2014 Police Officer Selection Process
Written Examination/The Physical Fitness Test
Thank you for applying with the City of Mason. This communication is to acknowledge completion of the application process. You will need to print these 3 pages for future reference. Please continue to be patient as we work through the recruitment process. Because of regulations, this may be a detailed process that involves several months of recruitment and selection activities. The written examination will be administered first, upon completion of the written examination, applicants will move to the Physical Fitness Test. Please dress or bring appropriate clothing and shoes for the fitness test.
Required Identification: A valid drivers license. No registration or taking the exam without proper identifications.
Registration: Registration is mandatory prior to taking the test. Anyone arriving past 7:15 a.m. will NOTbeadmitted.
Estimated Time of Tests: 3 hours
Materials: Materials needed will be provided
No Appointment Necessary To Take the Test –Please arrive early for registration.
Test date, time and location is as follows:
Date Registration Test Begins
Sunday, May 18, 20146:30 AM to 7:15 AM 7:30 AM
Mason Community Center
6050 Mason-Montgomery Rd.
Mason, OH 45040
The Physical Fitness Test
Candidates will be asked to complete a Physical Fitness Test. This test will be administered immediately following the written test.Candidates must pass the Physical Fitness Test in order to move on in the process.
If you have any questions please call Human Resources – 513-229-8510 extension 1013.
Continued on Page 2
/ (under 29) / (30-39) / (40-49) / (50-59)SIT-UPS / 40 / 36 / 31 / 26
PUSH-UPS / 33 / 27 / 21 / 15
1.5 MILE RUN / 11:58 / 12:25 / 13:05 / 14:33
/ (under 29) / (30-39) / (40-49) / (50-59)SIT-UPS / 35 / 27 / 22 / 17
PUSH-UPS / 18 / 14 / 11 / 13
1.5 MILE RUN / 14:15 / 15:14 / 16:13 / 18:05
Police Fitness Test Standards:
Mason Police fitness testing follows the established OPOTA guidelines:
The push-up test will be performed by placing both palms on the floor extended slightly wider than shoulder width. The applicant will start in the up position with elbows fully extended, back straight, and legs together. In this position the applicant will be in up position on their hands and their toes. The applicant will lower himself or herself until their upper arms are parallel with his/her back and then return to the up position. This is one repetition. OPOTA standards require all applicants to perform test in same manner.
The sit-up test will begin with applicant lying flat on the back, with knees bent, heels flat on the floor and fingers interlaced behind the head. A spotter will hold applicants feet firmly on the floor. Applicant will rise to the up position where their elbows touch their knees and return so their shoulder blades touch the floor. This is one repetition.
Oral Interviews – Week of June2, 2014
The top 15 candidates who score 70% or higher on the Written Examination and pass the Physical Fitness Test will continue on to Oral Interviews according to their ranking on the written test. Human Resources will assign all eligible candidates their interview date and time. Candidates will participate in two interviews one right after the other. The first interview panel will be comprised of community representatives, members of the Mason Police Department and other City of Mason employees. The second interview panel will be made up of members of the Mason Police Department and other City of Mason Administration.Interviews will be held the week of June 2, 2014. Interviews will be held at the City of Mason Municipal Center, 6000 Mason-Montgomery Rd., Mason, OH 45040. Please allow up to 90minutes for this process.
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Final Interviews – Week of June 9, 2014
Based upon candidate performance as determined by the weighted values of the Written Test (70%), the First Interview (10%), and theSecondInterview (20%),candidates with an accumulative score of 70% or higher will continue in the selection process to the Final Interview. There may be ties in the final scores, which would reflect more than one person with the same ranking number. Example #1 ranking is the person or persons with the highest score. Interviews will be held at the City of Mason Municipal Center, 6000 Mason-Montgomery Rd., Mason, OH 45040. Please allow up to 1 hour for this process.
Conditional Offers
Pre-employment assessments will include extensive background to include a polygraph examination, psychological screening, drug screening, and a complete medical examination that meets Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund requirements. Upon satisfactory completion of all requirements, the selected applicant(s) will be offered a probationary appointment to the City of Mason Police Department.
During Background Investigationsconfidentiality cannot be guaranteed during any phase of the selection process
NOTE: The polygraph examination will focus on the following areas: work history, personal background, criminal history, driving record, family background, and financial history.
Expected Duration of Selection Process
The selection process is expected to take up to 180 days from the date of the written test until the date of probationary appointment. The city at their discretion may extend the selection process timeline.
Candidates not selected to continue in the process may reapply during any future application period.