Office of the Zonal Director for Africa/Asia – Zone 4

SIM Everdinand Knol

138 Blom Street

0184 Silverton

South Africa


Report on the Zone's Activities to the ICCF Congress of 2015

Cardiff - Wales

Mr President, Members of the Executive Board, Commissioners,

Officials, Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen

It is my privilege to report on our zone’s activities over the past year

since the Congress of 2014 held in Sydney– Australia

The Zonal Team

The zonal team consists of the following officials:

  • Zonal Director (ZD)and Tournament Organiser (TO):

SIM Everdinand Knol of South Africa.

  • Deputy Zonal Director (DZD) and webmaster:

Sailesh Chandra of India.

  • Tournament Directors (TD):Dr Amber Chatterjee of India.

Francisco Carapinha of Cape Verde.

Alok Saxena of India.

SIM Dr Michael Millstone (IA) of USA.


Our DZD has established a website for our zone. It is a small but promising beginning and we will support him with the development of it in the future. We thank him for his efforts and wish him the best of luck.

For more information please visit the site at


The following tournaments were started during the past year:

The TO for all these eventsis SIM Everdinand Knol:

On 16 January 2015:

  • The 13th Africa/Asia Zonal Championship Final – TD SIM Dr Michael Millstone (IA).

On 17 February 2015:

  • The 15th Africa/Asia Zonal Championship Semi Final:

TD section A – Dr Amber Chatterjee.

TD section B – Francisco Carapinha.

TD section C – Alok Saxena.

The following tournaments are still in progress:

  • The 17th Africa/Asia Zonal Championship Preliminary Sections A to D – TD Francisco Carapinha.
  • The 17th Africa/Asia Zonal Championship Preliminary Sections E to H – TD Alok Saxena.
  • The 17th Africa/Asia Zonal Championship Preliminary Sections I and J – TD Dr Amber Chatterjee.

The following tournaments have been completed during this year:

  • The 12th Africa/Asia Zonal Championship Final which was won by GM Mark F Noble from New Zealand.
  • The 14th Africa/Asia Zonal Championship Semi Finals.
  • The 16th Africa/Asia Zonal Championship Preliminaries.

This zone intends to start the following tournaments during the coming year – the format will depend on the amount of entries received.

  • The 6thAfrica Continental Championship.
  • The 6thAsia Continental Championship.

The interest in the two above mentioned continental championships is not very encouraging and the matter will receive attention.

  • The 14thAfrica/Asia Zonal Championship Final.
  • The 16th Africa/Asia Zonal Championship Semi Finals.
  • The 18th Africa/Asia Zonal Championship Preliminaries.


In conclusion I thank all the people mentioned in this report as well as a special word of thanks to all the players from our zone many of whom are still participating in cc events under various forms of difficult economic and political circumstances.

SIM Everdinand Knol

Zonal Director for Africa/Asia – July 2015