Complex Personalities Network

13 September 2016

Present: John Connolly, Jaqui Katz, Daniel Davies, Sophie Dent, David Plant, Thea Fitch, John Lynch, Erica Kaparyia, Peter Peircey, Liz Abraham, Paul Ashton, Josephine Mavromalis, Tara Shand, Victoria Aseervatham, Lou Simonsen, Roo, Laura Doe

In the introductions, particular themes people were wrestling with were identified and there were a number of common themes to be picked up in future meetings:

- coping with service changes (workers changing, venues, services ending, waiting lists etc)

- engaging with very chaotic women

- helping people copewith the transition into housing, inhostels along with lots of other people who have also experienced trauma

- how to support others while looking after ourselves and avoiding compassion fatigue

- coping with dichotomised roles forexperts by experience working in the field

- diagnosis of personality disorder - the process? how helpful ?

Delivering a pre treatment counselling approach in hostels

Anna Midgley has prepared an information sheet on the ways a number of hostels across London have brought counselling into their services. Daniel Davies shared his experience of delivering apre treatment counselling approach in twohostels.What he offers is very different from traditional counselling:

- there is no set contract of commitment (although he tries to suggest blocks of 4 sessions to create a beginning, middle and end)

- it's present centred (rather than encouraging a focus on the past and childhood)

- people are continuing substance users

From his experience having a proper room is important along with solid supervision.

Clearly the right counsellor is crucial and John cautioned that counsellors should be experienced in order not to delve too deep (out of curiosity) or take responses personally and generally be experienced with the basics of counselling in order to use the tools flexible.

An interesting discussion took place about the difference between counsellors and key worker and that actually key workers relationships and discussion can be very therapeutic and therefore supporting keyworkers through reflective practice and Psychologically Informed Environments is critical. Having a functional support around key workers is critical so they don't end up feeling isolated and that they are solely responsible.

Updates on Intuitive Recovery approach

Zack from Intuitive recovery delivered a presentation at the last meeting and Josephine followed up and attended a course in Camden. She found the course very useful although struggled with a few concepts , particularly their critique of the AA 'alcoholic label'. It seems however, it is possible to appreciate and use some tools without agreeing with every single intuitive Recovery point and there was universal praise for the training from the 3 people at the meeting who had attended. WCC are funding a pilot (based at 4 hostels) and anyone from the network is welcome to hook into these. The dates are:

Week commencing:

10th October – King Georges hostel (10th , 11th, 12th, 13th , 14th)

7th November – Shroton St/Stafford House (7th, 8th , 9th , 10th , 11th )

5th December – Edward Alsop Court (5th , 6th, 7th, 8th , 9th 10th)

Contact Victoria to book.

Update on the CNWL Recovery College

Thea updated that the CNWL Recovery College is going strong and expanding it's courses and more people can access it for free (anyone using CNWL services, including Great chapel St is automatically passported along with affiliate orgs). All courses are coproduced and co delivered and have exceptional feedback about the empowering nature of the courses. Workers can go with clients. A learning plan can be created at the outset.

Service Updates

Sad news on Emergence, althoughPaul had a more positive update after the meeting that elements may be continuing. Sophie mentioned Project Alchemy - details below:

Project ALCHEMY over the last two years has run a membership-based visitor programme. We widen access to the special exhibitions put on by London's major public galleries and museums.


Anybody interested in exploring the world of the ARTS and (soon to add) SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, and so on. In addition to the exhibitions, workshops are produced by galleries or museums, or Project ALCHEMY in partnership.

We are always adding to the menu. Our latest strand is coming from the world of theatre, for example.

RESPECT and PUNCTUALITY are vital. Our diverse membership will include people with vulnerability. Also entry to exhibitions and workshops are timed. Members are expected to comply with certain terms & conditions to ensure that collective needs are supported, the host venue continues to work with us, and Project ALCHEMY succeeds as it has been doing so.

Contact: Ismail Ali : Project ALCHEMY

Access Hidden Audiences

info/refer 07515 829 768

email: <

Next meeting

Tuesday 15th November 2016 at 11am at the Passage Resource Centre