.CVSi[liv·ing box1]
A dwelling unit constructed with four sides perpendicular to the base possessing a lid or cover thatembodies these characteristics:
.si societal integration
.CThe issue of constructability seeks to improve current building systems. This livingbox wasinfluenced by the ancient art of origami’s folding actions and lightweight material. Keeping in mind these characteristics, the design utilizes prestressed air-entrained concrete, and lightweight steel framing (preferable recycled). Each of the 10’x 30’ x 10’ sections can be easily collapsed, by means of hinges that further increasing the efficiency of transportation and erection. Fully erected volumes are then held in structural equilibrium by the fastening of three x-braced transparent diaphragms. These building attributes allow for the construction of a housing unit to be completed within one hour.
.VVersatile living components allow for a diversified open floor plan, lending the design of the interior space to be created by the inhabitants, thus increasing the level of living comfort. Beginning with the central bathroom unit: the lavatory, wash basin, and bath can be easily moved to various wet floor connections. This wet floor further allows for the placement of the kitchen unit to be implemented in four different locations. The kitchen unit contains all necessary elements to store and prepare food, this includes: a sink, fridge, freezer, stove, and cabinetry storage. Storage space is embedded into the unit, but has the versatility to raise and lower for easy access. In conjunction with the wet floor the entire electrical system is introduced intothe same layer of concrete.
Living comfort and versatility is further enhanced by a Perforated Ceiling System (PCS) cast into the overhead concrete slabs. The system is comprised of metal rings which allow for a multitude of possible connection points. These points are utilized by the versatile wall, shading, and shelving components. Wall components are unique in their ability to not only connect at any location in the ceiling, but also have the ability be placed in a curvilinear fashion. This wall is composed of laminated wood strips sandwiching the interiorfabric membrane thus creating a composite wall section. The fabric membrane could come in a variety of different colors, schemes, and lengths. Shading devices can be snapped onto rods providing protection from the sun while maintaining user creativity by providing a multitude of material choices. The shelving components also follow the same connection and material scheme. The PCS leaves endless possibilities for future component design, i.e. (perforated wall system, hanging rods, light fixtures, et cetera). With these future possibilities design is not limited to the horizontal axis but is extended into vertical space.
.SiSociety’s impact of urban sprawl currently rules the landscape and in its path destroys forests, valuable agricultural land, inner city commerce, culture, and consumes the world’s resources at an unprecedented rate. Houses and housing developments of the future need to be rethought to ensure better resource management, equal opportunities, and resurgence of downtown city growth. Our design solution solves this problem by integrating housing units into the already built environment, while still allowing for application in rural landscapes or in response to natural disasters. This is achieved by the design’s ability to morph and span into all levels of the cityscape. At any moment inhabitants of a unit can escape the commotion of the inner city and rise to their own space while maintaining a strong connection with the city’s amenities.
- Constructability
Folding and Unfolding
Lightweight materials that are lighter than typical wood framing
Windows that are the diaphragms
Quickly Erected
- Transportability
Possibly 2 on one truck
One by helicopter
Boat and Train
- Economy
Lightweight costs less to transport
Minimal Parts for easy manufacture
Less skilled labor needed to erect
Concrete and steel are abundant everywhere
- Sustainability
Very little maintenance
Lots of natural light and heat gain via skylights and curtain walls
Natural Ventilation via slats and movable windows
Recycling of the wall partitions
- Materials
- Kitchen
Pop-up cabinet
Overhead storage
Venting to central vent
- Innovative Features
Wall partitions
Window Diaphragms
Window Panels
Circle Connection
Ability to fold and unfold
Wet/electrical floor
- Bathroom
- Clustering
Different Ways
Adaptable to the grid
Detached, but still connected to the city