


Sheet N° 1 of 4

Title: Healthwatch Derbyshire Executive Board Meeting
Subject/Title: / Healthwatch Derbyshire (HWD) Executive Board Meeting
Held On: / Monday 10th April, 2017
Time: / 1.00pm – 4.00pm
Venue: / Suite 14, Riverside Business Centre, Foundry Lane, Milford, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 0RD
Chair: / John Simmons

Minutes prepared by:

/ Tammi Wright
Distribution: HWD Board Members, HWD Team, HWD Website
Name / Dept / Organisation / Attended / Apologies
John Simmons (JS)
Madeleine Fullerton (MF) / Chair
Vice Chair Executive Board Member / √

Helen Barker (HB)
Emma Hyde (EH)
Sonia Rafferty(SR)
Trevor Ride (TR)
David Roulston (DR)
Carolin Shearer (CS) / Executive Board Member
Executive Board Member
Executive Board Member (Treasurer)
Executive Board Member
Executive Board Member
Executive Board Member / √

√ / √

Helen Hart
Karen Ritchie (KR)
Tammi Wright (TW)
Staff Representative:
Sharon Mellors / Insight & Intelligence Coordinator
HWD Chief Executive
HWD Office Manager
HWD Engagement Officer / √

√ / √
No / items / Action
1. / Welcome:
JS welcomed all attendees to the meeting.
2. / Apologies:
Received from HB, CS and KR.
KR has sustained a broken ankle due to an accident at the weekend. She will be working from home as much as she can and staff/Board members will arrange lifts for her to get to any important meetings over the next four weeks.
JS confirmed that SR is an authorised signatory for business cheques.
3. / Declaration of Conflicts of Interest:
Trustee Declaration signed by attending Board members.
4. / Minutes/Matters Arising:
Accepted as a true account of the meeting which took place on Monday 13th February, 2017.
DR advised that he will provide a briefing paper based on the meeting regarding the STP which took place on Thursday 23rd February with Gary Thompson. / DR
5. / Meetings attended and feedback:
-JS updated the group on the recent Derbyshire PPG Chairs meeting he had attended.
-SR advised that she had attended two South Derbyshire CCG Primary Care Co-Commissioning Group meetings with no main issues to report. The May meeting has been cancelled.
-JS advised that he had attended the Hardwick CCG meeting and informed the group that this CCG had ended this year in the black.
-TR advised that he had attended Public Voice which has been established to provide a voice for people within the South East Sector of Greater Manchester to discuss issues related to the changes that will be introduced when the Healthier Together Programme goes live later this year.
Discussion at the meeting was around the impact of the changes of Stepping Hill becoming the specialist centre for emergency abdominal surgery.
This decision means that High Peak patients will no longer need to travel into Greater Manchester for this kind of care. TR is keen to monitor any potential impact this will have on patients in Derbyshire.
It is now likely that this change will be effective from September / October 2017, with the next meeting is being held in May.
-JS advised the group that he attended at Healthwatch England Network Meeting on Social Care Policy in London. Nothing important to feedback.
6. / Policies and Procedures:
-JS advised that the policies up for review had been considered by the Governance subgroup and, as such, are tabled as recommendation to the Board.
Equality & Diversity: A few minor changes.
Fire Safety: No change.
Media Policy: Media permission form added along with update to Sarah Jones’s (PR consultant) input and involvement with HWD.
Agreed by Board.
-SR advised the group that she has shared a media policy with KR.
7. / Strategic Plan Review
-Plan tabled and amendments highlighted in red.
DR accepted that the STP is covered under Main Aims 1 but it was agreed that STP should be specifically mentioned within this section.
The Board agreed for the plan to be signed off once the above discussion has taken place and the plan amended as necessary. / KR
8. / Financial:
-End of year financial report/Budget for 2017:
Both tabled and presented by SR.
Year ends with a small overspend which is covered by reserves. Sufficient reserves to cover any exit costs.
The new financial year starts with a flat budget.
JS advised that this is the first year where the budget has not allowed for the uplift in staff salaries. The Board wanted to make it clear to staff that this does not represent any dissatisfaction with the staff or their performance, and that they are highly valued by the Board.
