SUNDAY 12th JUNE 2016

10:30amMr Don Rolls

Stewards:Frances Page & Carol Allan

Readers:Mar Briggs-Denison & Carol Allan

Organist:Jean Clay

Flowers:Joan Jones

4:00pmMessy Church


7:30pm Transformed Life Group at Trinity

TUESDAY 14th JUNE 2016

10:15amCoffee and Chat Group

12:00noonLuncheon Club

2:00pmTransformed Life Group at Trinity

7:15pmSteel band practice


8:00 pm Transformed Life Group at 12 Old Trough Way

FRIDAY 17th JUNE 2016

10-12noonTrinity Tots

2:00pmTransformed Life Group at Martin Grange

SUNDAY 19thJUNE 2016

10:30amMrs Fran Page

Minister – Rev Mark Godfrey – Tel: 503551 E-mail: .

Children’s & Families Worker :Matthew Lunn Tel: 501533 or email:

A crèche is available for any children who wish to join them during the service.

TRINITY NOTICES– Please let Tracey have any items for Sunday 19thJuneby Tuesday 14th June.She can be contacted on 01423 8xxxx2 or by e-mailat

This Programme has been agreed by the Church Council for all who attend Trinity. It is based on Ephesians chapters 1-3 and each of the 8 weeks begins with a Sunday Service and then the opportunity to meet in small groups during the week for a one-hour study of the theme for that week (see times & places above). The programme is based on the answering of 3 questions:
Who am I? (IDENTITY); Where do I belong? ( BELONGING); What am I living for? (PURPOSE).

Rededication Service on 19th June at Bilton Area Methodist Church, Skipton Road, Harrogate at 3:00pm (followed by Cream Tea)

Matthew’s 30th Coffee MorningBilton Area Methodist Church, Skipton Road, Harrogate on 25th June 2016, 10am-3pm

Church Family Walk round Swinsty reservoir Sunday 26 June, after the Family Service. We’ll start with a picnic (please bring your own) at the carpark between Swinsty and Fewston which has toilets and picnic tables. Non walkers are welcome to bring a picnic and share in that part of proceedings and possibly have a short stroll down to the waters edge.There is a well made path which is suitable for pushchairs, children and dogs so please bring the whole family. Total distance of the walk about 3 miles.These events are always great fun and good fellowship so if you have not tried a Church walk before why not make this the first of many?

A FLOWER FESTIVAL from your armchair! At Wetherby Methodist Church on Saturday 18th June at 9:30am – 4pm and Sunday 19th June at 11am – 4pm. Entry price £1, programme 50p. Preview evening Friday 17th June 7-9pm, £8 to include canapés.For further 01937 573167 /589271 or 01423 358993. Proceeds to Martin House Children's Hospital.

DEMENTIA FRIENDLY CHURCHESto be held on Friday 1st July at the Wesley Centre between 1-4pm

WELCOME SERVICEYou are invited to attend the welcome service for the new Chair of the Leeds District of the Methodist Church, Revd Anne Brown, at Trinity Methodist Church, Harrogate at 3pm on 20thAugust 2016.The service will be led by the Secretary of the Conference, Revd Gareth Powell and the

Please reply to this if you wish to attend.

LEEDS DISTRICT CHILDREN’S HOLIDAY 2016This years holiday takes place at Ashville College, Harrogate from 20-27th August. It provides a holiday for 20 children from the Leeds area who otherwise would not enjoy a time away from home. If you can help please contact Susan Old on or 01677 470713 or 07733 172828
HARROGATE FOODBANK would be grateful to receive any of the following items.500gm bags of sugar, Jam, Tins of peas or carrots, Dried milk powder, Instant mash, Long life fruit juice, UHT milk, Tinned sponge pudding, Tins of rice pudding or custard, Bars of chocolate, Toilet rolls, Basic toiletries . If your church can help us with any of the above items we would be very grateful. You can deliver these items to the Foodbank which is open on Tuesday's and Friday's from 10.30am - 12.30pm

We are planning to hold some meetings in the coming weeks for those who may be interested in becoming church members. Anyone who may be interested in coming along please have a word with Mark.

Please note:notices are on the website each week. email Tracey D’Alessandro-Rixon with amends or additions.TRINITY IS ON FACEBOOKSearch for Trinity Methodist Church, Harrogate.