Project Costs for Proposed PFC Projects

Updated March 18, 2014

In accordance with Federal Aviation Regulation Part 158 Passenger Facility Charges, section 158.24, the New Orleans Aviation Board hereby provides notification of its intent to propose a new Passenger Facilities Charge (PFC) Application at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport.

PFC Application 14-11-C-00-MSY

PFC No. 81 - Airfield Pavement Condition Study (reimbursement)

Description: This project will reimburse the sponsor to eligible costs in the field investigation and preparation of a Pavement Condition Index study that characterizes the condition of relevant paved section of airfield including runways, taxiways, taxi lanes and apron facilitating aircraft operations at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (LANOIA). This study will investigate and report on degradation in airfield surfaces on the LANOIA campus and make recommendations for phased master plan to preserve and enhance the airfield pavement.

Justification: This project is needed to preserve and enhance airfield safety. Degraded paved surfaces can allow for storm water ponding and produce foreign object debris (FOD), which can damage aircraft and impede efficient surface movement of aircraft.

PFC Level: $3.00

Total PFC Revenue: $127,000

PFC No. 82 - Long Term Planning Study (reimbursement)

Description: This project is to reimburse the sponsor for eligible costs incurred while formulating a long-term strategic plan for airport development at LANOIA. This airport development study is a continuation of previous planning efforts to establish a strategically sound program of development for future investment in the existing campus. The New Orleans Aviation Board (NOAB) engaged consultant services to perform an “in-depth and robust analysis of the options for a new airport terminal facility.” This analysis followed on the 2007 Strategic Development Plan and the 2012 Strategic Development Plan Phase 2 Action Update, focusing weighing multiple options for developing appropriate and economically viable terminal facilities. The analysis performed with this project focused on design concepts, costs and environmental impacts.

Justification: This project is needed to address issues revealed in the 2007 Strategic Development Plan (PFC Project Number – 04-07-C-04-MSY-001), namely the need to craft a long-term development alternative to address capacity and development needs. The NOAB believes that a responsive plan will create significant improvements to airport security, increasing competition among air carriers and reducing anticipated congestion.

PFC Level: $3.00

Total PFC Revenue: $4,801,500

PFC No. 83 - Airfield Electrical

Description: This project is necessary for the design and construction of replacement equipment enabling the airfield electrical systems serving LANOIA. The FAA has awarded an Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant to support a portion of this work; the New Orleans Aviation Board intends to fund local matching funds with PFC funds and also fund eligible costs if FAA participation does not fully fund the eligible costs.

Justification: This project will significantly improve air safety by replacing obsolete and failure-prone electrical equipment. Several outages have incurred which have interfered with normal operations at LANOIA.

PFC Level: $4.50

Total PFC Revenue: $6,851,561

PFC No. 84 - Landuse and Development Study (reimbursement)

Description: This project will fund reimbursement of the sponsor for eligible costs associated with development of a comprehensive land use plan to guide development at LANOIA. This study reviews existing conditions, identifies potential economic development opportunities and proposes a series of action steps to realize the identified opportunities. This study is focused on improving and diversifying Non-Airline Revenue income to the airport so as to reduce carrier costs to operate at LANOIA and improve competition and air service.

Justification: This project is needed to address issues revealed in the 2007 Strategic Development Plan (PFC Project Number – 04-07-C-04-MSY-001), namely the need to craft a long-term development alternative to address capacity and development needs. The NOAB believes that implementation of a responsive plan will create significant improvements to airport security, increasing competition among air carriers and reducing anticipated congestion. A land use development plan will allow the NOAB to focus development efforts on land uses that harmonize non-aviation and aviation-related development while maximizing non-airline revenue, preserving and enhancing opportunities for air carrier competition.

PFC Level: $3.00

Total PFC Revenue: $1,000,000

PFC No. 85 - Long Term Development Feasibility Study (reimbursement)

Description: This project will fund reimbursement of the sponsor for eligible costs associated with studying the feasibility of long term development alternatives at LANOIA. This study evaluates the financial viability strategic alternatives for airport development of terminal facilities at the existing airfield campus. This study applies common quantifiable metrics including capital costs, financing costs, operating and maintenance costs as well as projected revenue streams to establish a preferred alternative. The analysis examines all reasonable financial factors operative in selecting a preferred alternative, ranks various common metrics among alternatives, creates a financial model to assess each alternative’s feasibility, develops benefit/cost analysis for each development alternative, and presents and affirmatively reports a finding and a preferred alternative recommendation.

