Village Hall, Elm Avenue, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5AN

Telephone: 0115 9372185



Clerk to the Council: Neil Grocock

Statement of Proposed Financial Activities 2014/15

A Parish Council is required to provide council tax payers with details of its spending plans for the coming financial year when its precept requirement reaches a certain level.

How the money will be spent

Keyworth Parish Council provides, manages and maintains, or subsidises, a number of facilities and services in the village, including:


  • Village Hall Complex (Village Hall, Centenary Lounge, Feignies Room)
  • Parish Council Office
  • Rectory Field/Pavilion
  • Elm Avenue Sports Facilities (in conjunction with relevant clubs)
  • Platt Lane Sports Facilities (managed by Platt Lane Joint Management Committee)
  • Play Area (Nottingham Road)
  • Skatepark (Platt Lane)
  • Wysall Lane Burial Ground
  • Keyworth Meadow Nature Reserve
  • Parish Council Website
  • Keyworth Diary
  • Keyworth Guide Online
  • Festive Lights/Decorations
  • Hanging Baskets


In order to manage these undertakings, the Council employs eight part-time staff: Clerk to the Council, Bookings Clerk, Facilities Manager, cleaners, handyman, etc. It makes grants and donations to several local organisations, provides seats, litter and waste bins, and finances the distribution of the Keyworth News.

In addition to its normal activities and routine expenditure, the Council also needs to raise finance for the long term development and enhancement of the above-mentioned facilities.


Where the money comes from


  • Fees for hire of premises
  • Burial, memorial fees etc.
  • Grants and donations
  • Investment income
  • Transitional protection grant from the Borough Council
  • Precept on council tax set by Parish Council


For further details of the Parish Council’s plans and activities, please refer to its web site, and look out for items in the Keyworth News. Members of the public are also welcome to attend Council meetings: dates and times can be found on the web site, or details can be obtained from the Council office (9.30am to 1.00pm on weekdays, except Tuesdays).

Continued overleaf

Summary of Income/Expenditure

2013/14 / Budget
Payroll Costs / 66500 / 68500
Other Overheads / 52180 / 52310
Amenities / 15775 / 19480
Publicity/Events / 3450 / 3700
Sports Facilities / 36906 / 33900
Grants/Donations / 2990 / 2100
Loan Repayments / 12502 / 12502
Sundries / 5300 / 5300
Total Revenue Expenditure / 195603 / 197792
Hire Charges / 30920 / 31650
Burial Ground Fees / 5000 / 5250
Other Income / 105 / 105
Total Revenue Income / 36025 / 37005
Total Net Revenue Expenditure / 159578 / 160787
Capital/Additional Expenditure / 12096 / 11286
LessBorough Council Transitional Protection Grant / - 11727 / - 9850
Parish Council Precept (Budget Requirement) (A) / 159947 / 162223
Council Tax Base (calculated by Borough Council) (B) / 2471 / 2482
Parish Council Taxfor Band D Property (A ÷ B) / £64.73* / £65.36*
*Parish Council element of the council tax for the year, appearing as separate amount on council tax demand – approximately £1.25 per week; see below for further details.

Parish Council Tax:

The increase in Parish Council’s 2014/15 precept equates to an increase of 63p (for the year) in the Parish Council portion of the council tax for a Band D property. The Parish Council was able to avoid any increase in the Parish council tax over the five previous years, but changes in government policy meant that it could only do soin 2013/14 by substantially reducing the precept. This was possible thanks to a transitional grant from Rushcliffe Borough Council, but the Borough Council has reduced the grant for 2014/15, and further reductions are expected in years to come. In the circumstances, the Parish Council considers that modestprecept increasesin the short term would be prudent rather than running the risk of having to make larger increases at some time in the future.


The Parish Council is obliged to maintain funds in reserve for emergency/contingency purposes. The Council’s reserves as at 31.3.13 totalled £119,210 which included earmarked reserves (amounts set aside to fund specific commitments or long-term development plans) of £39,319. The Council will continue to monitor the level of its reserves on an ongoing basis, and any funds considered surplus to requirements will be used to reduce future precepts.