Employee Performance Review

Name: Scott Hintz

Job Title: Payroll Consultant

Department: Sales

Supervisor: Bob Willbanks

Hire Date: 01/02/2006 ______Last Review Date:04/14/2010 Today’s Date: 12/29/2010


Volume of work regularly produced. Speed and consistency of output.

XOutstanding□Exceeds Expectations □Meets expectations □Needs improvement

Comments:You broke through this year keeping your attitude positive and focus on the pipeline vs. closing deals. I believe that with continued dedicated AND consistent effort THROUGHOUT the year, you can see further improvement in your production. As always, you need to watch for signs of slumps and keep your eye on the ball. Continuing to monitor activity on a weekly basis with a focus on leads generated, will minimize the chances of slumps and keep you on track.


Extent to which employee can be counted upon to carry out assignments to completion.

□OutstandingXExceeds Expectations □Meets expectations □Needs improvement

Comments:You’ve been delivering quality work, and have been consistent in his keeping Salesforce updated on a regular basis.


Amount of interest and enthusiasm shown in work.

XOutstanding□Exceeds Expectations □Meets expectations □Needs improvement

Comments:Scott is a team player who I can count on to stay upbeat throughout the many changes we’ve had over this past year. I can also count on honest input from him as to how he’s feeling and what he needs in order to succeed. He tends to “take one for the team” in order to maintain the peace, but is not afraid to stand up for himself when he feels he’s right.


Extent to which employee effectively interacts with others in the performance of the job.

XOutstanding□Exceeds Expectations □Meets expectations □Needs improvement

Comments: Scott is great to work with and interacts well across all departments. He’s well-liked and cares about how he is perceived by fellow PCS employees. He is helpful and always wants to do the right thing for his clients, referral sources and others at PCS.


Extent to which employee is able to perform a variety of assignments within the scope of the job.

X Outstanding□Exceeds Expectations □Meets expectations □Needs improvement

Comments: Scott improved greatly in grasping new techniques and products and has learned new successful behaviors over the past year. He’s also developed a strong knowledge base on the features and benefits of our new product offerings. This and a never quit, positive attitude made 2010 his best year ever.


Extent of job information and understanding possessed by employee.

□OutstandingXExceeds Expectations □Meets expectations □Needs improvement

Comments: Scott has grown immensely in this area over the past year and continues to learn on the job. I would suggest he continue the one on one phone conversations with management before and after meetings so situations are fresh in his mind. Making a habit of calling management immediately after an appointment has allowed for immediate reinforcement or constructive criticism. I feel this, along with Scott’s inquisitive nature, has been a large reason for his new-found success this year. He’s much more confident in his ability and his knowledge of our products and services has grown immensely.


Extent to which employee is a self-starter in attainting objective of the job.

XOutstanding□Exceeds Expectations □Meets expectations □Needs improvement

Comments:I can count on Scott to carry out company and department initiatives and provide additional feedback and ideas on what works out in the field for him which can be transferred to the rest of the team. I think he’s going to set new personal records in 2010!


X Outstanding□Exceeds Expectations □Meets expectations □Needs improvement

Comments: Scott has turned into a leader within the emerging market and entire sales team. He set the bar high this past year and has cleared the objective easily. I’m urging him to set the bar even higher in 2011 – the addition of our business development and BuzzBuilder marketing plans should help to add to the activity it will take to exceed his 2010 numbers.

Date: ______

Representative Signature: ______

Manager Signature: ______

Last modified 9/29/2018