SCIENCE: Physics 11 –Course Outline
Department: / ScienceCourse Developer(s): / Mrs. Lesley Scotney
Course Development Date: / January 2012
Course Reviser(s)/Revision Date: / Mrs. Lesley Scotney, January 2015
Course Title/Grade/Type: / Physics, Grade 11 University Preparation
Ministry Course Code: / SPH3U
Credit Value: / One Credit
Period Length: / 75 minutes
Hours of Instruction: / 110
Curriculum Policy Document: / Science: The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12, 2008 (Revised); Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools, 2010
Prerequisite: / SNC2D Academic Science Grade 10
Resources: / Physics 11, Nelson
Teacher: / Mrs. Lesley Scotney
Email: /
This course develops students’ understanding of the basic concepts of physics. Students will explore kinematics, with an emphasis on linear motion; different kinds of forces; energy transformations; the properties of mechanical waves and sound; and electricity and magnetism. They will enhance their scientific investigation skills as they test laws of physics. In addition, they will analyze the interrelationships between physics and technology, and consider the impact of technological applications of physics on society and the environment.
Strands and Objectives:
A. Scientific Investigation Skills and Career Exploration
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
- Demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research) in the four areas of skills (initiating and planning, performing and recording, analyzing and interpreting, and communicating);
- identify and describe careers related to the fields of science under study, and describe the contributions of scientists, including Canadians, to those fields.
B. Kinematics
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
- analyze technologies that apply concepts related to kinematics, and assess the technologies’ social and environmental impact;
- investigate in qualitative and quantitative terms, uniform and non-uniform linear motion, and solve related problems;
- demonstrate an understanding of uniform and non-uniform linear motion, in one and two dimensions.
C. Forces
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
- analyze and propose improvements to technologies that apply concepts related to Newton’s laws, and assess the technologies’ social and environmental impact;
- investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, net force, acceleration, and mass, and solve related problems;
- demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between changes in velocity and unbalanced forces in one dimension.
D. Energy and Society
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
- analyse technologies that apply principles of and concepts related to energy transformations, and assess the technologies’ social and environmental impact;
- investigate energy transformations and the law of conservation of energy, and solve related problems;
- demonstrate an understanding of work, efficiency, power, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, nuclear energy, and thermal energy and its transfer (heat).
E. Waves and Sound
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
- analyze how mechanical waves and sound affect technology, structures, society, and the environment, and assess ways of reducing their negative effects;
- investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, the properties of mechanical waves and sound, and solve related problems;
- demonstrate an understanding of the properties of mechanical waves and sound and of the principles underlying their production, transmission, interaction, and reception.
F. Electricity and Magnetism
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
- analyze the social, economic, and environmental impact of electrical energy production and technologies related to electromagnetism, and propose ways to improve the sustainability of electrical energy production;
- investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, magnetic fields and electric circuits ,and solve related problems;
- demonstrate an understanding of the properties of magnetic fields, the principles of current and electron flow, and the operation of selected technologies that use these properties and principles to produce and transmit electrical energy
Unit / Title / Time1 / Kinematics / 28 hrs
2 / Forces / 25 hrs
3 / Energy and Society / 15 hrs
4 / Waves and Sound / 20 hrs
5 / Electricity and Magnetism / 14 hrs
6 / Final Evaluation(s) / 8 hrs
Total: 110 hrs
Teaching/Learning Strategies:
Along with some of the strategies noted in the assessment for, as and of learning charts below, strategies will include (but not be limited to):
- A balance of whole-class, small group, mixed-ability structured group, and individual instruction through student-centred and teacher-directed activities
- The use of rich contextual problems which engage students and provide them with opportunities to demonstrate learning;
- The prompting, supporting, and challenging of individual students as well as the class as a whole;
- Approaches that will accommodate multiple learning styles (e.g., the provision of verbal and written instructions, the inclusion of hands-on activities, etc.);
- The use of technological tools and software in activities, demonstrations, and investigations to facilitate the exploration and understanding of mathematical concepts;
- Opportunities for students to practise and extend their skills and knowledge outside of the classroom;
- References including textbooks and handouts will be provided.