Justification: This project will complement the other planning efforts to support LANOIA’s strategic development planning process. The 2007 Strategic Development Plan (the SDP - a master plan document) identified potential alternative for future development and recommended a common program of needed stabilizing capital projects, all appropriate and useful to any of the identified development alternatives. The SDP further recommended re-evaluation of alternatives at a point where activity at the airport had stabilized following the impacts of Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath in 2005. The SDP recommended 2012 as an appropriate year for that update. LANOIA acted in 2012 to produce a Phase 2 Action Update, revalidating the work of the 2007 SDP and identifying a preferred alternative, the Northside option, as the optimum long-term terminal development solution.

In order to fully evaluate and justify this development alternative to stakeholders, LANOIA requires objective analysis of the financial viability of the preferred alternative with regard to its ability to satisfy physical and financial goals established by the Board. Essentially, the NOAB considers reduction of cost per enplaned passenger with little or no reduction in level of service during peak demand periods key to preserving and enhancing opportunities for competition among carriers and associated opportunities for increased service capacity. LANOIA believes this project is a key element to implementing this necessary program of improvements.

PFC Level: $3.00

Total PFC Revenue: $750,000

PFC No. 86 - Perimeter Fencing Replacement (reimbursement)

Description: This project will reimburse the sponsor for eligible costs incurred to replace nine mile of perimeter fence and forty-five gates securing the airport’s Air Operations Area. Deficiencies in the height of the existing fence and gaps allowing wildlife infiltration onto the air field have impacted safety and required remediation.

Justification: LANOIA produced a Hazardous Wildlife Report which established hazardous conditions caused by wildlife infiltration onto the airfield. This project is believed to significantly contribute to safety by correcting degraded sections of fence and preventing wildlife infiltration onto the active air field.

PFC Level: $4.50

Total PFC Revenue: $492,893

PFC No. 87 - Access Road Improvements (reimbursement)

Description: This project will reimburse the sponsor for eligible costs associated with resurfacing a combined use (50% airport traffic/50% non-airport traffic) access road connecting the LANOIA terminal facilities with Interstate 10.

Justification: Sections of pavement and asphalt covering, particularly on the dedicated access section of the access road were found to be degraded and in need of rehabilitation. This project is believed to preserve and enhance capacity to access passenger facilities at the LANOIA terminal.

PFC Level: $3.00

Total PFC Revenue: $550,000

PFC No. 88 - Airfield Pavement Rehabilitation

Description: To understand and proactively address the needs of its airfield, LANOIA completed a Pavement Condition Index Study, which evaluated the current state of the paved airfield surfaces including runways, taxiways, and apron. The resultant recommendations prioritized needed work to rehabilitate targeted sections of pavement from most in need of rehabilitation to least in need of rehabilitation at this time.

Justification: Significant Foreign Object Debris (FOD) has been found in certain degraded sections of the LANOIA airfield. Ad-hoc repairs have been made to address critical damage. The NOAB has completed a Pavement Condition Index Study that recommended a prioritized program of rehabilitation for degraded sections of airfield pavement.

PFC Level: $4.50

Total PFC Revenue: $1,403,479

PFC No. 89 - Airfield Lighting Vault

Description: This project is intended to replace an existing airfield lighting control vault located in the footprint of future terminal development. The airfield vault will serve as the repository for dedicated lighting switchgear and other equipment supporting airfield lights.

Justification: This project will preserve and enhance air safety by relocating an essential airfield equipment station, necessary for safe operation of the airfield. It is believed to be eligible as discussed in FAA Order 5100.38C, Section 515. LANOIA commissioned a compressive study of future alternative development scenarios to validate and refine the analysis from the 2007 LANOIA Strategic development Plan. This planning effort encompassed physical, conceptual planning for long-term passenger and aircraft needs as well as land use and financial feasibility. The resultant preferred alternative recommends development where the existent airfield lighting vault is situated; the resultant conflict can be resolved by relocating the existent vault.

