LTRI Chemical Inventory Sheet and MSDS LinksJanuary 2016

Lab:Biospecimen Repository

Lab Manager: Teresa Selander

Chemical Name / CAS # / Supplier / online Msds / MSDS Expires
1kb ladder / N/A / Invitrogen / / 03/2018
2-Propanol (see Iso-propyl alcohol,GR) / 67-63-0 / Fisher / / 01/2019
6x Mass Ruler Loading dye / N/A / Fermentas / / 07/2016*
6X Orange Loading dye / N/A / Fermentas / / 07/2019
Agarose, Molecular biology grade / 9012-36-6 / GibcoBrl / / 07/2017*
Algicide - Clear Bath Algicide / N/A / VWR / / 02/2016*
Alconox / Mixture / Sigma / / 03/2019
Ammonuim chloride / 12125-02-9 / Fisher / / 02/2018
Amplitaq Gold PCR Gold buffer & MgCl2 / N/A / Applied Biosystems / / 01/2019
Bleach (sodium hypochlorite) / 7681-52-9 / Stores- Mt.Sinai Hospital / / 07/2019
Boric Acid / 10043-35-3 / BHD / / 03/2019
Bromophenol Blue / 115-39-9 / Sigma / / 01/2018
Calf thymus DNA / 91080-16-9 / Invitrogen / / 07/2017*
Chelex 100 - Molecular Biology Grade Resin / N/A / Bio-Rad / / 12/2018
Chloroform- certified A.C.S. / 67-66-3 / Fisher / / 02/2018
Deparaffinization Solution / 544-76-3 / Qiagen / / 10/2018
Diethyl pyrocarbonate aprox.97% NMR (DEPC) / 1609-47-8 / Sigma / / 01/2018
Dimethyl sulfoxide for molecular biology 99.9%(DMSO) / 67-68-5 / Sigma / / 01/2019
Disodium EthylendiamineTetraacetate Certified ACS (EDTA) / 6381-92-6 / Fisher Scientific / / 04/2019
EDTA 0.5M solution ph 8.0 / 139-33-3 / EMD / / 02/2018
Erythrocyte Lysis Buffer (Buffer EL) / N/A / Qiagen / / 10/2018
Ethyl Alcohol, Anhydous / 64-17-5 / Greenfield Specialty Alcohols Inc / / 07/2018
Fetal Bovine Serum / N/A / Hospital for Sick Children / / 12/2017*
Ficoll-Paque plus / N/A / GE Healthcare / / 01/2019
Formamide / 75-12-7 / Applied Biosystems / / 06/2018
FTA Purification Reagent / N/A / Whatman / / 05/2017*
Glycerol / 56-81-5 / Invitrogen / / 01/2018
HCl (Hydrochloric Acid) / 7647-01-0 / Fisher / / 03/2019
Hepes buffer sol 1M / 7365-45-9 / GibcoBrl / / 03/2017*
Iso-Amyl Alcohol certified / 123-51-3 / Fisher / / 07/2018
Isopropyl Alcohol GR A.C.S. / 67-63-0 / EMD / / 01/2018
L-Ascorbic Acid / 50-81-7 / Amresco / / 01/2018
2-Mercaptoethanol / 60-24-2 / Sigma / / 04/2018
Nitrogen, liquid / 7727-37-9 / Praxair / / 06/2018
N-Lauroylsarcosine Sodium Salt, minimum 94% / 137-16-6 / Sigma-Aldrich / / 06/2017*
PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline) / N/A / Media Prep- Mt. Sinai Hospital / / 01/2018
Phenol, Saturated / 108-95-2 / Amresco / / 02/2018
Platinum Taq DNA polymerase / N/A / Invitrogen / / 02/2019
Potassium acetate, Enzyme grade / 127-08-2 / Fisher / / 01/2018
Proteinase K, recombinant PCR grade / 39450-01-6 / Roche Diagnostics / / 06/2017*
Quanti-iTPicoGreen dsDNA reagent / N/A / Invitrogen / / 08/2018
RNAlater / N/A / Invitrogen / / 03/2018
RPMI / N/A / Wisent / / 07/2017*
SybrSafe DNA gel stain / N/A / Invitrogen / / 03/2018
Sephadex G-50 Fine / N/A / Amersham Biosciencies / / 07/2017*
Sodium hydroxide sol’n 10N / 1310-73-2 / Fisher Scientific / / 04/2018
Sodium Chloride / 7647-14-5 / VWR / / 11/2018
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) / 151-21-3 / Multicell / / 01/2018
TBE buffer 10X, Ultrapure (Tris-Borate EDTA) / N/A / Invitrogen / / 09/2018
Tris Base / 77-86-1 / Boehringer Mannheim / / 08/2017*
1M Tris Solution / N/A / Media Prep / / 05/2017*
TE (Tris EDTA) Solution 100X / N/A / Fisher Scientific / / 08/2018
Trizol Reagent / N/A / Invitrogen / / 11/2017*
Reliaprep Reagents (automation)
Proteinase K Solution / N/A / Promega / / 01/2019
Alkaline Protease / N/A / Promega / / 01/2019
Cell Lysis Buffer / N/A / Promega / / 01/2019
Binding Buffer / N/A / Promega / / 01/2019
ReliaPrep Resin / N/A / Promega / / 01/2019
Wash Buffer / N/A / Promega / / 01/2019
Nuclease Free Water / N/A / Promega / / 01/2019
QIAmp DNA FFPE Tissue Kit
Buffer ATE / N/A / Qiagen / / 10/2018
Buffer AL / N/A / Qiagen / / 10/2018
Buffer AW1 / N/A / Qiagen / / 10/2018
Buffer AW2 / N/A / Qiagen / / 10/2018
Buffer ATL / N/A / Qiagen / / 10/2018

* No updated link available as of Jan 12, 2017