BVELibrary Skills & Activities

/ January 4-6, 2017



/ Bell Ringer and Anticipatory Set: Who has ever seen snow? Who has ever played in the snow? Has anyone built a snowman? What is snow? Objectives: 1)Student’s knowledge of fiction versus non-fiction will be reinforced. 2) Students’ knowledge of the letter “s” will be reinforced.
Procedure: Teacher Input: The teacher will read the book called Snow by Ann Herriges. The teacher will ask questions to check for comprehension. When does it snow? How many sides do snowflakes have? Do all snowflakes look alike? What is a big snowstorm called? What is a drift? Next, the teacher will read a book called The Snow Day by Ezra Jack Keats. If the first grade students have already heard that story, the teacher will offer to read a story from Jan Brett’s Snowy Treasury. The teacher will ask questions to check for comprehension. . Closure: Turn to the student next to you and tell them one thing that you learned today about snow.

Grades 2-5

/ Bell Ringer and Anticipatory Set: Raise your hand if you read a good book over the holidays? Today, some of you will have a chance to share a book that you enjoyed with the class.
Objectives: The students will share orally a brief summary about a book they enjoyed reading. Procedure: Teacher Input: Modeling: The teacher will share about a book that she enjoyed during the Christmas break. The students will then have an opportunity to share their books. Closure: Turn to your neighbor and tell them the title of one book that you were interested in reading.

Class format for Grades 1-5:

  1. The lesson takes the first 15-20 minutes of the class period.
  2. Book selection takes the next 15 minutes. Call one table at a time to get their markers.
  3. The next 10 minutes is silent reading at their assigned seats or elsewhere.

NOTES:K-1st graders can check out one book. Grades 2-5 can check out two books.