16th October 2015


The Volunteer Centre Essex Award

Regulating Fundraising for the Future

NELFT Stakeholder Event

Hidden Harm Fund


Essex Policing Changes

Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund

Comic Relief Local Communities Programme

Voluntary Sector Training

State of the Sector Report


Every year Maldon and District Community Voluntary Service produce a State of the Sector report focusing on the needs of the Voluntary Sector in the Maldon District and highlighting areas of concern etc. In order to do this we need to hear from our members!

Please help us by completing our short 10 question survey at

To read last years report here click here


The Volunteer Centre Essex Award

The Volunteer Centre Essex Award is part of the overall High Sheriffs’ Awards Scheme and encourages volunteers to nominate their voluntary or community group for an award. A cash award of £1,000 is given to the organisation, which best demonstrates the use of good practice in providing encouragement, support, training and supervision to volunteers.
For an application form please go to:

The organisation should complete the first page and then ask one of their volunteers to answer the 2 questions.

Closing date is 1st December 2015.

For further information please contact Pauline Pickering at Chelmsford Volunteer Centre on 01245 250731 or email


Regulating Fundraising for the Future

The review of fundraising self-regulation, chaired byNCVO’s chief executive Sir Stuart Etherington, is nowavailable.

Theterms of the reviewstated that the objective was:

  • to review the effectiveness of the current self-regulatory system for fundraising in the light of recenthigh-profile cases
  • to make recommendations and proposals to ministers, the charity sector andother bodies involved in fundraising on the changes needed to ensure an effective system of self-regulationwhich protects the interests and the confidence of the public while serving beneficiaries

To download the review please Click here.


Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Services

NELFT Stakeholder Event

On 1st November 2015, all Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Services (formally known as Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, or CAMHS) in Essex, will be provided by North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT). NELFT are hosting a stakeholder engagement event at BromfordsSchool, Grange Avenue, Wickford on Friday 23 October 2015. The event is targeted mainly at core stakeholders including third sector providers, community organisations, clinicians, schools and young people’s organisations. NELFT will be giving an update about the transfer of Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Services (EWMHS), and there’ll be a chance to ask questions.

The event is free.Coffee and biscuits will be provided from 3:30 pm for a 4 pm start. The event concludes at 5:30 pm. Click here to book your place:

For any further queries about this event please contact:


Hidden Harm Fund

Earlier this year the Police and Crime Commissioner announced the publication of an annex to the Police & Crime Plan that expands the Plan to include a focus on “Reducing Hidden Harms”. This coincided with the launch of a £100,000 ‘Hidden Harm’ Fund which was made available to Community Safety Partners for activity that would tackle these hidden harms by raising awareness, building capacity and capability or providing direct support to victims. Whilst the PCC has supported a number of small, positive local projects through this Fund there is still some funding available so the PCC would like to invite applications from Voluntary and Community Sector organisations in addition to CSPs.

If you would like more information or wish to obtain the criteria, application form, and monitoring form for the Hidden Harm Fund please send an email to


Action for Family Carers


Action for Family Carers is currently recruiting for two positions:

  1. Head of Business Services

Salary £31,000 - £35,000 for a 35 hour week

  1. Head of Carer Services

Salary £31,000 - £35,000 for a 35 hour week

Closing date for applications is Monday 26th October 2015. For further information on these roles and to download an application pack please visit


Essex Policing Changes

The Chief Constable of Essex Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner recently made public announcements about the future of the police estate and on a new model of local policing in the county.

Detailed briefing sheets based on local authority districts/unitary authorities are available on their website. To access the briefing sheet on the proposed changes for Maldon District or for more information go to:


Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund

The Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund is looking to help small, local community projects and communitymindedpeople through theGalaxy Hot Chocolate Fund.

From 2nd November 2015 for 17 weeks, theywill be seeking to award 85

donations of £300 to help volunteer groups.

In the weeks running up to the fund, if you or your organisation could benefit

from a free jar of GALAXY Hot Chocolate then pleasesend a quick line about your organisation, along with your delivery address and contact number, to

Stock is limited and will be sent out on a first come, first served basis before 31st October 2015.

To celebrate the 5th birthday of the Fund they are also throwing five Hot Chocolate Tea Parties. If you know a charity that deserves a party send a message including a quick lineabout the chosen charity, along with your contact details.

For more information on this and about the soon to be launched Hot Chocolate Fund visit


Comic Relief Local Communities Programme

Comic Relief Local Communities Programmeawards grants from £1,000 to £10,000 to voluntary and community organisations. This Programme has specific criteria which is explained in the Comic Relief application guidelines. To read the application guidelines click here.

For further information contact Essex Community Foundation on 01245 356018 or email


Voluntary Sector Training

Don't miss the following courses coming up soon from Voluntary Sector Training:
9th November Email Marketing - Improving your results
10th November Time Management
12th November Working with NLP techniques
17th NovemberSuccessfully Managing Sickness Absence NEW!!
23rd November Volunteer Recruitment
26th November Developing Great Assertiveness Skills
30th NovemberFinance Made Easy
1st DecemberCrowdfunding for charities, community groups and

social enterprises

2nd DecemberUnderstanding Mentoring
7th DecemberManaging Difficult Conversations

Read more and book by visiting:


The views expressed in this E-Bulletin are not necessarily endorsed by Maldon and District Community Voluntary Service. Whilst every effort is made to promote accurate information, we accept no liability for error or omission. Member groups are welcome to reproduce or forward items appearing in this Bulletin