MKCCG Equality Delivery System

This is your Invitation to a Stakeholder Engagement Event

Venue: Milton Keynes Christian Centre, Strudwick Drive, Oldbrook, Milton Keynes MK6 2TG

Date: May 18th, 2016

Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm

The NHS Equality Delivery System (EDS2) is a tool designed for both NHS commissioners and NHS providers. The purpose of the Equality Delivery System (EDS2) is to help local NHS organisations, review and improve their progress against their commitment to promote equality and reducing health inequalities.

The four EDS(2) goals are:

1.  Better Health Outcomes

2.  Improved patient access and Experience

3.  A representative and supported workforce

4.  Inclusive Leadership

For each EDS outcome, there are four grades to choose from:

·  Excelling – PURPLE

·  Achieving – GREEN

·  Developing - AMBER

·  Undeveloped – RED

We want you to help us comment on the evidence we have collected and the grades we have identified to make sure we are treating everyone in a fair and positive way when we commission local healthcare.

Essentially, there is one key issue for NHS organisations to focus on with the grading process. For most outcomes the key question is: how well do people from protected groups or those experiencing health inequalities fare compared to people overall?

Once we have received your comments we will then progress to publishing the CCG equality objectives, having taken your views into account.

We have included some documents with this invitation to help you understand what EDS2 is all about together with the evidence we have produced.

We are looking forward to you participating in this event. Please let us know if you will be attending by contacting Neil Carter, Patient Experience Lead, MKCCG by emailing: or telephoning: 01908 278703 no later than May 13th, 2016

Dr Nessan Carson

MK CCG Board Lead for Engagement and Consultation