Attendance: Ethan Garrison, Carrie Griffith, Frank Moreno, Dale, Gina Jewell, Karina Smith, Sandra Sherman, Jazmine Grantham, Justin Rainbolt, Jared Helms, Dominique Davis, Joseph Saxon, Scylise Little, Sam Barry

Non-members: Brandon Underwood, Charlie Kloss

Absences: none

I.  Call to Order at 4:05pm

II.  Agenda/meeting minutes

Amendments to past minutes: Put last names on attendance, change Dale to his real name, and Scylise motioned Joe for the senator position instead of Carrie. Jared motions/Joe seconds with amendments. Motion passes unanimously.

III.  Open forum/presenters

A.  Charlie Kloss interested in being a senator.

B.  Brandon Underwood wanted to talk about a football program started. Dominique talked to the AD about it but did not like the idea. Wants to know how to make it profitable and a football program started here at SWOCC. Karina suggests a football club going and need to get an advisor.

IV.  New Business

A.  Senator Jackets – Approval for jackets. Going to talk about it next week.

B.  Funds Requests -

$720 for Cosmic Bowling for spirit week. Scylise motions/Frank seconds. Motion passed unanimously.

V.  Team Member Reports

A.  President

I need to get a meeting with all senators. Also need photos for the wall. No meeting next week. Only 6 hours required next week. 10 for this week. Depart for conference at 1pm.

B.  Vice President

Leaving tonight for conference. Caucus space at conference of OSA and OCC to talk about the student fee autonomy for Oregon. Need people to fill the room. Making a joint committee between the two committees. Thank you to those who participated in trick or vote.

C.  Secretary

D.  Activities Director

November 29th Am in the Pm, going to splist list for teachers. Class raps, Joe is helping. November 30th Open Mic Night, Justin is working on press release for that event. Tuesday the 27th for spirit week. Monday pottery, Tuesday Laker trivia. We pay for shirts and bowling. T-shirts basketball team to vote on shirt design.

E.  Clubs Director

Attending Gosties meeting today. Justin and I are working on the clubs column.

F.  Communications Director

Laker Loo’s are done now. Need to put Am in the Pm on Laker Loo.

G.  Curry Campus Director

Laker Loo’s should have a month long at curry instead of the two weeks. No luck on finding a date for the self-defense class.

H.  Sustainability Director

Frank and I collected cans. Scheduled Wednesday Nov. 28th at 2:30 for Green Team.

I.  Volunteer Services Director

Everything is going well for Bus Jam and Van Jam. Justin is helping with flyer. Housing is having a startup program for SMART. MLK Day about getting the word out to about community service.

J.  Senators

K.  Advisor Report

Advising began yesterday. Registration beings on the 19th. Will not be here next week. Tom nickels will help us. Gina resigned. Some people are interested and the executives will handle it.

VI.  Old Business

A.  Library usage survey

Karina thinks that we should talk to Jessie Milligan about the hours and evaluating them. Go there first. Charlie and Joe want to help.

B.  Achieving the Dream student speakers

January 3rd. Only student government for the panel to keep it all legit.

VII.  Open Discussion

Karina: Sustainability committee at 9 am tomorrow, multicultural meeting last week and trying to keep Sam and Jazmine up to date, coffee maker has been being used CLEAN IT UP!!

Scylise: Thre is a fi thata cappa meeting on the 28th 2:30 in Lakeview A.

Ethan: register around our meeting schedules

VIII.  Adjournment at 5:06pm