SwedishMedicalCenter Foundation Special Events Proposal Form

Thank you for your interest in hosting a fundraising event to benefit SwedishMedicalCenter! To ensure quick response to your proposal, please complete this form with as much information as possible. Feel free to add additional information as needed. Please note that SwedishMedicalCenter’s requirements and guidelines for participation in special events vary depending on the nature of the event.

The following is a partial list of criteria used when reviewing proposals:

  • Does the event support the mission of SwedishMedicalCenter?
  • Does the event have a viable target audience?
  • Does the event have a realistic budget and plan?
  • What percentage of the proceeds will be directed to SMC in relation to the potential revenue of the host organization?
  1. Contact Information

Name of Sponsoring Organization/Individual:
Contact Person:
Telephone: / Fax: / Email:
City: / State: / Zip:
  1. Event Description

Name of Event:
Location: / Intended Date:
Target Audience:
Description of Event:
  1. Budget

Please attach a budget including sources of income and all expenses, anticipated total donation to Swedish, and the date the funds are likely to be received. As a general guideline expenses should not exceed 1/3 of gross revenue.

Anticipated Donation Amount to Swedish:
Use of Funds: / SummeRun
Seattle Brain Cancer Walk / Other:
  1. Promotion

List all planned forms of promotion (print, TV, radio, internet, other):

*Please note thatSwedishMedicalCenter requires all promotional materials that include the Swedish name or logo be reviewed and approved by Swedish before production.

5. Corporate Sponsors

Please include all businesses, individuals and organizations that will be contacted for monetary or in-kind support:

Before approaching businesses or corporations for donations, please check with SMC Foundation so that we do not overlap our efforts in asking companies for support. Some companies already have specific ways that they give to Swedish and we want to avoid approaching them multiple times.

6. Additional Information/Comments:

I agree to abide by all guidelines set forth above by the SwedishMedicalCenter Foundation.

Signed ______on ______

Proposals should be submitted no less than 30 days prior to event date. Swedish Medical Center will evaluate your event proposal and respond within 7-10 business days.

Please send your proposal to:

SwedishMedicalCenter Foundation

Attn: Tracie Lievense

747 Broadway

Seattle, WA98122

Phone: 206-386-2738

Fax: 206-386-2765


Thank you so much for your support of SwedishMedicalCenter and our community!


Thank you for your interest in supporting the Swedish Medical Center Foundation. We appreciate your desire to support our mission: to improve the health and well being of each person we serve.

Fundraising Guidelines:

  • A complete “Event Proposal Form” must be submitted to Swedish Medical Center Foundation for every fundraising event.
  • SwedishMedicalCenter foundation will not process individual payments from ticket sales, raffle sales, auctions or other items that are not 100% tax-deductible. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to provide one payment to Swedish Medical Center Foundation for those items. We will process payments and provide tax receipts for donations. All promotional materials must state, “Payments for auction items, tickets, and other items with a fair market value will not be tax deductible or recognized in the Swedish Medical Center Foundation Annual report.” It is advised that all sponsors consider becoming individual 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations in order to maximize potential tax deductions to event participants. For more information on becoming a registered non-profit benefiting Swedish Medical Center Foundation please contact us directly.
  • The event should fit the mission and promote the appropriate image of SwedishMedicalCenter.
  • Swedish does not advance monies, solicit sponsorship revenue, or provide insurance coverage for outside fundraising activities. Swedish cannot be held liable for any expenses incurred by an individual or any organization involved in fundraising on behalf of Swedish and its entities.
  • When approaching businesses and corporations for assistance with the event/promotion, please clear all contact with a particular business with Swedish Medical Center Foundation prior to initiating contact.
  • Swedish Medical Center Foundation reserves the right to opt out as the beneficiary of the event/promotion at any time with no obligation.
  • For confidentiality purposes, Swedish Medical Center Foundation does not release donor, volunteer, employee, physician or other mailing lists for the purpose of additional solicitation of funds by outside groups.
  • The event sponsor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Swedish Health Services harmless against and with respect to any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses, obligations liabilities, damages, recoveries, and deficiencies, including interest, penalties, and reasonable attorney’s fees that shall be incurred or suffered by Swedish Health Services that result from or relate to the sponsor’s event and the sponsor’s performance of the agreement as specified in these guidelines and on the Event Proposal Form.
  • Washington state law requires licensing to conduct a raffle. If the event will include a raffle, the sponsor must research the raffle guidelines with the Washington State Gambling Commission and obtain a gambling license (if applicable).
  • Event sponsors are required to send a note thanking participants and, if applicable, updating them on the fundraising success of the event within 30 days of the event.
  • The Foundation’s ability to provide services for your event is limited by staff size. We state this in advance so that there are no disappointments or misunderstandings with regards to our ability to participate with you and support your event.
  • We advise you to consider purchasing insurance to cover your liability for any events that you hold. All events hosted on SwedishMedicalCenter property will be required to provide proof of liability insurance.

Event Promotion:

  • Please do not make any public announcements or promote the event until you receive written permission from the Foundation.
  • All requests for using the Swedish name and logo need to be approved by a contact person at the Swedish Medical Center Foundation. Images of the logo will be provided to the sponsor upon request.
  • All those raising funds on behalf of Swedish Medical Center will provide a clear and accurate statement of how Swedish will benefit by the event in all advertising, solicitation, programs, promotions and printed materials, scripts, or the link in which the name of Swedish is used. When recognizing Swedish in approved printed materials, the following language should be used: “proceeds will benefit SwedishMedicalCenter,” or “An event benefiting SwedishMedicalCenter.”
  • All community fundraising projects that require promotional visibility must have all promotional materials (including press releases, public service announcements, posters, invitations, etc) reviewed and approved before they are used.


  • Within 45 days after the final day of the fundraising event/activity, please send a final accounting of income and expenses along with your check to the Foundation. Events that do not raise enough money to cover expenses and do not result in a donation being made to the specified program will be more carefully evaluated in future years.

Thank you so much for your support of SwedishMedicalCenter and our community!

Revised March, 2013