North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service,
Thurston Road,
North Yorkshire, DL6 2ND

Tel: 01609 780150
Fax: 01609 788520

30th October 2015

Dear Mr Buck,

Re: Freedom of Information Request – Incidents Involving Firearms and Explosives

With reference to your Freedom of Information request dated 17th October 2015, you requested all information North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service hold with regards to it’s response to an incident involving firearms or explosives.

I can confirm that North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue hold such information but have decided to withhold it under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 exemptions, Section 24(1) National Security, Section 31 (1) (a) the Prevention and Detection of Crime, Section 38 Health and Safety. The reason for the decision is explained below:

In instances such as this, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service produce tactical plans to provide an effective response to an incident to safeguard the communities we serve. Disclosure of this type of information would provide detailed information about our response which could be used maliciously to impede or interfere with our emergency response and cause real harm. It would also allow anyone intent on committing a criminal act to disrupt such an emergency response, therefore putting the health and safety, including lives of members of the public and Service staff at risk.

The Information Commissioner (ICO) guidance states that “national security” can be interpreted widely, and need not be a direct or immediate threat. We therefore also believe that national security can be considered in this case.

Fire and Rescue Services are part of the Critical National Infrastructure and therefore we have a duty to protect our assets, including information assets and provide appropriate security to ensure an effective emergency response and be able to deploy our resources accordingly. If this information were to be disclosed the knowledge could be used to maximise disruption to emergency services including reducing support from neighbouring emergency services which would impact national security. Security risks and criminal or terrorist actions continually develop, exploiting available opportunities, this type of knowledge could help facilitate further types of attack or threat, and currently the UK is facing an increased national threat level.

I have considered the factors in favour of disclosure which are;

§  Promoting accountability and transparency for decisions taken by the Service

§  Individuals being assured that appropriate plans are in place for a major incident

§  Raising awareness of the multi-agency work undertaken by the Service

§  Allowing individuals, companies and other bodies to understand decisions made affecting their lives

However all of these are outweighed by a requirement to ensure that any emergency service attending the incident is able to respond and carry out its responsibility in saving lives. As stated previously the release of this information could compromise the emergency service operations and introduce unnecessary risk should this information fall into the hands of those who might wish to attack or disrupt such a response.

If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the Central Administration Office on 01609 780150.

If you are in any way unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a complaint, please contact The Complaints Officer at North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. Our complaints procedure is available on our website at

If you are still not satisfied following this you can make an appeal to the Information Commissioner who is the statutory regulator. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane

Wilmslow, Cheshire


Telephone: 01625 545 700,

Yours sincerely

Sarah Dale

Central Administration Office Manager