PFC Level: $3.00

Total PFC Revenue: $1,116,667

PFC No. 90 - Drainage Pumping Station

Description: This project will fund the design and construction of drainage infrastructure to mitigate approximately 300 cubic feet per second (cfs) of storm water runoff attributable to development at LANOIA between 1992 and 2013. A technical report studying this issue concluded that a pumping station capable of evacuating approximately 300 cfs would properly mitigate the evaluated impact of impermeable surface improvements accumulated over the period.

Justification: This project will make a significant contribution to air safety by mitigating the impact of storm events on airport operations. It is believed to be eligible as discussed in FAA Order 5100.38C, Section 515. The project will mitigate the impact of storm water runoff generated at LANOIA yet evacuated by the surrounding and inter-connected community of Kenner, Louisiana.

PFC Level: $3.00

Total PFC Revenue: $1,666,667

PFC No. 91 - Long Term Development Program – Terminal Design

Description: As part of the NOAB’s ongoing commitment to lower operating costs, right-size the terminal and provide a world class terminal, new terminal facilities are being developed on the north side of the airport property. This project requests funding for development of the terminal, including design and construction costs. The terminal is being implemented as a result of a comprehensive planning process to create a long term infrastructure alternative that provides for physical infrastructure that adequately serves demand needs while also allowing for more efficient and secure passenger facilities that reduce costs and foster opportunities for increased competition.

Justification: LANOIA has determined that significant investments will be required to maintain the existing passenger terminal, which has exceeded its useful life. Additionally, retrofitting the existing terminal to modern standards, particularly with regard to the inspection and screening of passengers and checked baggage has been found to be prohibitively expensive. Analysis of development alternatives has indicated that it is beneficial to develop new modern terminal facilities on a green field site, which will allow for efficient use of necessary passenger facilities, proper and timely screening of passengers and checked bags during peak demand periods, and lower operating costs via more efficient and modern facilities. LANOIA believes this program will make a significant contribution to security, improvement of opportunities for competition, and improve capacity during demand periods by implementing a modern terminal facility with properly-sized passenger areas and security functions.

PFC Level: $4.50

Total PFC Revenue: $400,776,186

PFC No. 92 - Long Term Development Program – Airside

Description: As part of the NOAB’s ongoing commitment to lower operating costs, right-size the terminal and provide a world class terminal, new terminal facilities are being developed on the north side of the airport property. This project requests funding for development of adequate terminal apron and taxiways, including design and construction costs. The terminal is being implemented as a result of a comprehensive planning process to create a long term infrastructure alternative that provides for physical infrastructure that adequately serves demand needs while also allowing for more efficient and secure passenger facilities that reduce costs and foster opportunities for increased competition. The associated apron and taxiways are a critical element to the program and needed for effective operation of the facilities.

Justification: LANOIA has determined that significant investments will be required to maintain the existing passenger terminal, which has exceeded its useful life. Additionally, retrofitting the existing terminal to modern standards, particularly with regard to the inspection and screening of passengers and checked baggage has been found to be prohibitively expensive. Analysis of development alternatives has indicated that it is beneficial to develop new modern terminal facilities on a green field site, which will allow for efficient use of necessary passenger facilities, proper and timely screening of passengers and checked bags during peak demand periods, and lower operating costs via more efficient and modern facilities. LANOIA believes this program will make a significant contribution to security, improvement of opportunities for competition, and improve capacity during demand periods by implementing a modern terminal facility with properly-sized passenger areas and security functions.

PFC Level: $4.50

Total PFC Revenue: $40,199,279

PFC No. 93 - Long Term Development Program – Landside Terminal Design

Description: As part of the NOAB’s ongoing commitment to lower operating costs, right-size the terminal and provide a world class terminal, new terminal facilities are being developed on the north side of the airport property. This project requests funding for development of eligible landside terminal support amenities, such as eligible circulation roads, including design and construction costs. The terminal is being implemented as a result of a comprehensive planning process to create a long term infrastructure alternative that provides for physical infrastructure that adequately serves demand needs while also allowing for more efficient and secure passenger facilities that reduce costs and foster opportunities for increased competition.