I (insert name) Harry Seaton
(insert title) Director of Housing Services
in exercise of the powers conferred on me by Paragraph 2 of Section J of the Scheme of Delegation of the Council, and following consultation with Councillors Warmisham and Burgoyne being the Lead and the Deputy Lead Member, respectively, for the Housing Service function, do hereby authorise
The acceptance of the tender of the Northern Consortium of Housing Authorities at £18,441 exc VAT to carry out the Tenant Satisfaction Survey for the Housing Services Directorate
The reasons are
An evaluation of the responses provided at Appendix 1 to the report
The source of funding is Housing Revenue Account
The following documents have been used to assist the decision process:-
Signed ...... Dated ......
Signed ...... Dated ......
Lead Member
Signed ...... Dated ......
Deputy Lead Member
Contact Officer Stephen Jolley Tel. No. 925-1218
* This decision is not subject to consideration by another Director
* Delete, as appropriate
1. Consultation Yes/No/N Applic – Please list …………………………………..
2. Environmental Impact …………………………………………………………
3. Budget Provision £ 18441 Revenue
4. Personnel/Training/Equal Opps Implications. Please specify ………………..
5. IT Requirements Yes/No/N Applic
6. Refer to Area/Scrutiny/Cabinet
7. Publicity/PR Yes/No. If Yes refer to Sue Hill.
Signed: ………………………………. Asst. Director or Department Date: ……….
Report to Lead Member and Deputy Housing
Report for Decision/Information
Date of Meeting : 27th October 2000
Subject : Results of Customer Satisfaction Survey Tender
This report has been prepared in order to inform you of the process used in selecting the contractor to be used to carry out a survey of council tenants opinions as to the service they receive from the City Council. This survey has to be undertaken in order to meet the requirements of Best Value Performance Indicators 74 & 75.
An initial list of contractors known to be experienced in this field was contacted and three tender submissions were received. Given the requirements of the contract brief, which you have previously approved, the proposals for methodology in undertaking the survey were very similar between all three contractors.
An evaluation of the bids was undertaken by the Principal Officer(Tenant Participation), the Head of Investment Strategy and the Senior Research Officer. A number of key factors were identified, including cost, estimates of response rates, length of questionnaire, adherence to timescales etc. this is attached as appendix 1.
Results of the Evaluation
Given that all contractors varied in their estimates of response rates, and that all bids stated that there could be a variance in costs if responses did not match estimates an attempt was made to equalise the response rates and estimate likely increases in costs. The Northern Consortium of Housing Authorities (NCHA) bid was most pessimistic about response rates, and, as their bid was based upon recent work in Salford rather than average response rates, this was used as the basis for estimations.
The three tenders received all used different assumptions as to the level of response that would be received from the initial mailout. This differing response rate also means that there are differing cost elements associated with sending out reminder cards and second questionnaires.
All tender prices included a provision for increased costs should the initial response rates not be met
In order to get a level playing field, the cost element of the survey for each tenderer which relates to mailing of reminder questionnaires was re-evaluated, based upon the most pessimistic assumptions of response rates. This assumption used an expected initial response rate of 33% as used by the Northern Consortium of Housing Authorities
The cost figures created by using this methodology are as follows:
Tender response rate Initial cost Revised cost
Kwest 40% £17,325 £18,545
ORCI 50% £18,700 £21,604
NCHA 33% £18,441 £18,441
These figures do not take into account any other factors, such as the length of the questionnaire.
Following further discussions with NCHA, they have managed to shorten their questionnaire from 12 to 8 pages, and have now suggested that this may result in reduced printing and postage costs. The revised costs for NCHA based on these estimates are between £13,294 and £14,400.
After weighing up all of the factors in the bid documents, it was agreed between all three panel members to select the NCHA as the preferred contractor and to invite them in for interview to clarify their bid and, if satisfactory to the council, to agree protocols and working arrangements. This meeting took place on the 18th October 2000, and protocols were agreed between the NCHA and the Council.
The main points agreed were:
Northern Consortium to provide:
Ø Draft copies of questionnaire and covering letter for approval
Ø Regular updates of progress
Ø Written report and presentation of results
Salford to provide:
Ø Data file in access or excel format
Ø Translation phrases into four main languages as graphic files
Ø Translated copies of survey to be made available as required
Contact point for residents queries will be Marilyn Thornley.
After agreeing all of the above points, it is recommended that the tender of the Northern Consortium of Housing Authorities be accepted and they be appointed as the contractor for this survey.
Customer Satisfaction Survey 2000/1 Appendix 1
Tender Evaluation Proforma
Consideration /Tender Brief Item / Contractor Details / Comments / Preferred
(if any) /
(a) Northern Consortium of Housing authorites / (b) Opinion Research Corporation International / (c) Kwest /
Estimated total cost / £18,441 (ex VAT) / £18,700 (ex VAT) / £17,325 (ex. VAT) / All prices were within a reasonable range of one another, and all carry a caveat of extra costs should a significant amount of extra work be involved
Estimate of total number of surveys required to achieve +/-4% accuracy in each of the 5 areas / 3,100 / 2,710 / 2,698 / The figures from NCHA were considerably higher than those provided by the other organisations, which suggests that the accuracy of results provided by them would be more robust than information provided by the other two companies tendering / A
Estimated response rate & total number of households to be contacted / 33%
9,200 / 50%
5,420 / 40%
6,746 / NCHA estimates based upon recent work in Salford. Other estimates have a much higher expected response rate, so are more likely to incur additional costs. / A
Cost per questionnaire sent / £2.00 / £3.45 / £2.57 / NCHA is considerably cheaper on this basis per questionnaire sent. Although part of the cost is for analysis and therefore would not be repeated if more fieldwork is required, the likely increase in costs should still be smaller. For NCHA / A
Follow up methodology / Reminder card followed by 2nd copy of questionnaire / Reminder card followed by 2nd copy of questionnaire / 2 repeat mailings of questionnaire / All consultants favour 2 reminders, however, the Kwest methodology is likely to prove more expensive than the other two / A,B
Ability to meet timescale / Agreed could fit to Salford’s timescale / Agreed could fit to Salford’s timescale / Proposed amended timescale in order to realistically stick to it – still meets aims and requirements of survey / All contractors seem to be capable of meeting required deadlines
Meeting the needs of clients with special needs / Use of translations and 14pt text recommended – client to provide translations for letter and translated questionnaire / Uses translations on covering letter – client to provide translations for letter and translated questionnaire / Uses translations on covering letter – client to provide translations for letter and translated questionnaire / All potential contractors covered the needs of minority ethnic populations, however only one covered the needs of people with sight difficulties. The needs of people who are completely blind will need to be taken into account / A
Presentation of results / Contractor to provide a written report and presentation to client / Contractor to provide a written report and presentation to client / Contractor to provide a written report and presentation to client
Testimonials / References / Testimonial provided by Alan Lunt – Housing Market Demand study completed to satisfaction / Reference checked with Chesterfield BC- very happy with all elements of work and presentation / Reference provided by Lambeth LBC – very good service provided, although there was some slippage to the timescale, which the client felt was partially attributable to both parties / Testimonial for ORC noted that they are prepared to negotiate on terms of price
Overall quality of submission / Detailed, clealy laid out, examples of similar surveys provided / Detailed, clealy laid out, examples of similar surveys provided / Detailed, clealy laid out, examples of similar surveys provided