October 11, 2015

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Mon Rom 1: 1-7/Lk 11: 29-32

Tue (SN) 8:00am SP/Exposition/Closing 4pm Rom 1: 16-25/Lk 11: 37-41

Wed (HF) 8:00am SP Rom 2: 1-11/Lk 11: 42-46

Thurs (HF) 6:30pm SP Rom 3: 21: 30/Lk 11: 47-54

Fri (SN) 8:00am SP 1Tm 1: 1-2, Rom 4: 1-8/Lk 12: 1-7

Fri (HF) 12:00pm Exposition/Closing 5pm

Sat (SN) 4:00pm Honey & LouAnn Niese/Othmar & Dorothy Michel

Jess, Ethel, Jack & Rick Noirot

Sat (HF) 7:00pm For the Parish Sunday Readings

Sun (HF) 8:30am For the Parish Is 53: 10-11/Heb 4: 14-16/

Sun (SN) 10:30am Alice Gerten Mk 10: 35-45

10/17 & 10/18 WEEKEND MASS SERVERS: (SN) Sat, 4:00pm – Brandon & Raegan Cox, Bryce Hoffman; Sun, 10:30am - Eli Niese, Tyler & Abigail Long; (HF) Sat, 7pm – Abi Reyna, Kristin Schmenk, Ralph Inkrott Sun, 8:30am - Liz & Claire Westrick, Chloe Lammers

GIFT BEARERS (SN) Sat, 4:00pm – Garry Kleman; Sun, 10:30am – Jeff Hermiller; (HF) Sat, 7pm –Denny Schroeder; Sun, 8:30am – Dick Schroeder

THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is celebrated Sat. at 3pm at St. Nicholas and 6pm at Holy Family.


St. Nicholas, Reg, $1,449.00; Upkeep, $1,848.00; Fuel, $235.00

Holy Family, Reg, $1,146.00; Upkeep, $ 782.00; Fuel, $300.00

ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 the 4th Degree Knights of the Father Ronald Warnimont Assembly will be dedicating the Memorial Stone of Father Ronald Warnimont in St. Nicholas Cemetery. The Knights will be in attendance at the 10:30 Mass and then will proceed to St. Nicholas Cemetery for a short ceremony. All parishioners are welcome.

REMINDER: When school is delayed or canceled on Tuesday due to weather, adoration at St. Nicholas is cancelled.

The Youth Group sponsored Blood Drive will be October 27 at the parish center from noon until 6pm. Call now to schedule an appointment. We will be serving homemade soup and pie with ice cream for all who come to donate.

ONE MORE ADULT is needed to pick up donuts on Sunday mornings; please call the office if you can help. Thanks!

BAPTISMAL CLASS: All first time parents and parents expecting their first child from St. Nicholas and Holy Family are required (as instructed by the Toledo Diocese) to attend Baptismal Instructions. The next class will be held on Sunday November 29 from 9:30am to 11:15am in the Religious Ed Center at Holy Family New Cleveland. Please call the Parish Office (419-876-3481) or Marty Schroeder (419-943-3767) to register, to ask questions or for more details and information. These classes are held twice a year and the next class will be held in the Spring.

33 DAYS TO MORNING GLORY is a simple “retreat” that will bring you closer to Jesus through Mary. St. Louis de Montfort claimed that consecration to Jesus through Mary is the “surest, easiest, shortest, and the most perfect” means to becoming a saint. The retreat, using an easy to read book by Fr. Michael Gaitley, begins on October 19 and can be completed in a group or individual format. The group retreat includes gathering for six Mondays in New Cleveland church basement from 7:30 to 9:00 pm while the individual retreat can be completed in your home. Consecration day will be on Nov. 21. For more information and to register please contact Deacon Doyle at 419-890-8533 or .


Youth Group: Congratulations to the Silly Band Squad and God’s Squad for their great performance at the 30th Annual Battle of the Youth. Thanks to coaches Ann Westrick and Katelyn Gable Niese for leading these wonderful youth. Yes, we retained the Spirit Trophy; check out the pictures on the parish web site!!!

Parents of those attending NCYC: our bus leaves St. Mary’s Defiance by 10am on Nov. 19.

Junior High Christian Formation meets from 7-8pm on Wednesday evenings. Bishop Thomas has asked all religion classes to be cancelled Nov. 11 so everyone can attend the evening on the family led by some who attended the World Meeting of Families at Kalida at 7pm.

Freshmen (9:30 at HF) and Sophomores (8:30 at SN) this next Sunday, Oct. 11 for Christian Formation. Juniors (8:30 at SN) and Seniors (9:30at HF) meet next Sunday, Oct. 18. Thanks for your great attendance!

I Am Catholic meets in the parish center October 18 from 6-7pm, followed by Adoration in Church from 7-7:30. Remember to bring your YOUCAT and study guide.

YUM! Come celebrate Flock-toberfest, an all you care to eat pancake brunch on October 25 from 11:00am until 2:00pm at the parish center. All donations will benefit the MCHS Road Scholar 2016 European study trip. You will also have a chance to win the Monster Flock RaffleJ

MANY THANKS to Ruth Coble, Ann and Roger Westrick, and Marcia Warnimont for driving the I Am Catholic group to the Mass for Life at St. Catherine’s in Toledo last Saturday. After Mass with Bishop Thomas we walked to Capital Care and prayed for the closure of this abortion center. As Bishop Thomas stated in his homily, All life is worth living!

