Classis Lake Erie

Specialized Ministries Committee:

Application for Direct Classical Aid (DCA) for Jan 1, 2017-Dec 31, 2017

Dear friends in our Lord Jesus Christ:

It is time to think, pray and plan for ministry needs of 2017. Enclosed is an application to request a grant from the annual budget of Classis Lake Erie (CLE) for 2017. Please follow the directions below carefully, complete all the relevant parts of the form and send your application to:

Pastor Nathan Gritter

6045 Mackinaw Rd

Saginaw, MI


Phone: 989 792 2465

All applications–plus all required supportive information–must be before committee no later than June 17, 2016. Committee will not act on applications received after Friday, June 17, 2016 .

1.  Complete both pages of the application. Campus ministries that report to CRCNA Home Missions Board may submit their most recent CRHM quarterly financial report including projection for 2016-17 instead of the financial section of the application.

2. Please include the following documents with your application:

a.  Financial summary for 2015

b.  Statement of minutes from the church council supporting this ministry indicating its support for this application and the amount requested. (In some cases, this statement can be provided by a governing board or committee [Campus Chapel, CAM, CR-CMA, etc.]).

c.  Budget projection for the church, governing board or committee for 2017.

d.  Financial statement for the church, governing committee or board for 2015.

Committee plans to meet sometime in late June/early July. If you wish, you may meet with committee at that time. Contact Rev. Nathan Gritter (contact info listed above)

After reviewing applications, Specialized Ministries committee will forward recommendations to the Classis Lake Erie executive committee. We will inform you of the recommendations so that you can appeal that recommendation. Please contact the person named above as soon as possible following receipt of the recommendations regarding any appeal you may wish to make.

The decision as to actual amount of any grants will be made by Classis LE at the Fall meeting. You will be notified of any grant approved for your ministry following that meeting.

Please contact the above named person if you have questions.

Grace and Peace,

Rev Nathan Gritter

Head of Specialized Ministries Committee

Classis Lake Erie Specialized Ministries Committee


Year Ministry Began ______

Name of Ministry

Employer/Primary Sponsor

Phone (___) ______

Phone (___) ______

Year for which DCA is requested ______Amount requested ______1st year of DCA ______

Amount of DCA received last year ______Number of years DCA is anticipated ______

1.  Brief purpose statement of the ministry

Goals currently in use to accomplish this purpose

2.  Brief description of the ministry, including how many people are being served

3.  a. Is there a special project/program for which this money is requested?

3. b. What would be the effect on the ministry if the amount approved is less than requested?

4.  Please attach the following:

Job description and qualifications for personnel for which grant support is requested

(Only if this is a first time request for this grant support)


Ministry Name ______prepared by ______

Date form completed ______Current Year Projected

(requested years)

1. General Fund Offerings: ______

2. Other local receipts ______

3. Classis Contribution ______

4. CRHM contribution (if any) ______

5. Other sources of funds ______

6. Total Receipts ______


1. Position funded by DCA ______

a. Salary ______

b. Benefits ______

c. Rent or payments ______

d. Utilities, maintenance, insurance ______

e. Auto (mileage, insurance) ______

f. Conferences and training ______

2. Expenses for other personnel ______

3. Programming ______




4. Faculties and grounds

a. Utilities ______

b. Rent, maintenance, insurance ______

5. Other ______

6. Total Disbursements ______