SEAHORSE SEZ……… A Publication for the Florida Good Sam Seahorses

Volume MMXIV – Number 4 Sissel Hopper, Editor April 2014



April30-May 4 (Wednesday-Sunday) / Early Bird (E/B) Tuesday, April29 (only)

Okeechobee KOA Resort – 4276 HWY 441 SE, Okeechobee, FL 34974-6255 (863) 763-0231

The Resort is located 2.5 miles south of State Route 70 on HWY 441

The Samboree schedule is no longershown on the FL G/S website. The following were events from previous years. Be sure to check this year’s schedule for correct information.

Thursday: ? Dr. Sambones – check your schedule pamphlet for exact times. Don’t forget to wear your light blue Seahorses shirts and vests (if you have one) when you are representing the Seahorses at any of the functions. Be sure to wear your 2014 Okeechobee cloth patch at all times, you will not be admitted into the main building without it.

Thursday, April May 1: ? – State Committee Meeting at 1 p.m.

Thursday: – time TBD - Pricing of flea market items under our campsite shade trees.Hopefully everyone has been collecting lots of “goodies” for the flea market so we have something to price (we’re usually our own best customers!)

Thursday Lunch: Hot dog picnic at our site – bring “fixings”. One of the RV vendors usually provides hot dogs and ice cream for everyone; we bring these back to our shaded campsite and eat together. We add our own potato salad, chips, baked beans, dessert, soft drinks, etc. to the lunch. Please bring something of your choice or any of the suggestions listed above.

Friday Afternoon – 2-4 p.m.? Flea Market - Bring our own card tables; if you have one, please take it along in your rig for this occasion. Tables can be rented from the campground for this event. We’ll need sales help for this event.

Friday Night:Dinner at local restaurant – location and time TBD or have a community meal at our campsite

Saturday: Security Detail – Bert & Ronnie Pritchertt

Saturday Dinner with our ASD’s Wayne & Joan McGee: The pot luck meal’s time and location is uncertain at this time; but you will be notified. The ASD’s will provide the meat, and attendees have been asked to bring a side dish to share. Since their 4 chapters will be participating, too, please bring a little extra. Thank you.

Sunday morning: Our good-bye snack time before everyone heads for home – this may be subject to change as some members like to attend church services at the Samboree. President Burt will inform the group.

Note: We’ve been having “happy hour socials” at our campouts each evening before dinner, so please bring munchies for these events. This is another opportunity for us to get together for socializing and fun.

*IMPORTANT NOTE TO FIRST-TIMERS – “Samboree veterans” will know this: You must wear your “Okeechobee 2014” cloth badge (located inside your goodie bag)at all times. Also wear your plastic name & Chapter tags, too. You will not be admitted into the main building without these two ID badges. It’s a pain in the neck to go back to rig for them; security is strict! An on-site vendor will make your new Seahorses’ plastic name tag if you don’t have one.

LAST MONTH’S CAMPOUT – Sabal Palm – March 14–16

Another really fun weekend for the Seahorses, and successful fund raisers for our Dogs for the Deaf (DFD) project! The fund raisers started early Saturday morning with a delicious pancake breakfast served to the campers and residents of Sabal Palm. Many of the attendees gave generously when they learned the significance of the (DFD) fund raiser.Many thanks to our members who helped with: cooking of the pancakes and meat, the clean up crew, and our members who ate breakfast, too, and everyone who contributed to the success of this event. Saturday night Bill LeBright entertained us with his auctioneer skills for the brown bag auction; he does as outstanding job. Both of these fund raisers were a HUGE success. We were joined this weekend by our ASD’s, Joan & Wayne McGee, and their grandchildren. Megan Hopper and Ryan Cicha brought their corn hole game, and Sissel Hopper furnished the Ladder Golf game – so camper skills were shown to the max. Everyone had fun – especially the young people (and us older kids). Several of our veteran members are planning to attend the 2014 Spring Samboree in Okeechobee; Vicki Porter will be a “first timer to this event”. Flea market treasures and wood carvings by Burt Pritchett will be another DFD opportunity fund raiser. The 2014 camping schedule is now on our webpage; please check it out and update your calendars so you don’t miss the dates. Sissel Hopper and Allen Carr announced their engagement; this will be a first-time Seahorses romance of our actual members. Much happiness for a very bright future to you both.

Page 2 – Good Sam Seahorses

April 2014 campout

Ideas for arts & craft projects for us to work on during campouts were discussed. Several were suggested: whittle class, seahorses using CD’s as sun catchers, and seahorses using a styrofoam cut-out. Other ideas are welcome, please share them with President Burt Pritchett.

Sunshine Chair – Thelma LeBright

Thelma continues to make our lovely personalized cards; she does a fantastic job. Birthday cards for April members, anniversary cards for Vicki and James Porter & Forrest and Elaine Fritz & John and Connie Garman, and engagement card to Sissel Hopper and Allen Carr were among her creations.

Next month’s campout (Memorial Day weekend) will be held at Water’s Edge Motor Coach & RV Resort. Please phone Sue Baker at (863) 357-5757. You must make your own reservations, phone 2 weeks ahead to be assured of a reservation site. The cost is $25/night + tax. Please phone Elaine Fritz after you have made your reservations so she can have a record of the attendees. Thank you.

In April, you may make your reservations to the Ortona Locks campout. The dates are October 17-19 (E/B October 16). Request upper level. The following are used to make your reservations: 1-877-444-6777 or The cost is $24/night or $12/night with a Senior pass.

The Sabal Palm Resort is offering summer rates of $19.08 during April – August. The number is: (863) 675-1778. Just a reminder that the campground has a lovely pool, and many shaded sites.

God Bless You & Keep You In His Care

There are many things in life

That we cannot understand,

But we must trust God’s judgment

And be guided by His hand.

And all who have God’s blessing

Can rest safely in His care

For He promises “safe passage”

On the “Wings of Faith and Prayer.”

Helen Steiner Rice



President-Burt Pritchett / Vice President-Carol Truthan / Wagonmaster–Elaine Fritz / Treasurer –Sissel Hopper / Secretary – Ronnie Pritchett / Sunshine–Thelma LeBright / Chaplain–Bill LeBright / Newsletter Editor –Sissel Hopper