (No.5 and No.6).

Table 1.2 Supplementary additional estimates and variations to outcomes from measures and other variations

impacted / 2013–14
$'000 / 2014–15
$'000 / 2015–16
$'000 / 2016–17
Outcome 1
Increase in estimates (administered)
Support to Drought Affected Farmers / 1.1 / – / 3,000 / – / –
Migration Programme – allocation of places for 2014-15 / 1.1 / (1,450) / (6,653) / (11,530) / (16,608)
Self balancing transfers within the
same year / 1.1 / (3,603) / (52,939) / (54,237) / (52,413)
Net impact on estimates
for Outcome 1 (administered) / (5,053) / (56,592) / (65,767) / (69,021)
Increase in estimates (departmental)
Support to Drought Affected Farmers / 1.4 / 38 / 56 / – / –
Other movements1 / 1.4 / 13,300 / – / – / –
Section 32 transfers / 1.4 / 1,017 / – / – / –
Decrease in estimates (departmental) / 4.2, 4.3
Self balancing transfers within the same year / 1.4 / (6,633) / – / – / –
Net impact on estimates
for Outcome 1 (departmental) / 7,722 / 56 / – / –
Outcome 2
Decrease in estimates (administered)
National Homelessness Research Strategy – reduced funding / 2.1 / (3,076) / – / – / –
Net impact on estimates
for Outcome 2 (administered) / (3,076) / – / – / –

Table 1.2 Supplementary additional estimates and variations to outcomes from measures and other variations (continued)

$'000 / 2014–15
$'000 / 2015–16
$'000 / 2016–17
Outcome 3
Migration Programme – allocation of places for 2014-15 / 3.4 / – / (8) / (25) / (1,428)
Self balancing transfers within the same year / 3.1 / (3,695) / (14,638) / 14,858 / 15,096
Net impact on estimates for
Outcome 3 (administered) / (3,695) / (14,646) / 14,833 / 13,668
Increase in estimates (departmental)Section 32 transfers / 3.7 / 123 / – / – / –
Net impact on estimates
for Outcome 3 (departmental) / 123 / – / – / –
Outcome 4
Decrease in estimates (administered)
Cessation of the Seniors Supplement – Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders / 4.2 / – / (220,319) / (235,879) / (253,199)
Net impact on estimates for
Outcome 4 (administered) / – / (220,319) / (235,879) / (253,199)
Increase in estimates (departmental)
Cessation of the Seniors Supplement – Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders / 4.3 / 49 / 248 / 70 / 28
Net impact on estimates for
Outcome 4 (departmental) / 49 / 248 / 70 / 28
Outcome 5
Increase in estimates (administered)
Support to Drought Affected Farmers / 5.1 / – / 3,500 / – / –
Decrease in estimates (administered)
Migration Programme – allocation of places for 2014-15 / 5.1 / (337) / (2,138) / (4,765) / (7,998)
Other movements / 5.4 / (17,000) / – / – / –
Net impact on estimates for
Outcome 5 (administered) / (17,337) / 1,362 / (4,765) / (7,998)
Increase in estimates (departmental)
Support to Drought Affected Farmers / 5.8 / 24 / 38 / – / –
Net impact on estimates for
Outcome 5 (departmental) / 24 / 38 / – / –

Table 1.2 Supplementary additional estimates and variations to outcomes from measures and other variations (continued)