HOLY FAMILY CLC. NEED MORE SHOES! Make a Difference Day – ‘Have a Little Sole” is the theme for this year’s project. We are collecting shoes of any condition to be given to the Bluffton Family Recreation who will distribute or recycle them. Let’s see how big of a pile of shoes we can give them! Collection point is Pat Gerten’s home or the large box inside the side entrance of New Cleveland Church by Oct 22. Make a Difference Day is Oct. 24.

SUPPORT OUR RETIRED PRIESTS: Please consider a donation to Perpetuate The Gift. Your gift benefits our retired diocesan priests and your Parish. Once a priest retires he is responsible for his own personal expenses: medical, housing, car, clothing and food. All funds contributed between Oct 1 and Dec 31 help reduce the amount the parish contributes to the fund. Envelopes will be placed in the pews. A gift of cash or check can be sent to Perpetuate The Gift, PO Box 954, Toledo, OH 43697 or placed in the parish collection. A gift may also be made online at www.ourpriest.org. If you would like to give a gift of stock or designate a bequest to help our retired priests, contact Karen Szymanski at 419‐244‐6711 or email at

PUTNAM COUNTY CATHOLIC YOUNG ADULTS:Come join us every other Monday night at7:30pm, and once a month for Men's and Women's Group. Our next few dates for everyone together include: Oct. 12, Oct. 26, Nov 9, Nov. 23. Men's & Women's group: Nov. 2. LOCATION: Neil & Brooke Cassidy's house.

DIOCESE OF TOLEDO Families Fully Alive, World Meeting of Families Deanery Event will be held Nov11, 7pm at St. Michael, Kalida. This family friendly event features live music, praise, worship & adoration, a special World Meeting of Families commemorative video from Bishop Thomas, and testimonials from pilgrims

who attended the events in Philadelphia. For details contact Monica Martinez, 419-244-6711 ext. 715 or .

THANK YOU SO MUCH TO Wagner’s Sawmill for their kind donation of the mulch for the new landscaping on the west side of St. Nicholas Church. Also, thanks to Cody Ellerbrock and his crew for all their hard work on this project!

40 DAYS FOR LIFE! Help Save Lives, Sept. 23-Nov. 1 our community will join with hundreds of other cities participating in this life-saving campaign of prayer & fasting, community outreach and peaceful vigil at Capital Care, Toledo, OH, 6am-6pm every day. Learn more and get involved by visiting 40daysforlife.com/Toledo.


Chicken/Fish Fry – October 22 & 29 - 4:30-7pm.

Fr. Ronald Warnimont Memorial Dedication at MC, Oct. 11, 10:30am Mass with Dedication after Mass at Gravesite.

The Ronald Warnimont 4th Degree Assembly #3268 KofC is having an informational/buffet breakfast, Sunday, Oct. 18 at Schnipke Inn, Ottawa. It will be after the 8am Mass at Sts Peter & Paul, Ottawa. All 3rd Degree members interested in becoming a 4th Degree are asked to make reservations by Oct. 13 by calling Rick Maas, 419-876-3409.

OUR LADY OF CONSOLATION SHRINE Carey, Ohio will offer a Mass for Victims of Cancer, their family, friends and caregivers on Friday, October 23rd at 7:00 pm. We welcome all to come and pray together. Following Mass, visitors are invited to participate in special prayers for healing. The Shrine Gift Shop will be open until 7:00 pm.

ECUMENICAL CHOIR BEGINS 44th SEASON. Area singers are invited to join the Carey Ecumenical Christmas Choir as preparations begin for this year’s concert to be held on Sunday, December 13, 2015, at 4:30 p.m. The concert will be held at the Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, in Carey. This year will mark the choir’s 44th year of presenting this musical program. The choir rehearsals will be held at Christ Lutheran Church in Carey. The first rehearsal is on Thursday, Oct 22, and the second is on Tuesday, Oct 27. All rehearsals will begin at 7pm and will last approximately two hours. Rehearsals rotate Thursdays and Tuesdays. The choir is open to all singers high school age and up and registration forms will be available at the first rehearsal. For additional information, contact Mr. Jack Gerding, Director of Musi at the Basilica, either 419-396-7107 or .

ST. JOHN ALTAR ROSARY BINGO/BAKE SALE, Glandorf, Sunday, Oct. 18, 1pm at St John’s Parish Hall.

PUTNAM COUNTY HELP ME GROW will be providing FREE screenings (hearing, development, speech, vision, behavioral and play skills) for Putnam County infants, toddlers, and preschoolers by appointment Oct 27 from 1-4:30 pm at the Putnam County Educational Service Center. Please call to schedule an appointment at 419-523-6059.

THE FRIENDS OF THE PUTNAM COUNTY DISTRICT LIBRARY in Ottawa are hosting the 8th Annual Autumn Harvest of Crafts Show on Saturday, October 31st at Ottawa-Glandorf High School from 9am-3pm. The free show features 125 booths from Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. Please note that this show is one week earlier than last year. For more information e-mail or phone Judy at 419-659-5478. Proceeds benefit all locations of the Putnam County District Library.

BULLETIN SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: NORTHWEST TRACTOR: John Deere Sales and Service and parts. Our experienced staff is always ready to help you with all your needs. We always have a great selection of new and used lawn and garden tractors on hand. Call: 419-538-7072