Health & Wellbeing ThematicGroup Meeting

9th December 2014

10.00 am – 12.00 pm

BruceRoom, Town House


Liz Taylor, Director of Social Care & Wellbeing -ACC - CHAIR

Joyce Duncan, Chief Executive - ACVO

Jo Hall, Sport & Physical Activity Strategy & Partnership Manager, Communities & Sport - ACC (Depute for Gail Woodcock)

Carole Jackson, Environmental Health & Trading Standards Manager - ACC

Lyndsay Johnstone, Community Planning Aberdeen - ACC

Sandy Kelman, Team Leader - ADP, AberdeenCity

Jonathan Smith, Civic Forum

Linda Smith, Public Health Lead -Aberdeen CHP

Sheila Sansbury, Acting Head of Communities, Culture & Sport - ACC

Julie Somers, Principal Planning Officer, Social Care & Wellbeing - ACC

Michael Thompson, Chief Inspector - Scotland Police

Marlene Westland, Public Health Co-ordinator -Aberdeen CHP


Neil Carnegie, Community Safety Manager - ACC

Dr Alasdair Jamieson, Cluster Clinical Lead, South Cluster, Aberdeen CHP

Sinclair Laing, Senior Development Officer - ACC

Martin Murchie, Community Planning & Corporate Performance Manager - ACC

Joanna Murray, Team Leader, Enterprise, Planning & Infrastructure - ACC

Gail Woodcock, Service Manager Communities & Sport - ACC

In attendance:

Anna Britain – Minutes

Liz welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.
The minute of the previous meeting was noted and approved. / .
  • Support for collation and analysis of data on physical activity
Linda said that she had spoken with Sharon Wilkinson to ascertain what support/information her team could give to enable a baseline to be established as there would be variousstatistics available and it was just a matter of analysing and collating these. Sharon had recently changed roles and was currently unsure if this would still be part of her remit.
  • Fit for Girls
Jo advised that she had not circulated the Action Plans. She explained that each school had their own plan as to how the resource would be utilised to encourage PA for girls between the ages of 13 to 15. Only St Machar had not put a plan in place yet. Each plan was reviewed prior to funds being released.
Jo said she would put an overview paper together and circulate to the group.
  • Occasional licences for alcohol at school events
Sandyconfirmed that 12 applications had been received from schools for an alcohol licence for events at schools in the city. 5 had been granted and Heather Wilson, Health Improvement Officer, Drugs & Alcohol, was looking into whether children would be attending these. Sandy felt that pressure should be put on schools to ensure alcohol was not present at events around children.
Sheila suggested that school parent groups be given guidance and would meet with Sandy to discuss this and put a guidance paper in place that would be circulated to all such groups.
Involvement of Licensing Standards Officers – Sandy and Carole are still to meet up to discuss. / JH
Linda gave a summary of the meeting of the Community Planning Boardheld on 1st October and advised that all the Thematic Groups had been invited to attend to give progress on the SOA. She highlighted that the SOA is to be refreshed following feedback from Audit Scotland’s follow-up meeting with the CPA Board in July 2014. There had been a recommendation to reduce the number of priorities and as such there was a programme of work to be undertaken to amend the metrics accordingly. In an effort to re-address the priorities within the SOA it had been agreed to set part of this group’s meeting as a workshop to give an opportunity to ascertain information to feed into the metrics. Linda clarified that the metrics underpinned the SOA. Linda confirmed that the Community Management Groupin November had placed an emphasison prevention.
Sandy had attendedthe CPA Management Group meeting on behalf of the ADP and it had been agreed that the ADP be part of the Community Management Group rather than report via the Health & Wellbeing Thematic Group.
Liz confirmed the reporting structure for the Groups as Community Planning Aberdeen Board (CPA-B), Community Planning Management Group (CPA-MG) with the Community Planning Reference Group (CPA-RG) having an overview though not reporting directly into either.
Currently the information available was from the Scottish Health Survey with the information based on self survey and it was hoped that following today’s workshop further suitable metrics would be identified. Liz confirmed that this was an opportunity to feed into the metrics and therefore the SOA on alcohol and physical activity. Linda advised that she had put some questions into the City Voice on physical activity and had circulated this to the group.
Jonathan gave an update from the Reference Group and advised that the topics discussed were on alcohol and welfare reform, however focus was spent on discussing the issues arising from the welfare reform. Jonathan confirmed that it hoped that the focus for 2015 would include alcohol and domestic abuse.
Liz asked who could be reached through the Reference Group and Jonathan confirmed that membership included front line services such as Pathways, Cfine and Cash in Your Pocket. Services which can be instrumental in putting measures in place to help mitigate impact of welfare reform. It had been noted that welfare reform and infrastructure were important as this had an impact on potential development of schools and housing being build. Liz drew attention to the transport issues regarding physical disability which comes up constantly.
It was felt that the Health & Action Transport Plan was a reassuring report and Linda confirmed that this had been circulated to this group. The plan had been endorsed by each partner and the Health & Wellbeing Thematic Group was seen as the owner of the plan. Linda advised that Joanna Murray, Team Leader, Transportation, Strategy & Programmes, Communities, Housing and Infrastructure at Aberdeen City Council had agreed to take up membership within this group. Linda said she had suggested at the Community Planning Board meeting that links be made with Integrated Children Services.
It was noted that the recent police meeting had highlighted that there had been a reduction in road injuries.
Joyce drew attention to the Big Aberdeen Action Plan which has been put together by a cross sector group looking at issues identified for action which includes a better transport system.
Liz said that the benefit of community planning was now becoming more evident.
Carole gave an update on the event which had been held over two days, 3rd and 19th November. Unfortunately there had been a poor turnout and consideration is being given as to how best to address issues that have been highlighted from the feedback. One of the comments fed back was people’s perception of the event and as such it was recognised that there was a need to advertise this in a different way. These issues will be considered for future events.
Sandy highlighted the ‘calories’ in alcohol promotion and suggested this as a useful tool. It links alcohol, obesity and physical activity. Carole said that this had been raised at the event.
The event had been facilitated by Health Scotland and Carole said this had worked well. The first day concentrated on the DPSEA Model technique and Good Places/Better Health with the 2nd day concentrating on active transport, food security and areas of poverty.
Discussion followed around sedentary behaviour and the amount of time now spent sitting at desks on computers in the workplace. Liz said that putting initiatives in place would be useful however sustainability was the issue and suggested that giving positive experience could be helpful.
Joyce drew attention to the Healthy Aberdeen Weekend which was being discussed at the moment.
Jo highlighted the use of stickers/signposts as a positive incentive. Julie said that she would look into the possibility of encouraging staff in MarischalCollege using the stairs rather than the lifts more. It was felt that there were key messages that could be put in place in all public buildings. / JS
Linda advised that she had met with Sinclair Laing who had suggested taking a GIS approach to analyse social/health outcomes of an area in the city against the accessibility and quality of open space in that area and direct resources to make the necessary improvements. Linda said that she would be having further discussion with Sinclair regarding the costs involved.
Sheila said that improvements around schools were currently being looked at.
Linda asked that any further ideas for use of the HIF resource be directed to her. / LS/SL
Linda had circulated various papers in preparation for the workshopwhich included potentialhealth & wellbeing indicators on alcohol and physical activitythat could be used as metrics to performance manage outcomes in the SOA. The meeting broke up into two groups to discuss these with Sandy taking the lead on alcohol and Linda on physical activity. Linda asked that discussions concentrate on establishing what was already known and what furtherinformation was required or could be used to show measurement of the outcomes.
It was appreciated that ADP was collecting information on alcohol however there was a need to look at other areas that would have data.
  • Already being produced through the ADP
  • ABIs and ABI Training
  • AIR targets
  • Campaigns
  • Common Assaults
  • Number of licensing challengers/objections
  • Access to services
The group considered use of SALSUS (Scottish Alcohol and Substance Use Survey of young people which is undertaken through the secondary schools. It was noted that the response from schools was only 59% which was lower than other areas in Scotland and it was suggested that every school should be encouraged or to take part to give a more comprehensive picture.
Michael confirmed that he could source information on the number of alcohol related road accidents, using Drink Drive data.
Other sources of data identified included Foetal Alcohol syndrome and Alcohol Workplace policies.
The group also considered that it would be helpful to undertake a population survey that could include gathering more qualitative information to complement the quantitative data. / MT to source information
Linda advised that GPshave now commenced encouraging patients with high blood pressure to undertake physical activity. Linda has now made enquiry into available information on physical activity from GPs.
It was noted that information could be available via HWL on physical activity in the workplace for ACC and Aberdeen CHP.
Information would be available on provision of physical activity in early years/children via Active Schools and active travel to school via Joanna Murray. There was a gap identified within the promotion of play within children in families. It was also highlighted that data could be available through attendances at sports/leisure facilities and use of Access to Leisure cards
Suggestion had been made to undertake a survey which would help to ascertain a baseline if deemed necessary.
It was also agreed to remove reference to Warwick-Edinburgh Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS) from the Metrics.
Lyndsay advised that an event for Community Planning Partners was taking place on 16th January to look at indicators of Wellbeing and was being supported by the University of Aberdeen and Lyndsay was asked if information on this could be made available to share.
In conclusion it was agreed that a small short life group be set up to collate information on physical activity and a date to be put in place in early January. It was agreed that the group consist of Jo Hall, Julie Somers, Jonathan Smith and Marlene Westland. / LJ
9. / A.O.C.B.
There was no other business.
The next meeting to take place onWednesday18th Marchat 2 pm in Room 3W01 inMarischalCollege.
FUTURE 2015 MEETING DATES:at 2 pm in Room 3W01 -MarischalCollege
Wednesday 17th June
Wednesday 16th September
Wednesday 9th December

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