Students should play an active role in their own learning. To successfully complete the requirements of this course, students are expected to:
- Develop an increased responsibility for their learning, including accountability for prerequisite skills, and regular homework completion and attendance;
- Participate as active learners, including asking questions and engaging in explorations using technology;
- Apply individual and group learning skills.
- Describe verbally, algebraically, and visually the mathematical patterns that emerge.
Assessment and Evaluation
The tools highlighted will be used for the three different types of assessments:
Assessment as Learning / Assessment for Learning / Assessment of LearningStudent Product
- Journals/Letters/Emails
- Learning logs
- Entrance tickets
- Exit tickets
- Assignment (rubric)
- Journals/Letters/Emails (checklists)
- Pre-tests (scale)
- Quizzes (scale)
- Rough drafts
- Portfolios
- Posters (rubric)
- Graphic organizers
- Peer feedback
- Reports
- Essays
- Webbing/mapping
- Entrance ticket
- Vocabulary notebooks
- Visual thinking networks
- Assignment (rubric)
- Journals/Letters/Emails
- Tests (scale)
- Exam
- Portfolio
- Posters (rubric)
- Graphic organizers
- Reports
- Essays
- Visual thinking networks
- Whole class discussions
- Self-proofreading
- Class discussions
- Debate
- Power-point presentations (rubric)
- Performance tasks
- Debate
- Power-point presentations(rubric)
- Performance tasks
- Student teacher conferences
- Small group discussions
- Pair work
- Debate
- Student teacher conferences (checklists)
- Small group discussions(checklists)
- Pair work
- Peer-feedback
- Peer-editing
- Oral pre-tests
- Oral quizzes
- Student teacher conferences (checklists)
- Question and answer session
- Oral tests (scale)
The Role of Technology in the Curriculum
Technology can help to reduce the time spent on routine tasks and to allow students to devote more of their efforts to thinking and concept development. Students will use graphing calculators, spreadsheets, and presentation software to support various methods of investigation and inquiry in science.
Career Education
Students will be made aware of careers involving science by exploring applications of concepts and providing opportunities for career-related project work. Such activities allow students the opportunity to investigate science-related careers compatible with their interests, aspirations, and abilities. Through science courses, students will develop a variety of important capabilities, including the ability to identify issues, conduct research, carry out experiments, solve problems, pre- sent results, and work on projects both independently and as a team. Students are also given opportunities to explore various careers related to the areas of science under study and to research the education and training required for these careers
English as a Second Language
Students whose first language is not English will be given appropriate strategies to facilitate their success in the science classroom. English is encouraged in the classroom at all times. The use of a dictionary will be permitted. Instructional strategies will be used, such as visual cues, manipulatives, pictures, diagrams, graphic organizers; attention to clarity of instructions; modeling of preferred ways of working in science; previewing of textbooks; pre-teaching of key specialized vocabulary; encouragement of peer tutoring and class discussion.
Knowledge and Understanding / 20% / Subject-specific content acquired in each course (knowledge), and the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding).Thinking / 30% / The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/ or processes, as follows:
- planningskills (e.g. understandingtheproblem,makingaplanforsolvingthe problem)
- processingskills (e.g. carryingoutaplan,lookingbackatthe solution)
- critical/creativethinkingprocesses (e.g. inquiry, problemsolving)
Communication / 15% / The conveying of meaning through various oral, written, and visual forms (e.g., providing explanations of reasoning or justification of results orally or in writing; communicating mathematical ideas and solutions in writing, using numbers and algebraic symbols, and visually, using pictures, diagrams, charts, tables, graphs, and concrete materials).
Application / 35% / The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts.
Any single evaluation, may emphasize one category more heavily than another (e.g. Investigations may weight Thinking Inquiry & Problem Solving more heavily than Knowledge & Understanding).
FINAL GRADE =Term Work: 70% + Summative Assessment: 30%
NOTE: On some assessment tasks, students will be graded using a rating scale called a rubric. Based on any of the categories of the Provincial Achievement Chart for Science, a student's work may be rated on a particular level. At some point, these "levels" will be converted to percentage grades using the following conversion table:
Physics Grade 11 -University-