Civil Rights Webquest Name:

Answer the questions below by going to the web sites indicated. Turn in your completed questions when finished. You may work with a partner on this webquest.

Site 1 -

Brown v. the Board of Education

1.  In what year did the famous Brown v. the Board of Education lawsuit begin?

2.  In what case previous to this was it ruled that it was OK for black and white students to be “separate but equal”? When was this case ruled?

3.  When did the case finally end? What was the decision and what was the vote tally of the Supreme Court judges?

Rosa Parks

4.  What did blacks have to be able to do to register to vote?

5.  How long did the Montgomery Bus Boycott last?

6.  When did the US Supreme Court rule that bus segregation was unconstitutional?

Malcolm X

7.  What did Malcolm learn about in prison?

8.  When was he assassinated? By whom?


9.  What were the “freedom rides”?

10.  Who were the “Little Rock Nine”?

Site 3

11.  Why was Emmet Till murdered?

12.  What happened to his killers?

13.  For what is James Meredith famous?

14.  What was “Project C?”

15.  What was the purpose of the 1963 March on Washington?

16.  What happened on September 15, 1965 in Birmingham, AL?

17.  How did the FBI respond to the above?

Site 4: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

18.  What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

19.  What did this law accomplish?

20.  Is this law followed today?

Site 5: Civil Rights Movement, The (Informational Paper)

21.  Find two more important figures from the Civil Rights Movement, write their names here.

22.  Person 1: what did they do that was important to the Civil Rights Movement?

23.  Person 2: what did they do that was important to the Civil Rights Movement?

24.  Find one more important event from the Civil Rights Movement. Write it here:

25.  Event: what was this event and why was it important to the Civil Rights Movement?