10. / Communications Action Plan (CA) & Service Improvement Plan (SIP):
-Copies of the SIP were circulated for members to take away to review separate to this meeting and report any comments to KR by Friday 21st April, 2017.
-Copies of the CAP were tabled and presented by Lee Mellor (LM) (Communications Officer).
LM advised that this is a plan showing future work, hence why the progress for many elements are showing as red.
The plan is split into three main sections – digital, visibility of Healthwatch and media – and LM provided a comprehensive insight into the work being undertaken.
DR offered his compliments to LM for his hard work in the on-going development of HWD communications.
[As requested LM has sent an electronic copy of the CAP to TR.
Also circulated, to the Board, a map of Derbyshire showing where forthcoming engagements are taking place as discussed]. / BOARD
9. / Presentation:
A presentation was delivered to attendees by Lele Bobeszko, Adult Care, and Debbie Fairholme, Hardwick CCG regarding the quality monitoring of care homes and homecare provision.
11. / Subgroup updates and reports:
-Finance and Audit: Minutes tabled. Already covered by SR above:
·  The company insurance policy is being amended to include the mental health project.
·  The Board agreed that the draft budget for the mental health project can be signed off by the Finance & Audit subgroup.
-Governance: Minutes tabled. Policies, Strategic Plan and SIP covered above.
·  Risk Register discussed later in agenda.
·  DR gave an overview of the IIA meeting which took place on Monday 3 April as the minutes had only been made available a few days prior to this meeting. Copies of minutes tabled.
·  Main point that all IIA members are responsible for monitoring the quality of comment responses received from providers and to take relevant and appropriate decisions accordingly. Routine decisions can be made by the IIA group but where more formal action is deemed necessary, this must be referred to the Board.
·  The new database is fully searchable and will help with the identification of themes and trends but IIA still need to review all comments.
·  Quality of provider responses should improve once the guidance document is made available and widely circulated. This document should also assist with smarter ways of analysing the quality of responses received.
·  Tanya Nolan (TN) is scoping enter and view activity into drug treatment centres.
·  Working party being established to look into the IIA process and how HWD feeds back to the public.
12. / Manager’s Report
-Mental Health Service Receiver & Carer Service:
·  Handout produced and circulated in advance of meeting on Wednesday 12th April. Currently 50+ people registered to attend.
·  Care home comments: These are not be collated by engagement officers but rather through LM developing a toolkit inviting such comments and distributing to stakeholders. Website feedback is starting to show some comments coming in. Posters being distributed.
·  AGM: Booked for 6th October 2017 in Matlock. Theme is learning disabilities. Currently nothing to update on.
·  EMAS: Agreement to provide their whistleblowing service has ended. A nice thank you letter has been received from EMAS.
·  Burton/Derby Collaboration: Request received to come and talk to HWD Board in June to provide an update on this partnership.
·  Table of meetings: Will be displayed on website to show what meetings staff and Board are attending for HWD across the county.
·  Team Building: Postponed until Thursday 28th September, 2017.
10. / Risk
-Risk Register amendments/new risks to consider
·  Amends as listed on agenda agreed.
·  S4.6 JS to contact Mary Dyer in order to obtain details of PPG chairs.
-Health & Safety: TW reported that there are now six people trained in lift evacuation, five of which work in the building and one works for the landlord. Instructions as to how to evacuate are to be provided by the landlord and displayed in the office, for use by TW and LM only as they both undertook the training. / JS
11. / Any Other Business:
TW advised that Jane’s (Birch) last day working for HWD will be Friday 2nd June, 2017.
12. / Confidential Items:
Nothing to report.
13. / Date of Next Meeting:
Monday 12th June, 2017 1.00pm – 4.00pm.
(Staff Representative: TBA)
14 / Minutes checked and signed by HWD Executive Board Chair
John Simmons: 18/04/2017


V2 Board Minutes 18042017 TW