$'000 / 2014–15
$'000 / 2015–16
$'000 / 2016–17
Outcome 6
Decrease in estimates (administered)
Self balancing transfers within the same year / 6.1 / (270) / – / – / –
Net impact on estimates for
Outcome 6 (administered) / (270) / – / – / –
Outcome 7
Decrease in estimates (administered)
Self balancing transfers within the same year / 7.1, 7.2, 7.3,7.4, 7.5 / (47,912) / – / – / –
Net impact on estimates
for Outcome 7 (administered) / (47,912) / – / – / –
Decrease in estimates (departmental)
Section 32 transfers / 7.6 / (17,500) / – / – / –
Net impact on estimates for
Outcome 7 (departmental) / (17,500) / – / – / –
Outcome 8
Increase in estimates (administered)
Reprioritising the Aged Care Workforce Supplement / 8.5, 8.6 / – / 103,937 / 22,377 / –
Other movements / 8.1 / 3,584 / – / – / –
Movement of funds between years / 8.1 / – / 4,837 / 4,100 / –
Decrease in estimates (administered)
Reprioritising the Aged Care Workforce Supplement / 8.5, 8.6 / (77,390) / (42,354)
Movement of funds between years / 8.1 / (8,937) / – / – / –
Net impact on estimates for
Outcome 8 (administered) / (82,743) / 108,774 / 26,477 / (42,354)
Increase in estimates (departmental)
Reprioritising the Aged Care Workforce Supplement / 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 / – / 876 / – / –
Section 32 transfers / 8.7 / 48,000 / – / – / –
Self balancing transfers within the same year / 8.7 / – / 164,652 / 156,885 / 153,182
Decrease in estimates (departmental)
Reprioritising the Aged Care Workforce Supplement / 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 / – / – / (914) / (850)
Net impact on estimates for
Outcome 8 (departmental) / 48,000 / 165,528 / 155,971 / 152,332

Table 1.2 Supplementary additional estimates and variations to outcomes from measures and other variations (continued)

$'000 / 2014–15
$'000 / 2015–16
$'000 / 2016–17
Outcome 9
Increase in estimates (administered)
Movement of funds between years / 9.1 / – / 16,200 / – / –
Section 32 transfers / 9.1 / 90,099 / – / – / –
Self balancing transfers within the same year / 9.1 / – / 126,716 / 129,218 / 133,249
Decrease in estimates (administered)
Migration Programme – allocation of places for 2014-15 / 9.1 / – / (662) / (1,038) / (1,426)
Movement of funds between years / 9.1 / (16,200) / – / – / –
Net impact on estimates for
Outcome 9 (administered) / 73,899 / 142,254 / 128,180 / 131,823
Increase in estimates (departmental)
Section 32 transfers / 9.2 / 21,545 / – / – / –
Self balancing transfers within the same year / 9.2 / – / 41,159 / 41,204 / 40,332
Decrease in estimates (departmental)
Migration Programme – allocation of places for 2014-15 / 9.1 / (657) / (1,201) / (1,405) / (1,553)
Net impact on estimates for Outcome 9 (departmental) / 20,888 / 39,958 / 39,799 / 38,779
Outcome 10
Increase in estimates (administered)
Section 32 transfers / 10.1 / 6,159 / – / – / –
Self balancing transfers within the same year / 10.1 / – / 2,445 / 2,496 / 2,527
Net impact on estimates for Outcome 10 (administered) / 6,159 / 2,445 / 2,496 / 2,527
Increase in estimates (departmental)
Section 32 transfers / 10.2 / 4,386 / – / – / –
Self balancing transfers within the same year / 10.2 / – / 7,386 / 7,328 / 7,257
Net impact on estimates for Outcome 10 (departmental) / 4,386 / 7,386 / 7,328 / 7,257

Table 1.2 Supplementary additional estimates and variations to outcomes from measures and other variations (continued)

$'000 / 2014–15
$'000 / 2015–16
$'000 / 2016–17
Outcome 11
Decrease in estimates (administered)
Apply the One-Week Ordinary Waiting Period to all Working Age Payments / 11.2 / – / (46,291) / (64,816) / (66,092)
Limit the Six-Week Portability Period for Student Payments / 11.3 / – / (29,420) / (40,987) / (42,785)
Migration Programme – allocation of places for 2014-15 / 11.2, 11.3 / – / – / (965) / (5,602)
Other movements / 11.1 / (50,698)
Section 32 transfers / 11.1 / (98,382) / – / – / –
Net impact on estimates for
Outcome 11 (administered) / (149,080) / (75,711) / (106,768) / (114,479)
Increase in estimates (departmental)
Apply the One-Week Ordinary Waiting Period to all Working Age Payments / 11.4 / 91 / 137 / – / –
Limit the Six-Week Portability Period for Student Payments / 11.4 / 60 / 65 / – / –
Section 32 transfers / 11.4 / 12,000 / – / – / –
Self balancing transfers within the same year / 11.4 / – / 33,564 / 33,329 / 32,828
Net impact on estimates for
Outcome 11 (departmental) / 12,151 / 33,766 / 33,329 / 32,828
1$13.3 million in 2013-14 relates to the 2013-14 MYEFO measure, Funding for pre-existing measures affecting the public service.

Breakdown of additional estimates by appropriation bill

The following tables detail the Additional Estimates sought for the Department of Social Services through Appropriation Bill No.5.

Table 1.3 Appropriation Bill (No.5) 201314

Total available appropriation
$'000 / Budget and Additional estimates
$'000 / Revised
$'000 / Supplementary
Outcome 1
Families and Children / 82,972 / 72,424 / 79,280 / 6,856
Outcome 4
Seniors / 25,350 / 23,587 / 23,636 / 49
Outcome 5
Disability and Carers / 106,121 / 177,300 / 177,324 / 24
Outcome 9
Settlement Services / – / 16,845 / 16,188 / (657)
Total / 214,443 / 290,156 / 296,428 / 6,272
Total departmental1 / 214,443 / 290,156 / 296,428 / 6,272
1 Section 32 transfers as a result of AAO on 18 September 2013 are not reflected in Appropriation Bill No. 5. Please see Table 1.2 for further details.


DSS Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements

National Disability Insurance Agency

Overview of additional appropriations...... 15

Additional Estimates and variations...... 16

Breakdown of Additional Estimates by appropriation bill...... 17


NDIA Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements

National Disability Insurance Agency

Overview of additional appropriations

The additional appropriation provided to the National Disability Insurance Agency (the Agency) has resulted from a re-profiling of participants in Western Australia and Northern Territory. The 2013-14 funding will be used to engage and train additional staff for the following new trial site offices opening on 1July2014:

Perth Hills in Western Australia; and

Barkley region in the Northern Territory.

The additional funding will ensure that the Agency is well placed to assist new participants when opening these trial sites.

Total funding including from Appropriation Bill 5 is also included in the 2014-15 Social Services Portfolio Budget Statements.

Additional Estimates and variations

The following table details the changes to the resourcing for the Agency at Supplementary Additional Estimates, by outcome. The table details the variations since the 201314 Additional Estimates in Appropriation Bill No. 5.

Table 1.1 Supplementary additional estimates and variations to outcomes from measures and other variations

impacted / 2013-14
$'000 / 2014-15
$'000 / 2015-16
$'000 / 2016-17
Outcome 1
Increase in estimates (departmental)
Reasonable and necessary car and support for participants / 887 / 3,258 / (1,023) / 9
Net impact on estimates
for Outcome 1 (departmental) / 887 / 3,258 / (1,023) / 9

Breakdown of additional estimates by appropriation bill

The following table details the Additional Estimates sought for the Agency through Appropriation Bill No. 5.

Table 1.2 Appropriation Bill (No.5) 201314

$'000 / Budget
$'000 / Revised
$'000 / Supplementary
Outcome 1
To implement a National Disability Insurance Scheme, that provides individual control and choice in the delivery of reasonable and necessary care and supports to improve the independence, social and economic participation of eligible people with disability, their families and carers, and associated referral services and activities. / - / 7,384 / 8,271 / 887
Total administered and departmental / - / 7,384 / 8,271 / 887
Note 1: The Agency did not have any available appropriation in 2012-13 as it became a financially separate entity on 1 July 2014.